Din tidher qisha tali suġġett oddball, M'inix ċert li huwa verament jiswa blogging dwar, iżda li qatt ma waqfet lili qabel, hekk here we go 
Jien jaħdmu fuq proġett fejn jien ġbid xi data minn tfittxija, packaging it up into an XML message and then that XML is ultimately transformed into HTML via XSLT. There’s a lot of jQuery involved, one bit of which implements some tabbing functionality. When you click on a tab (verament, a <div>), jQuery invokes .hide() and .show() on various divs (the initial page load downloads all the content so there are no postbacks in this case).
A bunch of hours ago, the tab switching logic started to behave erratically and it wouldn’t show one of my tabs. I ultimately tracked it down to the fact that internet explorer (inqas) thought that the <div> tags nested far, far deeper than intended.The developer toolbar would show:
-<div id=”Tab1Content”>
-<div id=”Tab2Content”>
</div> <—finally showing it was closed all the way down here!
Allura, if I did a $(“#Tab1Content”).hide(), I’d also hide Tab2 and I could never show Tab2 if I didn’t also show Tab1. I copied and pasted the code up into visual studio and it showed all of the div’s lining up nicely, just like they were supposed to be doing, looking like this:
-<div id=”Tab1Content”>
-<div id=”Tab2Content”>
I beat my head against the wall for a while and noticed that in the actual HTML code was generating a lot of empty <div> tags, like:
<div id=”Tab1Content”>
<div id=”row1” />
<div id=”row2” />
<div id=”Tab2Content”>
<div id=”row1” />
<div id=”row2” />
(The above is waaaaaaaaaaaay oversimplified. The empty div tags are totally valid. Some of my <div> tags were full of content, but many more were not. I came to the realization that my <XSL:għal-kull> directives were emitting the short-form div tags when the xsl:for-each didn’t’ find any data. I forced an HTML comment into the output, kif muri:

After I did that, all the div’s lined up nicely and my tab switching started working.
As always, I hope this helps someone in a pinch.
Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.
Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin