[Innota: Irrid ngħid mill-ewwel li jien jkollhom interess finanzjarju fir-riżultat mixtieq ta 'din id-dimostrazzjoni, li nsemmi fl-interess tal-iżvelar sħiħ, eċċ. This is actually the first time I’ve ever blogged about an event where I stand to benefit personally in this way.]
Din id-dimostrazzjoni web iseħħ il-Ħamis, 06/04 fil 12:30 EDT, li jispiċċa mill- 1:30PM EDT.
F'kooperazzjoni mal-partner tiegħi negozju eċċellenti, Sistemi integrati u Group Services (ISSG), I have been working to develop a vertical business application using SharePoint as the platform. F'dan il-każ, we’re building an application that serves the needs of manufacturers that make customized product for their customers. In these cases, a great deal of collaboration needs to take place between the customer and the manufacturer. There’s also a great deal of collaboration required between different groups within the manufacturer, inkluż il-bejgħ, inġinerija, riċerka u żvilupp, gruppi legali u oħrajn.
Il-demo se juru applikazzjoni li jiffaċilita dan it-tip ta 'kollaborazzjoni, flimkien ma 'diskussjoni dwar kif kollha ta' dawk bits kollaborazzjoni jeħtieġu li jintegraw ma 'sistema ERP backend.
Fl-aħħar nett, this isn’t going to be a SharePoint demo. This is a demonstration of a solution for a specific niche problem that happens to use SharePoint as the platform.
Allura, għaliex kieku inti jolqot biex jiffirmaw u tara dan demo? I don’t expect too many readers of my blog to be all that interested in a solution for make-to-order manufacturers Your take-away would be the concept itself – using SharePoint purely to deliver a business solution without regard to SharePoint itself.
Jekk int interessat, jekk jogħġbok jiffirmaw hawn(https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=skmqfwbr5smmlx20).
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