Arkivji tal-Kategorija: SharePoint

Developers: Kif Tgħallem SharePoint?

UPDATE: 04/25/08: Ġie qbid fuq xi postijiet blog u sabet link li dan l-artikolu: I make note of it because in addition to asking, "how do I learn sharepoint?", some people ask "why should I learn sharepoint?". That article partly answers the later.

Fl-aħħar diversi xhur, tużżana jew aktar folks minn madwar il-pjaneta ġew email lili u tistaqsi l-mistoqsija ġenerali, "How do I learn SharePoint?"

Jien ma tantx awtorevoli, imma stajt kellhom xi ftit suċċess (u tipprova tikseb aħjar il-ħin) so I thought I’d document my personal road map. Others may find it valuable.

Qabel I tagħmel dan, I biss jixtiequ josservaw li huwa ovvju li lili, ibbażata fuq dawn l-emails personali u n-numru akbar ta 'MSDN / SharePoint postijiet Università tal-istess natura, that there is huge developer interest in getting up to speed with WSS/MOSS. I wonder what it’s going to be like a year from now … faċli biex issib talent SharePoint tajba? The same? Are folks committing themselves to the platform at a rate sufficient to keep up with demand for good resources? How could you even figure something like that out short of a WAG?

Roadmap Pawl

I was full time employed by the good folk at Conchango while I followed this road map. This means that from a learning perspective, I was actively engaged in projects as I followed the steps I outline below.

Xi Termini bażiċi

Għall-persuni li jidħlu f'din id-dinja, hemm żewġ akronimi ewlenin:

  • WSS: Windows SharePoint Servizzi
  • MOSS: Microsoft Office SharePoint Server

WSS is "free" f'dak huwa marbuta mal-Windows server 2003 (jew għall-inqas tista 'titniżżel minn SM). I put quotes around free because you need a box, a O valida / S liċenzja u probabbilment SQL (though there’s a "free" tip ta 'SQL kif ukoll).

MOSS is built on top of WSS and extends it. There is no MOSS without WSS. MOSS is not free.

Forsi mhux jum wieħed, iżda malajr wara li tkun ħadthom ltqajna xi għarfien bażiku tal-pjattaforma, it’s important to learn the differences. Per eżempju, parti web qawwija, il-kontenut Mistoqsija Web Parti, is a MOSS feature and not available WSS. People often make the incorrect assumption that CQWP is available in WSS and then end up scrambling for a stop-gap measure when they realize their error.


I started working with WSS/MOSS on about 01/02/2007. I had a little prior experience with SPS 2003 but very little. To get myself started, I xtara l- żewġ kotba elenkata hawn (!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!203/).

I started with the big blue administration book. Naturally, it covers administration. Fl-istess ħin, huwa jipprovdi stħarriġ ta 'kull karatteristiċi MOSS (u l-karatteristiċi WSS kif ukoll).

Għalija, mhuwiex daqshekk importanti li wieħed jiftakar id-dettalji varji kollha (sakemm wasal iż-żmien biex tikseb ċċertifikati) but it’s good to know the boundaries. (I isegwu dan l-istess approċċ fil 1 tiraturi persuna I play fuq il-Xbox jew PC — I enter a room and tend to make a counter-clockwise loop until I get back where I started. I just feel better knowing the shape of the box I’m in.)

Wara l-qari l-ktieb blu big, I would read the entire Inside WSS book. It dives deeply into issues that developers care most about.

Oħloq Ambjent Virtwali

Sabiex tagħmel kull żvilupp jew l-użu kif suppost tal-ambjent, għandek bżonn minfuħa twieqi server sistema operattiva sħiħa ma SharePoint Designer, Visual Studio 2005 (2008 xogħlijiet, iżda xi għodod utli għad iridu jiġu portati mill-kitba ta 'dan l-artikolu), InfoPath 2007 and some other stuff. There are many good blog entries describing this process. I’d have a look at these two:

Minbarra, Andrew Connell qasmu l-esperjenzi tiegħu ma VMware hawn:

Use your favorite search engine to see what other people do. It’s a useful learning exercise in and of itself.

Spend a few minutes angrily denouncing the fact that you need a server environment on which to do development. Iżda … don’t bother blogging about it or posting it to MSDN forums. It’s already been done 🙂. Minflok, embrace it and move on. You’ll be better off for it.

Get Certified

Nemmen li l-SharePoint ċertifikazzjoni triq MS, li jikkonsisti f'erba 'eżamijiet, is exhaustive. I suggest that you follow their online preparation guide and do your best to understand each of the areas of the test.

I ma suggest that you take the exam just to pass it. I ma suggest that you use one of the "brain dump" style 3rd party "tools" for passing MS tests. If you can take the test, tgħaddiha ibbażata fuq taħlita ta 'studju tiegħek diretti u l-idejn fuq l-esperjenza, inti ser tkun iżviluppatur b'saħħitha u kandidat impjieg għaliha.

There are four tests in two "tracks":



I recommend that developers study for all of these exams. You’ll be strong for them, għalkemm I jissoponi jekk inti skipped-eżamijiet admin, inti se tikseb minn.

I sabu l-verżjoni WSS li jkun konsiderevolment aktar ta 'sfida mill-verżjonijiet MOSS korrispondenti, much to my surprise. I was in a class recently and several others made the same point.

Filwaqt I kien jistudja għall- 70-542 exam (Iżvilupp MOSS) I tracked my study resources. These may be helpful to you as well:!1CC1EDB3DAA9B8AA!192.entry

Ipplaggja Yourself Into-Komunità

Il-komunità SharePoint hija vibranti, qawwija u dejjem tikber akbar il-ħin kollu.

Inti tixtieq li tħares lejn dawn li ġejjin biex tibda:

  • Blogs
  • Forums
  • Codeplex
  • Twitter


Jekk ma tifhimx RSS, stop everything and learn it. It will take 10 minuti biex jitgħallmu, forsi ieħor 10 minuti biex isibu web ibbażat RSS reader (I simili qarrej google, / qarrej).

Start by adding this blog to your RSS reader 🙂

Li jmiss, żid to your reader. They aggregate many blogs into a single feed.

Maż-żmien, you’ll find blogs that are not aggregated that way. Just add them individually.

I subscribe to a few dozen blogs which I’ve accumulate over the last year. Jekk inti tixtieq, I jistgħu jesportaw lista tiegħi u l-email.

Eventwalment, you may want to start your own blog. I personally think that a series of blog entries describing a "newbie’s" progress tagħlim WSS / MOSS ikun serje interessanti. Nixtieq I kienu għamlu dak myself.


I jipparteċipaw b'mod attiv f'żewġ gruppi ta 'forum: MSDN u SharePoint Università.

Forums are excellent places to learn. People ask questions ranging from the very simple ("How do I create a site column") għall-panicked ("My server is down!") għall-mistoqsijiet disinn aktar ipotetiċi.

Ladarba inti tikseb togħma ta 'l-ambjent, venture out and start replying. Short of directly interacting with a customer, xejn hija aħjar minn dan għall-idejn fuq l-esperjenza.



Iċċekkjaha u tfittxija għal proġetti SharePoint.

Abbona għall-sommarju CodePlex għalf kuljum tiegħek għalf qarrej.

Żid xi proġetti SharePoint ġodda biex qarrej tiegħek għalf.

Eventwalment, wara l-qari l-forums u iħares 'l isfel WSS / MOSS demons tiegħek, jikkunsidraw tqegħid flimkien tal-proġett tiegħek CodePlex stess.


Kif jikteb dan blog dħul, ħafna ta 'folk SharePoint bdew jużaw Twitter.

It’s hard to characterize Twitter. You’ll just have to check it out yourself.


That wraps up my roadmap and makes me current. I just started using Twitter two weeks ago.

WSS/MOSS is a very cool platform and the community is growing all the time. Use community resources to improve your skills and enjoy the journey!


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

SharePoint ma jipprovdix Kalendarju Roll-ups; Soluzzjonijiet potenzjali

UPDATE: An anonymous person in the comments posts this link:

Utenti forum spiss jistaqsu mistoqsija bħal dan:

"I would like to have a calendar at the site level that is populated by events from subsite calendars. Ideally, utenti fil subsiti se toħloq avvenimenti kalendarju, and will have the option of marking them as ‘public.’ Events marked as public will dynamically appear in the shared site calendar. Thus the shared site calendar is a roll-up of all public events from all subsite calendars."

Huwa WSS 3.0 jew MOSS 2007, it is not possible to directly configure a "roll-up" calendar. Calendars exist on their own, indipendenti minn kull kalendarju oħra.

Biex jinħoloq kalendarju roll-up, jsegwi waħda minn dawn mogħdijiet:

  1. Use a Content Query Web Part. This is the easiest solution for MOSS users (WSS ma jipprovdix CQWP). CQWP, sfortunatament, does not provide a calendar view of data out of the box. It does provide enormous rendering flexibility (tara hawn għal eżempju wieħed) iżda fil-kontumaċja, shows its results in simple list format. In many cases, CQWP probabbilment għażla tajba.
  2. A more programming-oriented solution would be to use event receivers. Implement event receivers on the subsite calendars that keep their public events in sync with the master calendar. As a given subsite calendar is modified, reach out to the master calendar and update it as needed. This option is available in both WSS 3.0 u MOSS.

There are probably other clever solutions to this problem. If you have one or know of one, jekk jogħġbok leave kumment jew email me u jien se taġġorna din il-kariga.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Utent Aħħari Quick Tip: Sort Views fil Librerija ta 'Dokumenti, Lista, eċċ.

Nistgħu, għandhom u ma joħolqu ħafna ideat fil-listi SharePoint (libreriji dokument, listi tad-dwana, eċċ). SharePoint always lists available views in alphabetical order. We cannot change this using out of the box functionality. If it can be done via customization (u M'inix ċert li tista), huwa ferm biex teknika għall-utent tiegħek tmiem tipiku.

Jekk inti tixtieq li tikkontrolla l-ordni li fiha SharePoint jelenka fehmiet disponibbli, sempliċiment prepend numru jew ittra lill-isem fehma, kif fil-:

1 – Mill Tip Materjal
2 – Dokumenti kollha
3 – Data dovuta


A – Mill Tip Materjal
B – Dokumenti kollha
C – Data dovuta

I have also created views whose purpose is strictly to feed a KPI. I have been following this naming convention:


Li tikkawża "KPI tiegħi" fehmiet li jidhru fil-qiegħ tal-lista.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Avukatura hija Still Pretty Għoli biex Testendi MOSS

Illum, I was working with a client and describing how to modify the content query web part and display additional bits of information from a content type.

"First, inti kkonfigurat l-CQWP li jgħaqqdu sorsi ta 'dejta tagħha, allura inti esportazzjoni lill workstation tiegħek, timmodifika <CommonViewFields>, upload, remove the original and now it’s ‘primed’ to display those other columns. Li jmiss, jiftħu SharePoint disinjatur, navigate to the site collection root and locate ItemStyle.xsl. Copy one of the templates as a useful starting point. Go back and modify the CQWP to make use of this new template. Fl-aħħarnett, timmodifika l-mudell li tirrendi oqsma ġodda tiegħek! (Tinsiex li jiċċekkjaw lura fil sabiex l-utenti l-oħra jista 'jara r-riżultati)."

Dan kollu pjuttost ċar għalija (u ħafna minna tipi iżviluppatur SharePoint) x'inhu għaddej u kif huwa pjuttost sbieħ, verament, that the data retrieval aspects of the CQWP are so well-separate from the data presentation aspects. Iżda, mhuwiex daqshekk faċli biex jispjegaw, huwa?

<aħħari />

Yes/No (kaxxa verifika) filtrazzjoni fil Kontenut Mistoqsija Web Parti

To filter for a query for the Yes/No check box entitled "PG Milestone", kkonfigurat CQWP bħal dan:


Din hija waħda ieħor ta 'dawk ovvju-darba you-know-it iżda diffiċli biex isibu-l-tweġiba għall-mistoqsijiet-: Kif tiffiltra fuq / Le kaxxa kontroll Iva użu tal-parti kontenut tal-web query.

L-ewwel riżultat tat-tiftix I find using the search term "filter yes/no content query web part" huwa qatigħ ħażin, hekk ħsibt I d tpoġġi dan up hemm u ara jekk jista 'jissostitwixxi l-riżultat żbaljat fl-rizultati tipiċi.

Huwa pjuttost faċli: True values = "1" and false values do not equal "1" (pretty retro, attwalment).

Fl-eżempju ta 'hawn fuq, I created site column of type "Yes/No (Checkbox)" named "PG Milestone". I added it to a doc library, uploaded ftit dokumenti, jiffissa l-valur għal ftit u ttestjati.

<aħħari />

MOSS jgħidlekx Me My Isem Kolonna huwa Riservat jew użat … Imma din mhix

UPDATE 12/04/07: Ara this Microsoft KB ( għal informazzjoni relatata.

Attwalment, jirriżulta huwa, iżda tricksy MOSS had to make it difficult.

My customer does some development work on his MOSS site over the weekend. It’s a bit of a jumble as to what he actually did, imma r-riżultat aħħari huwa dan:

  • He tries to add a site column called "Quantity" and MOSS replies: "The column name that you entered is already in use or reserved. Choose another name."
  • He attempts to add it to another environment and that works. Għalhekk, "Quantity" is not a reserved name.
  • He tries to find an existing site column named "Quantity" in that site collection. He cannot find it.

I did some research, and even some coding, waxed philosophical and finally found that a column named Quantity did, fil-fatt, exist. It was in the "_Hidden" group. Hence, we could not find it via the SharePoint user interface.

How did it get there? I do not know, but I have a theory (or as my wife would call it, "blah blah blah"). X'imkien matul il-linja, a fabulous forty template was added and probably activated at a site in the site collection. It was then deactivated (or the site removed). The site column, madankollu, remained but in the "_Hidden" group. If someone knows better, please let me know via email or post in the comments.

SharePoint was telling the truth. It’s hardly worth pointing out that that message is not as helpful as it could be. It would be nice to see that message fork into two different messages in the future: 1) Say that the column name is reserved or it is not. 2) If it’s not reserved, show the site, or at least the group, where the column name is already used.


“Ma tistax tikseb l schema lista proprjetà kolonna mil-lista SharePoint” — Deskrizzjoni / xogħol-arounds

Din il-ġimgħa, aħna finalment riprodotti problema li kienu ġew irrappurtati minn utent remot: Meta hi ppruvaw li jesportaw il-kontenut ta 'kalendarju li jisbqu, affarijiet jidher li tibda taħdem, iżda mbagħad Excel se pop up żball: "Cannot get the list schema column property from the SharePoint list". She was running office 2003, windows XP and connecting to MOSS.

I mfittxa l-internets u raw xi spekulazzjoni imma xejn 100% definitive. Hence, din il-kariga.

Il-problema: Jesportaw ħsieb li jisbqu li fih id-data (data =-tip data tal-kolonna).

Dak li ħadem għalina: Convert the date to a "single line of text". Imbagħad, jikkonvertu lura għal data.

That solved it. It was nice to see that the conversion worked, attwalment. It was quite nervous that converting things this way would fail, but it did not.

Dan bug għandu jintefa 'dell enormi fuq it-tip data data fil-moħħ tal-klijent, hekk aħna qed tmur biex tkun jfittxu risposta definittiva mill-Microsoft u nisperaw I ser post u taġġorna hawn fil-perjodu qasir ta 'żmien li jmiss bit-tweġiba uffiċjali tagħhom u l-informazzjoni hotfix.

Referenzi oħrajn:


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Inti ma tistax Beat Reach SharePoint fuq

Matul l-aħħar jumejn, I have participated in two meetings during which we presented the results of a SharePoint project. The CIO and his team joined the first meeting. That’s standard and not especially notable. The IT department is obviously involved in an enterprise rollout of any technology project. The second meeting expanded to include a V.P. mill-marketing, diversi diretturi jirrappreżentaw HR, Loġistika, Manifattura, Proġetti kapitali, Kwalità, Purchasing, Iżvilupp Korporattiva u dipartimenti oħra (wħud minnhom ma kinux involuti anki direttament fil-fażi attwali). That’s a mighty wide audience.

Fil-ħajja tiegħi qabel, I primarily worked on ERP and CRM projects. They both have a fairly wide solution domain but not as wide as SharePoint. To be fully realized, SharePoint projects legitimately and necessarily reach into every nook and cranny of an organization. How many other enterprise solutions have that kind of reach? Not many.

SharePoint clearly represents an enormous opportunity for those of us fortunate enough to be in this space. It provides a great technical opportunity (li huwa b'xi mod mdawwar fuq kap tagħha hawn under "Technologies You Must Master"). But even better, SharePoint exposes us to an extensive and wide range of business processes through these engagements. How many CRM specialists work with the manufacturing side of the company? How many ERP consultants work with human resources on talent acquisition? SharePoint exceeds them both.

Bħal kull ħaġa, mhuwiex perfett, iżda huwa post tajjeb damned li jkun.

Għall-imħabba ta ' [timla persuna l-aktar maħbub tiegħek / ogħla jkunu], don’t change the ‘Title’ Kolonna sit.

Fuq il- Fora SharePoint, xi ħadd kultant tistaqsi dwar "tibdil tal-tikketta tat-Titolu" jew dwar "it-tneħħija minn listi titolu".

Bottom line: M'għandekx tagħmel dan!

Sfortunatament, l-user interface tippermetti bidla one-way ta 'dik it-tikketta kolonna kif muri:


Titolu huwa kolonna assoċjata mat-Punt "" Tip kontenut. Ħafna, ħafna, ħafna tal CT jużaw din il-kolonna u jekk int bdilt hawnhekk, it ripples out everywhere. There’s a good chance that you didn’t intend for that to happen. You were probably thinking to yourself, "I have a custom lookup list and ‘Title’ biss ma jagħmilx sens bħala isem kolonna, so I’m going to change it to ‘Status Code’ and add a description column." But if you follow through on that thought and rename ‘Title’ to ‘Status Code’, titolu kull lista tal- (inklużi libreriji dokument) bidliet fil-Kodiċi Status "" u inti probabilment ma kienx biħsiebu għal dak li jiġri.

Il-problema vera hija li din hija bidla one-way. The UI "knows" dak it-titolu "" is a reserved word. Allura, jekk inti tipprova u l-bidla Kodiċi Status "" lura għal "Titolu", se tipprevjeni li inti u issa inti ħadthom miżbugħa lilek innifsek fis-kantuniera using paint that never dries 🙂

Allura x'jiġri jekk inti diġà mibdula din? I haven’t seen the answer we all want, which is a simple and easy method to change the label back to ‘Title’. Right now, the best advice is to change it to something like "Doc/Item Title". That’s a generic enough label that may not be too jarring for your users.

I jkollhom ideat oħra ftit li huma fuq biex tagħmel-lista tiegħi ta 'affarijiet li riċerka:

  • Kuntatt Microsoft.
  • Tagħmel xi ħaġa mal-mudell oġġett, forsi flimkien ma 'karatteristika.
  • Figura l-schema database u manwalment taġġorna SQL. (Għandek tikkuntattja Microsoft qabel ma tagħmel dan għalkemm; li x'aktarx se null kuntratt ta 'appoġġ tiegħek).

Jekk xi ħadd jaf kif se ssolvi din, jekk jogħġbok post kumment.

Aġġornament tard wara nofsinhar, 11/15: Sibt din ir-rabta li jiddeskrivi metodu għall-ħolqien ta 'tip ta' lista li ma jkollux kolonna titolu:

Workflow azzjonijiet SPD dwana — manipulazzjoni titjib string

Madwar ġimgħa ilu, I started up a codeplex project that provides a simple and reasonably generic method for adding custom action functions to SharePoit Designer workflow. It’s described here: Beyond simply providing a framework, it also aims to provide a set of useful functions that will make SPD more useful/flexible/powerful.

Hawn huma l-karatteristiċi ppjanati attwali għall-verżjoni 1.0:

Jekk xi ħadd ikollu xi interess f'dan il-proġett, jekk jogħġbok leave kumment jew jibdew / żid għal diskussjoni hawn:

Hawn huma l-sett attwali ta 'funzjonijiet li ġew kodifikati (għalkemm mhux ittestjata għal kollox sa mill- 11/08/07):

Funzjoni Deskrizzjoni (jekk mhux istess. funzjoni Net)
Num-entrati() Denunzji il numru "dħul" in a string as per a specified delimiter.

Per eżempju: Num-reġistrazzjonijiet fi string "a,b,c" ma delimetru "," = 3.

Dħul() Returns the nth token in a string as per a specified delimiter.
Tul String.Length
Ibdel() String.Replace()
Fih() String.Contains()
Denunzji-kelma "vera" jew il-kelma "false".
Substring(tibda) String.Substring(tibda)
Substring(tibda,aħħar) String.Substring(tibda,aħħar)
ToUpper() String.ToUpper()
ToLower() String.ToLower()
StartsWith() String.StartsWith()
Denunzji-kelma "vera" jew il-kelma "false".
EndsWith() String.EndsWith()
Denunzji-kelma "vera" jew il-kelma "false".