Arkivat mujore: Mars 2008

Përcaktoni Portit FAST QRServer

Në mënyrë për të komunikuar me kërkim të shpejtë përmes API e saj, ne kemi nevojë të dimë portin në të cilin po kandidon QRServer.

Kam ndjekur këto hapa për të gjetur atë:

  1. Hyni në faqen FAST admin (http://server:port/admin).
  2. Shkoni tek Vështrim i Sistemit.
  3. Locate "Search Dispatcher" dhe klikoni në ikonën tejqyrë:


  4. Unë sukses përdoret vlera, 15100 for "Info Name" = "http":



1. Port 15100 appears to be the default out-of-the-box port number for the QRServer.

2. Përdorni këtë kod të ngjashëm në vijim të ilustroj me shembull konkret një lidhje me FAST:

     ISearchFactory searchFactory;
        NameValueCollection nameValueCollection = i ri NameValueCollection();
        nameValueCollection.Add("fastsearchengine", "Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.HttpSearchFactory");
        nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.QRServers", "fastdemoback:15102");
        nameValueCollection.Add("Com.FastSearch.Esp.Search.Http.RequestMethod", "GET");
        searchFactory = SearchFactory.NewInstance(nameValueCollection);

3. Në qoftë se ju të vini një port wildly pasakta, ju merrni një mesazh të dobishëm gabimi:


4. Megjithatë, në qoftë se ju të vini numrin e portit të listuara në vështrimin e përgjithshëm (15102) you don’t get that helpful error message. Në vend të kësaj, më vonë, kur ju përpiqeni të hyni në ndonjë të dhënave nëpërmjet një kërkim apo referencë një pamje FAST, you get an error. Debugging shows that the searchFactory’s view count is zero. You’ll be given the message "Failed to fetch Search View List".


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Abonohen në blogun tim.

Drejt modelet SharePoint teknik të projektimit: SharePoint Designer Workflow + Marresit Event Koktej = High potencë

Një nga modelet e reja që unë të gjeni në përpilimin e zgjidhjeve thekson SharePoint SharePoint Designer punës dhe një marrës ngjarje.

Këtu është një skenar i biznesit për ta vënë atë në kontekstin e:

  • Unë ngarkoj një dokument me një lib doc.
  • Unë kick off multi-hap workflow krijuar duke përdorur SharePoint Designer.
  • Në një moment gjatë këtij procesi, workflow assigns a task to someone (via collect data from user or assign a task).
  • We want to use a KPI to track how long that task is awaiting completion. The KPI shows green for tasks that are completed or due more than 3 days from now. It shows yellow if the task is due tomorrow or today. It shows red if the task is past due.
  • Here’s the kicker: I want the date that drives that KPI to be holiday-aware.

I can’t calculate a holiday-aware due date in SharePoint Designer workflow very easily. I would have to create a custom action or use a 3rd party tool. Megjithatë, it’s easy enough to calculate such a date in an event receiver. Merge those two together and we get a pattern like this:

  • Define a hidden yes/no site column on the document library labeled "DoCalcualteDueDate".
  • Initialize it to false.
  • At the appropriate time in the workflow (e.g. just before the "collect data" veprim), assign that value to True.
  • An ItemUpdate() event receiver looks to see if "DoCalculateDueDate" is true. Since the event receiver runs on every update, "DoCalculateDueDate" is normally false.
  • When workflow assigns DoCalculateDueDate to true, the event receiver calculates the holiday-aware due date.
  • When the event receiver does this calculation, it sets the DoCalculateDueDate flag to false.

Në fund, SPD workflow is communicated with an event receiver via the DoCalculateDueDate semaphore and we have holiday-aware due dates that are assigned at the exactly correct moment in the workflow’s life. SharePoint Designer controls when the due date is assigned but the event receiver performs the actual calculation and assignment.


Abonohen në blogun tim.

Sjellja vëzhguar: Moving workflows SPD Brenda një Koleksion Site

UPDATE: I’ve been researching how to embed a SPD workflow into a site definition. Ky zinxhir forum MSDN ka disa informacione interesante. It’s not conclusive, por tregon rrugën nëpër xhungël.

I’m giving this post a slightly oddball "Observed Behavior" lead since I’m a little leery of drawing conclusions from it. SPD workflows are … tekanjoz.

Njerëzit janë shpesh të kërkuar / pyesin / fretting over moving SPD workflows from one place to another. Sot, Kam ndjekur këto hapa dhe bërë këto vëzhgime:

  • Kam krijuar një workflow duke përdorur SharePoint Designer në një vend të bashkangjitur në një bibliotekë dokument.
  • Biblioteka lidhur Dokumenti strehuar tashmë disa dokumente.
  • I shpëtuam faqes si një template.
  • Kur kam ruajtur faqen si një template, I shpëtuam përmbajtjen si edhe.
  • Kam krijuar një faqe të re në mbledhjen njëjtin vend se duke përdorur template.

Në këtë pikë, I tried to run the workflow. It promptly terminated itself with the log message, "Failed on start".

I expected this. I have low expectations when it comes to moving SPD workflows around.

Kam vazhduar:

  • Hapi vend në SharePoint Designer.
  • Had a peek at the workflow. It seemed fine.
  • I clicked "Finish".
  • Unë u zhvillua rrjedhën e punës.

Këtë herë, ai ka punuar mirë.

I’ll add that this workflow used the "collect data from user" veprim i cili është një veprim relativisht komplekse nën kapuç.

I tentatively conclude that the process of "finishing" the workflow caused SPD to properly associate the SPD workflow with the new document library. I also conclude the XOML and other XML artifacts are reasonably "loose". They are not super tightly coupled to the document library.

Çdo të thotë kjo? Assuming it’s a reliable and reproducible process, there’s at least one rough method we can use to move them around. I don’t know if this would work if we crossed site collection boundaries or even more drastically, ferma të tëra të reja (e.g. dev në skenë të stimuloj).

Nëse jeni duke e lexuar këtë dhe të prirë, ju lutem postoj një koment ose email mua your SharePoint Designer migration story. I’ll gladly update this posting with any insights thus offered.


Abonohen në blogun tim.

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Shpejtë dhe i thjeshtë: Workflow-vetëm Field Update

It’s often useful to store status information in a custom list such as an approval code which should never be directly manipulated by end users. This is a common business scenario. I have been working on a project this year that generates various status and reminder dates via SharePoint Designer workflows that then drive KPIs and generally support time-critical business processes.

Use a site content type / column to achieve this effect.

Create a site content type with the status column as shown:


Note the "Status (for Demo)" field at the bottom.

Tjetër, click on the column name to access the column’s properties. Select "Hidden (Will not appear in forms)" in the Column Settings section as shown:


This removes the field from the standard edit/update forms. Megjithatë, it is still available in views, KPIs, the object model and anywhere else you want to use it, including SPD workflow.


Abonohen në blogun tim.

E diel Funny: “Mendova se kjo ishte menduar të jetë një qytet Rich”

Pak më shumë se tre vjet më parë, gruaja ime dhe unë nënshkruar djalin tim për një aktivitet të verës, The Midland Park Players. This is a drama group that spends about three or four weeks preparing for a play and then showing it to the parents, friends and relatives. It’s always been done very well.

Unë nuk e di nëse fëmija e çdokujt është sikurse kjo, but my son is extremely reluctant to try new things. Knowing this, we signed him up for the program. We’ve found that it’s best to alert him to these kinds of things early and often. Kështu, në mënyrë për të kapërcyer hezitimin e tij natyrore, Ne i tha atij herët dhe bëri çmos për ta bërë atë të tingëllojë si fun, etj. Even with a multi-month advertising campaign, he still wasn’t convinced. We forced him to do, megjithëse, dhe siç është shpesh rasti, he had a great time.

Me kohë të dytin vit mbështjellë rreth, he had once again convinced himself that he didn’t want to participate. Por, ne kishim nënshkruar atë dhe mbi zero-ditore, I dropped him off one morning at the high school where they practice. When I went to pick him up after lunch, ai ishte shumë i emocionuar, të gjitha buzëqesh dhe njoftoi, "The play is the Velveteen Rabbit and I want to be the Rabbit". He had spent literally months carrying on (nganjëherë hysterically) rreth asaj se si ai nuk duan të kenë asgjë të bëjë me lojtarët park dhe pas ditës së parë, he wants to be the lead role in the play. We’ve seen this pattern before.

(Pjesa më e madhe për habinë tonë, ai e bëri të marrë rolin e lepur dhe ai ishte mahnitës.)

Fast forward a few years. He’s been in Park Players three times now, so he’s something of a veteran. This summer (2008), Players starts up again. Në kohë të thotë, Ai është i bindur më në fund ai na vërtet doesn’t want to play soccer and he never liked basketball. That left him with no extra-curricular activities for late Winter / early Spring. A client with whom I was working mentioned that his daughter was in a program called Stage Right. Stage right is a slightly more expensive version of Park Players and it’s not in my town, but adjacent to it. Perfect.

The thing to know about that town is that it’s practically another country in terms of wealth. It has a high-frequency train right to Wall Street and NYC in general. It’s just a wealthy place. One of the on-going family discussion themes is whether we should have moved to that town instead of where we live now. It’s a bigger town, shkolla e saj ofrojnë programe më shumë për fëmijët, etj. My wife grew up in that town and her parents live there, so we are "hooked in" despite not living there. I personally grew up in different circumstances in Massachusetts, so I don’t have a lot to say about this during family dinner conversation. This isn’t to say that we aren’t very happy where we live. We just know that that town is a level above our town economically.

Stage Right’s next program started too soon for us to launch our normal advertising campaign to overcome my son’s reluctance. This is when he came up with one my personal favorite arguments against doing something: "Friday nights are kryesor netë për overs gjumit!" Stage Right was going to interfere with his weekend socials.

Vjen dita, kemi sjellë atë atje and drop atë jashtë dhe si me çdo gjë tjetër, dashuria e tij e natyrshme e të qenit gjallë vetëm mori përsipër dhe ai është të paturit e një kohë të mirë me të.

Kjo fundjavë kaluarën gruaja ime ishte duke folur për atë dhe për herë të parë, I think he’s tailoring his discussions very precisely for his audience. She had asked him how Stage Right compares to Midland Park Players. He tells her that "In Park Players, we have teenagers that help us out. There aren’t any in in Stage Right. In Park Players, teenagers make all props. In Stage Right, we have to bring our own props. We have to do everything. And then he twists the knife: "I thought this was supposed to be a rich town."

Të gjitha këto vite, I never really thought that he was hearing or understanding anything as it related to the "rich town". Megjithatë, ajo rezulton se ai ishte.


Abonohen në blogun tim.

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SharePoint nuk siguron Calendar Roll-ups; Zgjidhje e mundshme

UPDATE: An anonymous person in the comments posts this link:

Përdoruesit Forum shpesh pyes një pyetje si kjo:

"I would like to have a calendar at the site level that is populated by events from subsite calendars. Ideally, përdoruesit në subsites do të krijojë Ngjarje Kalendari, and will have the option of marking them as ‘public.’ Events marked as public will dynamically appear in the shared site calendar. Thus the shared site calendar is a roll-up of all public events from all subsite calendars."

Është WSS 3.0 ose MOSS 2007, it is not possible to directly configure a "roll-up" calendar. Calendars exist on their own, pavarur nga çdo kalendar tjetër.

Për të krijuar një kalendar roll-up, ndjekin njërën nga këto rrugë:

  1. Use a Content Query Web Part. This is the easiest solution for MOSS users (WSS nuk siguron CQWP). CQWP, për fat të keq, does not provide a calendar view of data out of the box. It does provide enormous rendering flexibility (shoh këtu për një shembull) por nga default, shows its results in simple list format. In many cases, CQWP ndoshta një zgjedhje e mirë.
  2. A more programming-oriented solution would be to use event receivers. Implement event receivers on the subsite calendars that keep their public events in sync with the master calendar. As a given subsite calendar is modified, reach out to the master calendar and update it as needed. This option is available in both WSS 3.0 dhe Moss.

There are probably other clever solutions to this problem. If you have one or know of one, ju lutemi të lënë një koment, ose email mua dhe unë do update këtë post.


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Abonohen në blogun tim.

Krijo Sites (SPWeb) nëpërmjet SharePoint Designer Workflow

This blog entry is more of an "in the realm of the possible" Hyrja vs. info konkrete.

We have a technical design that calls for us to create a site in a site collection via a manually launched workflow process. Në parim, users enter data into a "new customer" custom list and then when they have finished and validated the data entry process, we need to create a site for that customer.

I’m both a big fan of declarative workflow as well as a weak visual studio workflow programmer, so I wanted to meet the requirement using SharePoint Designer.

I plan to write about this in greater detail (and hopefully present to a user group or two in the coming year), but here’s the overall solution:

  • Create a custom action that integrates with SPD.
  • The custom action allows SPD to invoke a web service and pass it a string of XML.
  • Web service locates the row in the custom list and creates a new site as per the data for that new client using a custom site definition.
  • Web service then updates the custom list with some information such as a link to the new site.

We considered other approaches, such as event handlers and visual studio based workflow. The SPD approach gives our end users a little more control over the process. Granted, there’s a lot of C# code in this solution, but it’s wrapped inside a declarative workflow, so we get some of the benefits of declarative workflow while hooking into the site-creation service.

E tëra që na duhet tani është një mjet i thjeshtë për të migruar automatikisht rrjedhat e punës SPD përreth me aq lehtësisht sa mundemi për rrjedhat e punës në studio vizuale dhe me të vërtetë do të gatuajmë me gaz ... Unë e kuptoj që disa njerëz atje janë duke punuar për këtë problem dhe shpresoj që ata të kenë disa suksese të mira së shpejti.


Abonohen në blogun tim.

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Shpejtë dhe i thjeshtë: Një dispozitë Web Site përdorur modelin SharePoint objekt në C #

I tried searching for a little snippet code that would show how I can create a new SPWeb in a site collection. I didn’t find it as quickly or easily as I expected so I thought I’d slap together a little entry on the subject.

Ky kod krijon një faqe të re Wiki:

 SPSite siteCollection;

    siteCollection = i ri SPSite("http://conchang-o9l8qi");

    SPWeb w = siteCollection.OpenWeb();

    w.Webs.Add("xyzzy", "xyzzy Title",
        "xyzzy description", 1033, SPWebTemplate.WebTemplateWIKI, i rremë, i rremë);

My initial searches failed because I was looking for phrases like "provision a web site using sharepoint object model" and the like.

Nëse ju kërkoni for "Webs.Add()", you’ll find a number of very useful blog entries, MSDN articles and SDK documentation that go into depth on this subject. I definitely recommend this site.


Abonohen në blogun tim.

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Integrimi SharePoint Designer menu me Web Services

Unë kam qenë duke luajtur rreth me veprimet doganore për SharePoint Designer për disa kohë (shikoni këtu for some detailed stuff, në qoftë se ju interesojnë).

Në projektin tim aktual, we need to do some fairly heavy lifting and we want to use declarative SPD workflow to manage the associated business process.

Long histori e shkurtër, this is entirely possible. I extended my Codeplex project to invoke a "helper service" and now we can invoke a web service directly from an SPD workflow.

Here’s the signature:

 publik varg Dispatcher(
        Guid WebID, // Passed by the runtime environment
        Guid SiteID, // Passed by the runtime environment
        varg ListID, // Passed by the RTE (don't know why this is a string, not a GUID)
        int ListItemID, // Passed by the RTE.
        varg XmlMessage) // Passed by the user as declared in SPD.

This leverages the fact that we can get at important workflow information, like the site, list ID, etj. This is well documented in several places for those of you interested in creating your own custom actions. The idea is to extract the XML string as provided by the user to dispatch an appropriate procedure. Fun stuff!

Mjerisht, this is obviously a one-way ticket down to "Loosey Goosey" anti-pattern land, por është më mirë sesa të godasësh një mur me tulla

Is it an anti-pattern if you do it even though you know it’s an anti-pattern?

I hope to wrap this inside Codeplex in the near future. If you’re interested in me doing so, give me poke (Email or leave a comment) dhe unë do të jem aq më entuziast për ta bërë atë


Abonohen në blogun tim.

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E diel Funny: “Pyes veten nëse fjalëkalimi juaj është i …”

Kohët e fundit kam blerë drekë për vëllain tim (si zakonisht) and we ended up talking about funny things that we did at our respective colleges. At my alma mater, Lafayette College, the academic support IT department had a very inclusive way about it. We were given a LOT of rope and I took advantage of that at times.

Two my favorite memories relate to my good friend, Gabe. He had made the terrible mistake of telling people his freshman year that "I’m a freshman, but I have Sophomore standing" due to the various advanced placement classes he had taken, etj. Many of us were similarly situated but we didn’t talk about it so much. His senior year, when we introduced him to people, we’d say "This is Gabe. He’s a Senior, but he has Sophomore standing".

The college had some Sun workstation/servers running X-Window. They had gigantic monitors and the engineers used them for CAD and other boring engineer stuff. We CS people used them to learn programming and, sigurisht, to play games.

We didn’t like the computer-helpless engineers to much so one of our favorite things to do would be to telnet to the box they were on and run X-eye on them. This would pop up a pair of eyes that followed the mouse around on the screen. You could pop up even more and have literally a dozen or more of the X-eye applications running. Mundohuni të mos qeshni me të madhe kur një inxhinier i pafat po përpiqet të mbyllë X-sy pas X-sy dhe duke mërmëritur nën zë për këtë

We also played X-trek on those boxes. Për të bërë që, you had to download the source, get various dependencies wherever you could find them and build it. I wasn’t a sophisticated C programmer, but I could read header files. I was looking through these and found directives like "#DEFINE MAX_TORPEDO_DISTANCE 10". I played around with that increase range and power for phases and torpedoes, re-built it and then destroyed Gabe the next time we played.

Gabe was also a huge fan of a TV show called Blake’s 7. I had never seen it, but that didn’t prevent me from insisting that Dr. Who is the superior show. Argumentet nxeheshin herë pas here ...

Një ditë, it occurred to me that I could probably guess his UNIX password. I sat down next to him one day and announced in a loud tone, "I’m going to guess your password right now, Gabe." "Yeah, e drejtë" was his answer. I then logged in, entered his user id, turned to face him, typed and said out loud, "I wonder if it’s B-L-A-K-E-7" ? Touch typing has never paid off as handsomely as it did that day.

Next week (or soon): More computer room antics from college.

Do you have any to share? Leave a comment or email me and I’ll publish them here.


Abonohen në blogun tim.

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