Arkivji tal-Kategorija: SharePoint Workflow

Oħloq Siti (SPWeb) permezz SharePoint Designer Workflow

This blog entry is more of an "in the realm of the possible" dħul vs. info konkreti.

We have a technical design that calls for us to create a site in a site collection via a manually launched workflow process. Bażikament, users enter data into a "new customer" lista tad-dwana u mbagħad meta jkunu lesti u vvalidati l-proċess dħul tad-data, għandna bżonn li jinħoloq sit għall dak il-klijent.

Jien kemm big fan ta 'workflow dikjarattiva kif ukoll viżwali programmer dgħajfa workflow studio, hekk jien ridt li jilħqu l-ħtieġa li jużaw SharePoint Designer.

I pjan biex jiktbu dwar dan f'aktar dettall (u nisperaw preżenti għal grupp ta 'utenti jew tnejn fis-sena li ġejja), iżda hawnhekk huwa l-soluzzjoni ġenerali:

  • Oħloq azzjoni drawwa li jintegra ma SPD.
  • L-azzjoni tad-dwana tippermetti SPD li tinvoka servizz web u tgħaddih sensiela ta 'XML.
  • Locates servizz web tal-ringiela fil-lista tad-dwana u toħloq sit ġdid bħala per-data għal dak klijent ġdid bl-użu ta 'definizzjoni sit custom.
  • Web servizz imbagħad jaġġorna l-lista tad-dwana ma 'xi informazzjoni bħal link għas-sit il-ġdid.

Aħna kkunsidrati approċċi oħra, such as event handlers and visual studio based workflow. The SPD approach gives our end users a little more control over the process. Granted, hemm ħafna ta 'C # kodiċi f'din is-soluzzjoni, imma hija mgeżwra ġewwa workflow dikjarattiva, hekk aħna nikseb xi wħud mill-benefiċċji ta 'workflow dikjarattiva filwaqt hooking fis-servizz tal-ħolqien tal site.

All we need now is an easy tool to automatically migrate SPD workflows around as easily as we can for visual studio workflows and we’ll really be cooking with gas 🙂 I understand that some folk are out there working on this problem and I hope they have some good success with it soon.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Tintegra flussi tax-xogħol Designer SharePoint ma Web Services

I’ve been playing around with custom actions for SharePoint Designer for some time (tara hawn for some detailed stuff, if that interests you).

Fil-proġett kurrenti tiegħi, we need to do some fairly heavy lifting and we want to use declarative SPD workflow to manage the associated business process.

Long storja qasira, this is entirely possible. I extended my Codeplex project to invoke a "helper service" and now we can invoke a web service directly from an SPD workflow.

Here’s the signature:

 pubbliku string Dispatcher(
        Guid WebID, // Passed by the runtime environment
        Guid SiteID, // Passed by the runtime environment
        string ListID, // Passed by the RTE (don't know why this is a string, not a GUID)
        int ListItemID, // Passed by the RTE.
        string XmlMessage) // Passed by the user as declared in SPD.

This leverages the fact that we can get at important workflow information, like the site, list ID, eċċ. This is well documented in several places for those of you interested in creating your own custom actions. The idea is to extract the XML string as provided by the user to dispatch an appropriate procedure. Fun stuff!

Sfortunatament, this is obviously a one-way ticket down to "Loosey Goosey" anti-pattern land, but it’s better than hitting a brick wall 🙂

Is it an anti-pattern if you do it even though you know it’s an anti-pattern?

I hope to wrap this inside Codeplex in the near future. If you’re interested in me doing so, give me poke (email or leave a comment) and I’ll be that more enthusiastic about doing it 🙂


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

SPD Workflow “Iġbor data minn Utent”: Tibdel il-Formola Task Ġġenerata

I’m working on a project that uses five different SharePoint Designer work flows to handle some document approvals. SPD provides the "collect data from a user" azzjoni sabiex inkunu nistgħu pront lill-utent għall-bits differenti ta 'informazzjoni, bħal jekk japprovah, xi kummenti u forsi jistaqsu dak li kellhom għall-pranzu oħra bil-lejl.

The forms are perfectly functional. They are tied to a task list as a content type. They are 100% system-generated. This is their strength and weakness. If we can live with the default form, then we’re good to go. Madankollu, we don’t have too much control over how SPD creates the form. If we don’t like that default behavior, għandna bżonn li tirrikorri għal tricks varji biex tikseb madwar dan (per eżempju, iffissar tal-prijoritajiet fuq kompitu).

I meħtieġa biex tipprovdi link fuq dawn il-formoli task li fetħet il-proprjetajiet view (dispform.asxp) of the "related item" in a new window. This provides one-click access to the meta data of the related item. This is what I mean:


Thankfully, we can do that and it’s not very hard. Broadly speaking, fire up SPD, navigate to the directory that houses the workflow files and open the ASPX file you want to modify. These are just classic XSL transform instructions and if you’ve mucked about with itemstyle.xsl, tfittxija jew xenarji XSL oħra, this will be easy for you. Fil-fatt, Sibt li huwa li huma ġeneralment aktar faċli peress li l-forma iġġenerat huwa kemmxejn aktar faċli biex isegwu meta mqabbel ma 'qalba riżultati web part tfittxija (jew il- CWQP nightmarish).

Of course, there is one major pitfall. SPD’s workflow editor expects full control over that file. If you modify it, SPD will happily overwrite your changes give the right set of circumstances. I did two quick tests to see how bad this could get. They both presuppose that you’ve crafted a valid SPD workflow that uses the "collect data from a user" pass.

Test 1:

  • Tibdel il-fajl ASPX bl-idejn.
  • Tittestja (tivverifika li l-bidliet tiegħek kienu salvati sew u ma kisritx xejn).
  • Jiftħu l-fluss tax-xogħol u żid azzjoni relatati (such as "log to history").
  • Salv l-fluss tax-xogħol.

Riżultat: F'dan il-każ, SPD ma jerġgħu joħolqu l-forma.

Test 2:

  • Jagħmlu l-istess bħal #1 except directly modify the "collect data from a user" azzjoni.

Riżultat: Dan jerġa 'joħloq il-formola mill-bidu, over-miktub tibdil tiegħek.

Noti finali:

  • Mill-inqas żewġ azzjonijiet tad-DPW joħolqu forom bħal dan: "Collect Data From a User" and "Assign To Do Item". Both of these actions’ formoli jistgħu jiġu modifikati manwalment.
  • I kien kapaċi li tiġġenera link tiegħi biex dispform.aspx minħabba, f'dan il-każ, the relate item always has its ID embedded in the related item’s URL. I was able to extract it and then build an <a href> based on it to provide the one-click meta data access feature. It’s unlikely that your URL follows this rule. There may be other ways to get the ID of the related item but I have not had to cross that bridge, so I do not know jekk jiġrilha l-naħa l-oħra tal-chasm.
  • I ma investigatx, iżda I ma tkunx sorpriż jekk ikun hemm xi tip ta 'fajl template fil- 12 doqqajs li I jista 'jbiddel għal jaffettwa kemm SPD jiġġenera l-forom default (ferm simili nistgħu timmodifika templates twissija).


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi!

Soluzzjoni (tip ta '): Set Prijorità fuq Task Bl-użu SharePoint Designer

I jkollhom ix-xenarju business bħal dan:

  • A uploads utent dokument lejn librerija dokument.
  • Hija jagħżel tip kontenut u jidħol meta data kif meħtieġ. Wieħed mill-oqsma meta data huwa bandiera, "Urgent".
  • Dan iqanqal Designer SharePoint workflow li, fost affarijiet oħra, uses the "Collect Data from a User" azzjoni.

"Collect Data from a User" toħloq oġġett f'kompitu lista approvazzjoni titlob għal dak id-dokument.

I meħtieġa biex joħolqu opinjoni tal-lista kompitu li wera talbiet urġenti għall-approvazzjoni.

Soluzzjoni: Put the word "URGENT:" into the title of these tasks.

I would have preferred to specify the priority field directly. Madankollu, I ma setgħetx tagħmel dan għal diversi raġunijiet:

  1. Il jiġbru azzjoni data ma tipprovdix mekkaniżmu biex jaġġorna kull qasam ieħor minn titolu (u dawk l-oqsma addizzjonali li inti tixtieq li jiġbru data).
  2. The "assign a to do item" azzjoni għandha l-istess problema.
  3. Huwa possibbli li jiddaħħal oġġett fi lista (I.E. daħħal oġġett fil-lista kompitu direttament) but this not a blocking action. That means that the workflow will not wait for the user to complete that task.

I kkunsidrati approċċi ftit qabel (Thankfully) realizing we could just put "urgent" fit-titolu.

  1. Ibda workflow fuq il-lista kompitu nnifisha b'tali mod li meta kompitu ġdid hija maħluqa, qualche cross references lura għad-dokument li beda l-ewwel workflow, pull out the urgent flag value and update priority as needed.
  2. Do something similar with an event receiver. On create of the task, jillokalizza-dokument assoċjat u taġġorna prijorità kif meħtieġ.
  3. Use the "create list item" action in conjunction with the "wait for field change" action and an event receiver. If we create a list item, we can specify all the fields we want. Use an event receiver to update the original item when the user completes the task and the "wait for field change" action’s condition would be met and the workflow would proceed. (Għal xi raġuni, I kien aktar jew anqas kostanti fuq dan l-approċċ qabel bil-għaqal jiddeċiedu li walk away għal waqt).

Hemm żvantaġġ għal soluzzjoni tiegħi (aside mill-fatt ovvju li biss it-test tat-titolu jindika urġenza). Since "collect feedback" biss taċċetta ismijiet titolu hard kodifikati, I need to use two different collect feedback actions whose only difference is that hard coded title.

Iżda, inqas hemm soluzzjoni li ma tkunx teħtieġ riċevituri avveniment jew azzjonijiet SPD dwana.

Jekk xi ħadd tkun solvuta din b'mod aktar għaqlija, jekk jogħġbok let me know.


Quick u Easy: Formola InfoPath Awtomatikament Open Mill SharePoint Designer Email

UPDATE: Madjur Ahuja jirrimarka din ir-rabta minn diskussjoni newsgroup: It’s pretty definitive.


We often want to embed hyperlinks to InfoPath forms in emails sent from SharePoint Designer workflows. When users receive these emails, huma jistgħu ikklikkja fuq il-link tal-email u jmorru direttament għall-forma InfoPath.

Din il-kostruzzjoni URL monster jaħdem għalija:

http://server/sites/departments/Technical Services/InformationTechnology/HelpDesk/_layouts/FormServer.aspx?XmlLocation=/sites/departments/Technical Services/InformationTechnology/HelpDesk/REC REM RED Forms/REC2007-12-18T11_33_48.xml&Source= = 1

Ibdel it-test aħmar bolded bl-isem tal-formola, kif muri fil-screenshot li ġejjin:


Innota li hemm ħafna ta 'passaġġ hard-coded f'dak URL, as well as a URL-encoded component. If this is too hard to translate to your specific situation, try turning on alerts for the form library. Post a form and when you get the email, tara l-sors ta 'l-email u tkun taf tara dak kollu li għandek bżonn biex tinkludi.

Astute readers may notice that the above email body also shows a link that directly accesses the task via a filtered view. I plan to explain that in greater detail in a future post.


MOSS jgħidlekx Me “Aċċess Denied” Edit Task Workflow, Imma I really do jkollhom aċċess

I’ve implemented a workflow using SharePoint Designer in a site which is mainly read-only to "NT_AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users" (I.E. kulħadd). There is a forms library for an InfoPath form. There is an associated workflow tasks list as well so that when the workflow operates, jista jassenjaw il-ħidmiet lil nies.

I break permess għall-librerija forom u l-lista kompitu sabiex kwalunkwe utent awtentikat jistgħu joħolqu forom u taġġorna kompiti assenjati lilhom.

I test with my low-privileges test account.

Nista jimlew u tiffranka formola għal-librerija? –> IVA

Nista 'aċċess għall-kompitu minn link email? –> IVA

Nista tara link Edit kompitu workflow –> IVA

Nista ikklikkja fuq din ir-rabta? –> NO … Permess Denied.

Għaliex nista 'tara link edit li tiċħad me permess meta I ikklikkja fuqha? That’s not how it’s supposed to work…

I jgħaddu mill-konfigurazzjoni mill-ġdid tas-sigurtà, very closely. I do it again. Inqis tħassar din il-kariga minħabba I ovvjament ma jafu xejn dwar is-sigurtà.

Fl-aħħarnett, I search the Internets. I find this highly unlikely MSDN forum thread:

Il-posters jidhru li jissuġġerixxu li l-att sempliċi ta 'jesporta l-fluss tax-xogħol għal platter drive se tiffissa kwistjoni tas-sigurtà MOSS? I can hardly believe I just typed that. I’m reminded of the South Park episode about the 9/11 konspirazzjoni fejn Stan qed titlob Preznit tagħna, "Really?" over and over again.

Allura, xejn x'titlef, I nar up SPD, dritt ikklikkja fuq il-fluss tax-xogħol u tiffranka lill c tiegħi:\ drive. That would be the c:\ drive on my laptop. I’m looking over my shoulder the whole time so that no one will ask me, "why are you saving that workflow to your laptop?"

Oerhört, that solves my problem. I can edit the task.

Jiena hawnhekk jinnomina din l-workaround Workflow aktar stramba ta ' 2007.


SharePoint Designer, Punt attwali “Encoded URL assoluta” u HTTPS

We often want to send an email that includes a hyperlink to the item or document that triggered the workflow. We can use current item’s "Encoded Absolute URL" for this purpose. Madankollu, it always seems to use "http" for the URL protocol. If your site runs on HTTPS then it will not work for you.


Safejn naf, there is no out of the box solution to this problem. If you need to use HTTPS, you have no out of the box option.

To solve it, create a custom action that provides a string replace function to use in your workflow. Alternatively, use a 3rd party tool such as the excellent package here: 🙂


SharePoint Designer Email Jibgħat ???? fi Email

Forum users occasionally ask: Why does SharePoint Designer put ???? into my email instead of a field value?

One reason this happens is because the variable to which you refer is null.

This can happen because you are trying to reference a field from the "current item" but the user never entered a value into that form field.

<aħħari />

Qabbel / Testijiet għal Dati Blank fl SharePoint Designer Workflow

Xenarju: Fil Designer SharePoint workflow, you need to determine if a date field is blank.

Problema: SPD does not provide a direct method for comparing dates to anything other than a date. You cannot create a condition like this: "If [Data Field] equals blank".

Soluzzjoni: Convert the date to a string. Use string comparison to determine if the date is blank.

Shots Screen:

The following screen shots show how to do this. In this scenario, qasam fuq oġġett, "Environmental Permits:First Permit Reminder Date", tiġi sottomessa u n-nirien workflow b'rispons.




Meta I ppruvaw dan, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that it works. I was worried that SharePoint Designer might disallow the string assignment (Varjabbli:StringReminderDateDate) iżda hija ma jippermettu.

I kien ukoll imħasseb li jippermetti li, il-valur jista 'jkun null u jew blow up il WF fil runtime jew forsi tgħolli t-temperatura globali 1/2 grad, iżda dawn il-preokkupazzjonijiet kienu infondati.


SharePoint Designer Workflow Custom Azzjoni — Osservazzjoni About <Tie qasam Designer Tip =”StringBuilder” … />

Just a quick osservazzjoni li hemm differenza importanti ħafna bejn dawn iż-żewġ definizzjonijiet:

<FieldBind Field="InParam1" DesignerType="StringBuilder" Id="2" Text="Input parameter #1"/>


<FieldBind Field="InParam1" Id="2" Text="Input parameter #1"/>

L-ewwel turi bħal dan fil SPD:


filwaqt li dawn tal-aħħar turi bħal dan:


I’m not sure how helpful these screen shots are but I put in the effort to make them so you have to view them 🙂

L-osservazzjoni hija din: StringBuilder jippermettilek li tibni string (ovvjament) billi jitħalltu flimkien Literali b'Sensiela u data workflow (via the "Add Lookup" buttuna fil-rokna tax-xellug t'isfel). When you use the Add Lookup button, it inserts a token in the form "[%token%]". When SharePoint invokes your custom action, (C # kodiċi fil-każ tiegħi), SharePoint jgħaddi l-token innifsu, not the value of the token. If you use the default designer type (it-tieni tip), SharePoint tespandi l-token u jgħaddi valur attwali tal-token għal azzjoni tiegħek.

StringBuilder = BAD, tip disinjatur default = TAJBA.

Of course, that’s not what I really mean. Just don’t try and pass a parameter to your custom action when the designer type = StringBuilder. Use the default designer type and chain a StringBuilder to it up front if you need to build complex strings in your workflow (li inċidentalment huwa eżattament dak li wieħed ma toħloq suġġett dinamiku għall-azzjoni email, iżda li suġġett għad-dħul ieħor blog, għandha l-).

<aħħari />