Цатегори Арцхивес: Слалом

Неочекивано Страшан Изградња тима Вежба

Сам сазвао састанак тим овде за Њујорк СхареПоинт тим и у последњем тренутку, без неког посебног разлога, додао нову тачку дневног реда:

Лични подаци размена: Идем да се повуче Гоогле Еартх и свако од нас ће рећи тим где смо рођени и где живимо данас. I’ll map it real time. We’ll also do a quick rundown of our respective families. Feel free to create a fantasy family here but keep in mind that once you start lying about the family, you have to create successively elaborate lies and you will likely trip up at some point, so be prepared for that.

I thought this would take 20 minutes or so to do with nine people.  Уместо тога, it took 90 записник Осмех, mainly because people spent significant amounts of time at different places around the globe.  It was a fascinating exercise and we surely learned a lot about each other.  I learned, коначно, what people mean by “north” and “south” India.

If you can find the time in this busy and hectic days to do something like it, I heartily recommend it.


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Слалом Консалтинг–Бостон СхареПоинт руководству била је потребна

Прикључио сам се Слалом консалтинг пре шест месеци на дан и то је било невероватно вожња.  Планирам да блог нешто више о томе сада када сам почео да се осећа прилично добар.  Рад овде је као живи у бајци већину времена.  Паметни људи, занимљивих клијенти, solid support from management both local and corporate … the occasional libation … good stuff.

Our Boston office has just opened up and they are looking for a leader to launch their SharePoint practice.  It’s a very complex, full job with a lot of fun challenges.  You define offerings of interest to the local market, you roll up your sleeves and do real work and you hire folks to build up the best team you can manage.  I can’t recommend it strongly enough.

If you’re interested in this position or if you know anyone that might be interested, please fire off an email to me: паул.галвин @ слалом.цом.

I am glad to share my candid experiences (both good and bad) here in New York.


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