Impressjoni Quick: Sistema Center Planner kapaċità għall SharePoint

I biss fired up l-ippjanar għodda kapaċità li l- l-Rage dawn il-jiem.

I sabuha faċli biex tużah u malajr mmudellati f'ambjent klijent I ħadmu fuq dan is-sajf passat.

B'xi trepidation, I ippressat-buttuna OK finali u rrakkomanda xi ħaġa li hija pjuttost simili għal dak li aħna taw klijent tagħna (aħna fil-fatt threw fil-server tieni applikazzjoni għal użu fil-futur jisbqu). I take that to be a good sign and increases my confidence in the tool.

Jidher Jittieħed pretty qawwija punt ta 'tluq ferm aħjar minn paġna vojta.

I like that lets you get into some good detail about the environment. How many users, kif inti proġett se jużaw is-sistema (pubblikazzjoni, kollaborazzjoni, eċċ), fergħa u l-konnettività / network capacity between them and the mama server. Good stuff.

Hija tistaqsi mistoqsijiet ġenerali li bbażati u mbagħad ihallik tweak-dettalji għal mudell pretty granulari ta 'l-ambjent tiegħek.

I eżita tniżżil għaliex għandi ħafna affarijiet oħra biex tħares lejn din, read and try to digest. I’m glad I did.

It’s an easy two-step process. Download system center capacity planner and then download the SharePoint models. It runs nicely on Windows XP.

Ibbażat fuq impressjoni malajr tiegħi, Ma narax kif jista jammontaw għal:

  • Fittex: Dokumenti Total, forsi tipi ta 'dokumenti, lingwi.
  • Excel server: kemm, jekk xejn?
  • Formoli server: kemm, jekk xejn?
  • BDC: kemm, jekk xejn.

Dawn jistgħu jkunu mudellati u I biss ma tara minnhom fil- 10 reviżjoni minuta.

I definittivament se tużah fil-klijent tiegħi li jmiss.

Jekk I ma kinux konsulent u minflok qed jaħdem għal kumpanija reali :), I’d model my current environment and see how the tool’s recommended model matches up against reality. That would be pretty neat. It could lead to some good infrastructure discussion.


Soluzzjoni: System.IO.FileNotFoundException fuq “SPSite = ġdid SPSite(url)”

UPDATE: I stazzjonati din il-kwistjoni MSDN hawn ( and Michael Washam of Microsoft responded with a concise answer.

I ħolqot servizz web biex jaġixxi bħala Faċċata BDC-friendly to a SharePoint list. When I used this from my development environment, maħduma multa. Meta I emigraw din lil server ġdida, I jiltaqgħu dan l-iżball:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: L-applikazzjoni Web fil http://localhost/sandbox ma jistax jinstab. Jivverifikaw li inti għandek ittajpjat-URL b'mod korrett. Jekk il-URL għandhom jservu kontenut eżistenti, l-amministratur tas-sistema jista 'jkollhom bżonn li żżid mapping ġdida URL talba għall-applikazzjoni intenzjonata. fil Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite .. ctor(SPFarm farm, Uri requestUri, Boolean contextSite, SPUserToken userToken) fil Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite .. ctor(String requestUrl) fil Conchango.xyzzy.GetExistingDocument(String minId, String maxId, String filtru titolu) fis-C:\Dokumenti u Settings Dokumenti Tiegħi Pawl Visual Studio 2005 Proġetti xyzzy BDC_DocReview BDC_DocReview DocReviewFacade.asmx.cs:linja 69

Hawnhekk huwa linja 69:

użu (Sit SPSite = ġdid SPSite("http://localhost/sandbox"))

I ppruvaw varjazzjonijiet differenti fuq l-URL, inkluż l-użu reali isem tal-server, indirizz IP tiegħu, slashes tkaxkir fuq l-URL, eċċ. I always got that error.

I użati Il-Google to research it. Lots of people face this issue, jew varjazzjonijiet ta 'dan, imma ebda wieħed deher li huwa solvuti.

Tricksy MOSS sakemm tali żball dettaljata li dan ma sarx lili biex jiċċekkja l- 12 hive logs. Eventwalment, dwar 24 siegħa wara kollega tiegħi rakkomandat I jagħmlu dan, I ċċekkjati l- 12 log doqqajs u sabet dan:

Eċċezzjoni ġara waqt li jipprova li jiksbu l-irziezet lokali:
System.Security.SecurityException: Aċċess reġistru Mitlub ma jkunx permess.
fil System.ThrowHelper.ThrowSecurityException(ExceptionResource riżorsi) fi
(Isem String, Writable Boolean) fi
(Isem String) fi
() fi
() fi
(SPFarm& farm, Boolean& isJoined)
Il-Żona ta 'l-assemblea li naqas kien:  MyComputer

Dan fetħet toroq ġodda ta 'riċerka, allura kien lura lill-Google. Li wasslitni sabiex dan forum post: / posts.php?post_id = 67,135. That didn’t really help me but it did start making me think there was a database and/or security issue. I soldiered on and Andrew Connell tal post finally triggered the thought that I should make sure that the application pool’s identity account had appropriate access to the database. I thought it already did. Madankollu, kollega tiegħi marru u taw l-app pool identità kont aċċess sħiħ għall SQL.

Hekk kif hi magħmula li l-bidla, everything started working.

Dak li ġara jmiss huwa l-aħjar espressa bħala haiku poeżija:

Problemi jgħollu idejhom.
You swing and miss. Try again.
Success! But how? Għaliex?

Hi ma riditx li jħallu l-affarijiet waħdu bħal dik, pprefera li tagħti l-permess minimu meħtieġ (u probabbilment b'attenzjoni għall-kitba ta 'dħul blog; I taħbit tagħha lill-punch, muhahahahaha!).

Hija ħassret permessi suċċessivi mill-pool kont identità app sakemm … there was no longer any explicit permission for the app pool identity account at all. The web service continued to work just fine.

We went and rebooted the servers. Everything continued to work fine.

Allura, biex terġa: we gave the app pool identity full access and then took it away. The web service started working and never stopped working. Bizarre.

Jekk xi ħadd jaf għaliex li għandhom ħadmu, jekk jogħġbok leave kumment.


Soluzzjoni (tip ta '): Set Prijorità fuq Task Bl-użu SharePoint Designer

I jkollhom ix-xenarju business bħal dan:

  • A uploads utent dokument lejn librerija dokument.
  • Hija jagħżel tip kontenut u jidħol meta data kif meħtieġ. Wieħed mill-oqsma meta data huwa bandiera, "Urgent".
  • Dan iqanqal Designer SharePoint workflow li, fost affarijiet oħra, uses the "Collect Data from a User" azzjoni.

"Collect Data from a User" toħloq oġġett f'kompitu lista approvazzjoni titlob għal dak id-dokument.

I meħtieġa biex joħolqu opinjoni tal-lista kompitu li wera talbiet urġenti għall-approvazzjoni.

Soluzzjoni: Put the word "URGENT:" into the title of these tasks.

I would have preferred to specify the priority field directly. Madankollu, I ma setgħetx tagħmel dan għal diversi raġunijiet:

  1. Il jiġbru azzjoni data ma tipprovdix mekkaniżmu biex jaġġorna kull qasam ieħor minn titolu (u dawk l-oqsma addizzjonali li inti tixtieq li jiġbru data).
  2. The "assign a to do item" azzjoni għandha l-istess problema.
  3. Huwa possibbli li jiddaħħal oġġett fi lista (I.E. daħħal oġġett fil-lista kompitu direttament) but this not a blocking action. That means that the workflow will not wait for the user to complete that task.

I kkunsidrati approċċi ftit qabel (Thankfully) realizing we could just put "urgent" fit-titolu.

  1. Ibda workflow fuq il-lista kompitu nnifisha b'tali mod li meta kompitu ġdid hija maħluqa, qualche cross references lura għad-dokument li beda l-ewwel workflow, pull out the urgent flag value and update priority as needed.
  2. Do something similar with an event receiver. On create of the task, jillokalizza-dokument assoċjat u taġġorna prijorità kif meħtieġ.
  3. Use the "create list item" action in conjunction with the "wait for field change" action and an event receiver. If we create a list item, we can specify all the fields we want. Use an event receiver to update the original item when the user completes the task and the "wait for field change" action’s condition would be met and the workflow would proceed. (Għal xi raġuni, I kien aktar jew anqas kostanti fuq dan l-approċċ qabel bil-għaqal jiddeċiedu li walk away għal waqt).

Hemm żvantaġġ għal soluzzjoni tiegħi (aside mill-fatt ovvju li biss it-test tat-titolu jindika urġenza). Since "collect feedback" biss taċċetta ismijiet titolu hard kodifikati, I need to use two different collect feedback actions whose only difference is that hard coded title.

Iżda, inqas hemm soluzzjoni li ma tkunx teħtieġ riċevituri avveniment jew azzjonijiet SPD dwana.

Jekk xi ħadd tkun solvuta din b'mod aktar għaqlija, jekk jogħġbok let me know.


IL-ĦADD Funny: Żamma Iben tiegħek Fuq sieq tiegħu

One of the many joys I take in being the parent of a ten year old boy is finding new ways to make him laugh or think a little differently about questions and things in the world. I’ve used these techniques over the years:


Ttraskuratx mistoqsijiet tiegħu:

Tagħha: F'liema ġurnata huwa?

Dad: Jum wieħed qabel l-erbgħa.

S: Mhux, f'liema ġurnata tax-xahar huwa?

D: Oh, huwa 4 jum wara Jan 25.


Tickle lilu u tgħidlu int ser tieqaf meta jieqaf laughing.


Jinżlu taraġ għall-kamra tat-TV u jħabbar, "It’s good to be the daddy." Imbagħad, pick up lilu biex jiksbu l-post sħun fuq il-couch u jibdlu l-kanal għal xi ħaġa tajba, bħall-kanal Scifi.


Read stories out loud. Insert ridiculous sentences in the middle of the story. My favorite is to add "killing him instantly" when the main characters encounters some minor trouble. Per eżempju, "the knife slipped in his hand, qtugħ indiċi finger tiegħu, qtil lilu istantanjament." Nothing quite gets your son out of a complacent and passive listening mode as the main character being killed instantly.


Read stories incorrectly. Read sentences backward. The best part of this is that the first couple of times I did this, my son thought he was helping me out by pointing out that I wasn’t reading the words in the right order. The down side is that he really doesn’t want me to read to him any more.


Go to Burger King for lunch. My son would eat BK morning, night and day if we let him. When going, tgħidlu, "I know you hate going there, but we simply have no choice." When he tries to explain that he loves BK, talk over him and say things like "We don’t have time to argue about it! We’re going and I don’t want to have a discussion!"

(Dan tfakkarni ta Joke tiegħi Borg favoriti: "Borger King: We do it our way. Your way is irrelevant." hahaha!)


Iftaħ ktieb għall-paġna 9 u jgħidu, "hmm, that’s an odd page".


Fill the world with arch enemies. "We’re going to run quick over toe 7-11, arch-enemy of 11-7".

"Your aunt lives in Ringwood, ghadu arch għall-belt ta 'Squarewood."


Aħna sewqan sa Massachusetts minn New Jersey diversi drabi fis-sena u ħafna drabi tieħu madwar 5 hours door to door. As we arrive home and pull into the driveway say, "oh, I nesa, għandna bżonn li jagħmlu sing malajr biex Home Depot."


Meta jaraw episodju vjolenti fi juru TV (bħal Eroj), tell iben tiegħek, "some times, fuq ix-xogħol, I need to destroy my enemies by burning them alive using the powers of my mind. I don’t like doing it, imma inti gotta tagħmel dak li gotta tagħmel."


Meta jaraw films orrur ħżiena (see "It’s good to be the Daddy" hawn fuq), ascribe improbable motives to the evil character. Per eżempju, tell your son that the reason Jason is so angry is because he wants some cake and they won’t let him have any.


Explain phone numbers incorrectly. Instead of telling your son to dial "201-111-2222", tell him it’s "2-011-1-12222".


What tricks tuza?



Blogging Guest?

It seems fairly common in the political blogging world for a given blog to host a "guest blogger". When I’m in political blog land I must be wearing a different pair of eye glasses because it never occurred to me that "guest blogging" might make sense for a technical blog like mine. That is, until I read this post by Kanwal Khipple over at The Best of SharePoint Buzz- Jannar 2008.

Thinking on it, I believe there could be a lot of people out there in SharePoint land that have the itch to put together an article, short or long, technical or more business oriented, eċċ, but don’t run their own blog for all the usual reasons. If you’re one of those people, I’d be happy to host it. You can reach me via email or leave a comment. I haven’t thought through any kind of guidelines, but I suppose that I’d want it to be oriented around SharePoint, but I also like to throw in some personal observations about consulting now u imbagħad. I’m also trying to publish a "IL-ĦADD Funny" every week and I’m bound to run out of ideas for that.

If you’re a regular blogger already but would like to experiment with guest blogging, I’m definitely open to that too, either as a host or a guest 🙂



Soluzzjoni għall BDC ADF Nuqqas Importazzjoni: “Il-iżball li ġejjin seħħew:”

I kien għal darb'oħra opri fajls ADF BDC bl-idejn (so that I can build up my "get off my lawn!" I) u hit dan l-iżball sabiħ:


"Application definition import failed. Il-iżball li ġejjin seħħew:"

Kif tistgħu taraw, hemm żball, iżda … huwa mhux ser tell me dak li huwa.

Fil-każ tiegħi, the issue turned out that I had started off with a functional ADF for a different project that connected to a database and executed a SQL query against a view. In this new project, I am calling a method on a web service. I had stripped out the DB specific stuff and added my web service stuff, but failed to update the <LobSystem>’s Type attribute. I switched it to "WebService" and I happily moved on to newer and more exciting import errors, which were handled in due course.

Here is the wrong LobSystem:

Version="" Name="xyzzy"

This is correct:

Version="" Name="xyzzy"



BDC Tidher ta 'Sostituzzjoni vijabbli għall Lookups

UPDATE: Dan MSDN kollokament għandu xi osservazzjonijiet interessanti mill JXJ bbażati fuq tiegħu, prinċipalment negattiv, esperjenzi jmorru f'din id-direzzjoni:

We have a business scenario where we need to link two documents libraries via a common "document ID" qasam.

We often use a lookup column to implements links like this. There are several drawbacks to lookup columns, tlieta minnhom huma:

  1. Only one column from the lookup lookup library can be linked.
  2. Prestazzjoni: The source library could contain hundreds of entries. That’s too many entries in the lookup.
  3. Fittex: There is no integrated search. I don’t mean in the MOSS sense of search, iżda hemm ebda mod biex tfittex / filtru fuq kolonni multipli mill-librerija dokument sors u jillokalizza l-link li trid.

Appoġġjati minn BDC, we can use a "business data" column type and it provides a superior search and even allows multiple columns of data to appear in list views.

I kellna xi suċċess preliminari ma dan l-approċċ u l-pjan li jiktbu aktar dwar dan.

Jekk inti ħadthom ħadem dan l-angolu qabel u xi kummenti, jekk jogħġbok sehem!



Soluzzjoni għall Error Importazzjoni BDC: “Ma kellekx tagħbija Tip deskritt mill TypeName TypeDescriptor tal …”

Stajt ilhom jaħdmu ma BDC llum, coding ADF files by hand and generating myself some errors. One such error:

Definizzjoni applikazzjoni importazzjoni naqset. Il-iżball li ġejjin seħħew: Ma kellekx tagħbija Tip deskritt mill TypeName TypeDescriptor tal. Isem Parametru: Error typeName kienet nqalgħu fil Line jew eżatt qabel: '35’ u Pożizzjoni: ’20’.

MOSS murija dan l-iżball meta I ppruvaw li jimportaw il-fajl XML ADF.

I riċerkati l-internets u sabet li kien I referenzar l-isem istanza LOB (mill- <LobSystemInstance>) fil tiegħi <TypeDescriptor> node meta I għandu jkollhom referenza l-isem LOB innifsu (minn <LobSystem>).


<TypeDescriptor TypeName="Conchango.KeyValue, LOB Isem Istanza" Name="KeyValue">


<TypeDescriptor TypeName="Conchango.KeyValue, Isem LOB" Name="KeyValue">

Hope dan wieħed jiffranka xi ħadd siegħa jew tnejn ta 'ħin.


Abbona għall-blog tiegħi!
