Oħloq Rotator Image fil SharePoint Bl-użu jQuery

A filwaqt li ilu, I kiteb artikolu għall SharePoint Briefing (www.sharepointbriefing.com) li tiddeskrivi kif jista 'jinħoloq rotator immaġini fil SharePoint. Hawn teaser:


Aqra l-artikolu kollu hawn: http://sharepointbriefing.com/spcode/article.php/3861121/Create-an-Image-Rotator-in-SharePoint-Using-jQuery.htm


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

Uża jQuery joqtlu Checker Jifformulaw fil-Listi SharePoint

"Użu jQuery joqtlu Jifformulaw Checker fil-Listi SharePoint" - li t-titolu ta 'artikolu riċenti ta' minjiera li l-folks tajba fil www.sharepointbriefing.com stazzjonati aktar kmieni dan ix-xahar.

Hawn teaser:


Aqra dwar kif u għaliex jien ridt li joqtlu l-kontrollur ortografija foqra hawn: http://sharepointbriefing.com/features/article.php/3869816/Use-jQuery-to-Kill-Spell-Checker-in-SharePoint-Lists.htm


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

Soluzzjoni: SPD Workflow u "Il-formola ma tistax tkun magħmula ..." Messaġġ

I kienet qed tħejji illum biex jagħtu dimostrazzjoni fuq SharePoint 2010 jiffoka fuq SPD 2010 workflows. As I was prepping, I hit dan l-iżball meta I ppruvaw li tmexxi workflow manwalment:

Il-formola ma tistax tkun magħmula. Dan jista 'jkun dovut għal misconfiguration tal-SharePoint Server Service Stat Microsoft. Għal aktar informazzjoni, ikkuntattja amministratur server tiegħek.

I qabel kienet imwaqqfa razzett tiegħi fuq laptop underpowered u jipprova jgħin out, I ppruvaw li jduru off / jiskonnettja mazz ta 'servizzi, kif muri:


It turns out that the State Service is pretty important 🙂

I imqabbda mill-ġdid web app tiegħi lis-Servizz Istat I kien immedjatament kapaċi tmexxi flussi tax-xogħol tiegħi.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

BPOs HR Demo / Video Każ ta 'Studju

[Updated 12/07/09 to use gigantic windows live icons since the links were broken. Windows live doens’t know how to embed .wmv files that are hosted on sky drive, apparentement. Jew, I can’t figure it out, li forsi aktar probabbli.]

Ftit ġimgħat ilu, I was scanning through my twitter stream and noticed a tweet from the Microsoft BPOS team. They were looking for volunteers to do live meetings that show-cased business solutions delivered via BPOS. (Xorta huma u jekk int interessat li tagħmel dan, messaġġ lili permezz spazji ħajjin u jien ser jagħmlu l-introduzzjoni).

Fil-kors ta 'tħejjija għal-laqgħa live, I ħolqot żewġ sessjonijiet rreġistrati tuża Camtasia (għodda verament terrific, BTW).

L-ewwel sessjoni huwa ta 'madwar 16 minutes long and focuses almost entirely on the business solution with very little discussion about technology. Click this giagantic windlows live icon thing to download and view it:

It-tieni sessjoni huwa ferm itwal 32 minuti. It is more detailed and has more technical background info. Click this other gigantic windlows live icon thingie to view the longer recording:

The actual live session took place a few days ago. I zipped through the presentation itself and as a result, hemm tajba 20 li 30 minuti ta 'bla waqfien ( 🙂 ) Q&A that is a great complement to the videos I link above. When I get the recorded meeting link, I’ll post that too. I think that in combination, dawn jipprovdu sisien verament tajba għall BPOs fehim u l-kapaċitajiet attwali tagħha.

Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet, informazzjoni ta 'kuntatt huwa fil-preżentazzjoni innifsu, hekk li tħossok liberu li ping me via email.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin


SharePoint Shop Talk il-Ħamis 11/19, 12:30PM li 1:30 PM

SharePoint Shop Talk tkompli bl għada tagħna sessjoni 14 fil 12:30PM EDT.

Din hija wiesgħa u miftuħa Q ħielsa&A session free to everyone that wants to attend. Dial in and ask questions or start a discussion on a topic of your choosing.

Din il-ġimgħa aħna qed definittivament se jitkellmu dwar:

  • L-aħjar prattiki madwar search ambiti, crawling kontenut, iskedi, eċċ.
  • Data web part ħsieb u "utent attwali" diffikultajiet (DVWP huwa popolari ta 'kull ġimgħa).
  • Xi ħadd irid biex jitkellmu dwar "Għaliex jħallsu eluf għal lista marketing" mill-esportaturi ġodda Talk Shop, "185165@video.wokr13.com". This one should be interesting. Very interesting.

I ser ukoll tkun qed tagħmel trick magic SharePoint inti ma tridx taqbeż!

Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet, nar lilhom off li questions@sharepointshoptalk.com, leave kumment jew buzz lili twitter ("Imħaded).

Reġistru hawn: https://www323.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=dlnf750v8cqsstzx


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

Tħabbar l-Intrapriża Fittex User Group Microsoft

Jien eċċitati ħafna li jħabbar li Natalya Voskresenskaya, kollegi tiegħi SharePoint MVP u l-partner (bl ferm inqas għajnuna mill me milli hi jixirqilhom) is launching a new user group devoted to enterprise search based on Microsoft technology. As a practical matter, dan jeħodna għall SP 2010 tfittxija u ħafna diskors dwar FAST, especially in our first session. Natalya and I have written a lot about FAST over the last year on blogs tagħna (Natalya għandha aktar u aħjar minn I Jittieħed!).

Our first meeting is coming up in just a few weeks in New York at Microsoft’s newly renovated offices on 6th near Rock Center. If you’re in New York on 12/9, you have no excuse not to make an appearance. Likewise for you Jersey people. Connecticut people can stay home (biss kidding!).

NY/NJ/CT people should skip this paragraph. We also plan to record the session and run a live web session so if you live outside the tri-state area, you should be able to tune in.

I ser blog dwar dan ftit aktar għaliex dan approċċi jum l-aktar awspiċju iżda jirreġistraw issa. After you register, the long wait begins. During that time, ċara iskeda tiegħek, jiksru l-aħbarijiet lill-familja tiegħek u javża lill-midja għaliex inti ma tridx taqbeż Nate Treloar launch our group to the moon and beyond 🙂

Sir af aktar mis-sit uffiċjali tagħna: http://www.sharepointgroups.org/enterprisesearch/default.aspx.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

SharePoint Shop Għada Talk (11/12) minn 12:30PM li 1:3PM EDT

Il SharePoint Talk Shop jmiss iseħħ għada fil 12:30 PM EDT.

This is a free event to anyone that has a telephone. A panel of SharePoint pro’s take questions and do their best to provide useful guidance and advice. We regularly hijack audience members and make them answer questions and try to have a good time.

Ibgħat mistoqsijiet tiegħek jew suġġetti għal questions@sharepointshoptalk.com.

Reġistru hawn: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=sx9p9r6prwxp5mk9


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

SharePoint Talk Shop għal Il-ħamis 11/05/09 @ 12:30PM EDT

L-edizzjoni li jmiss ta 'SharePoint Talk Shop sseħħ il-Ħamis, 11/05/09 fil 12:30 PM EDT.

Reġistru hawn: https://www.livemeeting.com/lrs/8000043750/Registration.aspx?pageName=gr5l4q66rv3f4xwj

SharePoint Shop Talk hija linja tat-telefon miftuħa, miftuħa Q&A biex jitkellmu dwar affarijiet kollha SharePoint.

Jekk għandek xi mistoqsijiet jew suġġetti li inti tixtieq l-panel biex jiddiskutu, tibgħathom bil-posta elettronika li questions@sharepointshoptalk.com jew twitter minnhom lili (pagalvin).

Jien ħażin ġrew għal żmien din il-ġimgħa, so I’ll leave it at that. I usually like to preview some of the already-emailed questions. Din il-ġimgħa, you’ll have to dial in to hear about it 🙂

Nittamaw li tara int fuq il-linja.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin

Tqabbil Dati fi Data View Web Parti Tibni KPI WSS

Innota: this was first posted at www.endusersharepoint.com hawn: http://www.endusersharepoint.com/2009/11/02/comparing-dates-in-a-data-view-web-part-to-build-a-wss-kpi-in-sharepoint/.

Dan huwa pass ieħor blog post fuq tqabbil dati XSL fil-fehma data part web SharePoint.

Dan huwa xenarju tiegħi:

  • I jkollhom lista custom.
  • The business purpose of the list is to support the idea of a new employee and his/her tasks to be completed within 7 days of starting the job.
  • They are in a “warning zone” after 4 days if they have not completed these tasks.
  • I want to create a simple dashboard that shows green when they have either completed the task or if they have more than 4 days to complete it.
  • I want the dashboard to show yellow if they are in the warning zone.
  • I want to to show red if they have not completed the task after the due date.

I borrowed from dan l-artikolu fil Marc Anderson’s blog (http://mdasblog.wordpress.com/2008/02/19/comparing-dates-in-sharepoint-using-xsl/) to get the comparison logic and dan l-artikolu fil www.endusersharepoint.com for the basic ideas behind the dashboard (http://www.endusersharepoint.com/2008/12/09/visual-indicators-for-the-masses-kpis-in-wss/) written by Toni Frankola.

You should read the supporting blogs, but the implementation goes like this:

  1. Oħloq tip kontenut (kolonni + CT)
  2. Create a custom list and associate it with the content type.
  3. Create a web part page.
  4. Add the custom list to the web part page.
  5. Open up the page in SPD.
  6. Convert the list to a DVWP.
  7. Modify the XSL to generate the dashboard bits.

I have two dates: a warning date and a due date. To compare the dates, my xsl does the following:

 <!-- When both handbook and policy are signed, we are green regardless of dates. -->
 <XSL:Meta test="@Employee_x0020_Handbook_x003F_ = 1 and @Security_x0020_Policies = 1">
 <img src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-0.GIF" qodma="No problems"/>
 <a href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ID}&amp;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</a>
 <!-- Show amber indicator if we're past the warning date. -->
 <XSL:Meta test="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(ddwrt:Illum()), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd') &gt;= ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@TaskDueDate), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd')">
 <img src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-2.GIF" qodma="Overdue"/>
 <a stil="border: 0px" href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ID}&amp;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</a>
 <!-- Show red indicator if we're passed the due date. -->
 <XSL:Meta test="ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(ddwrt:Illum()), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd') &gt;= ddwrt:FormatDateTime(string(@Warning_x0020_Date), 1033, 'yyyyMMdd')">
 <img src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-1.GIF" qodma="Warning"/> 
 <a href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ID}&amp;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</a>
 <!-- If we get here, we're earlier than the warning date, so we're green. -->
 <img src="/_layouts/images/KPIDefault-0.GIF" qodma="No problems"/>
 <a href="/HumanResources/Lists/New Employee Checklist/EditForm.aspx?ID={@ID}&amp;Source=/HumanResources/Shared Documents/New Hire Dashboard.aspx"> [Edit]</a>

A few key points from above:

  • I tried to compare dates without using the ddwrt functionality and got nowhere. I still don’t understand that. They dates displayed correctly, but both “>” and “<” comparisons always failed. Fl-aħħar, ddwrt came to my rescue (grazzi, darb'oħra, Marc).
  • I’m also displaying an [Edit] link to the item. I mainly did this so that I could easily test this out. The link itself may be useful to someone trying to figure it out.
  • This is implemented in SharePoint online and works nicely.
  • The images I reference in the _layouts directory (/_layouts/images/KPI…) are available out of the box in my environment so they are probably available for you as well.

Here’s a screen shot of what it looks like for me:



Abbona għall-blog tiegħi.

Follow lili Twitter fi http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin