Sababu ya sisi kutumia muda sana (au lazima, anyway) working out governance plans is because we want the SharePoint solution to be as effective as possible. We want good infrastructure and rules to keep it humming and safe in case of disaster. We want good security processes to both properly secure the environment but also make it reasonable to manage. We want a good information architecture that will stand the test of time, ideally managing to survive a major organizational change in the company.
To achieve that desirable objective, a governance document and plan can devolve into a bunch of “thou shall” and “thou shall not’s”, kama katika:
- Thou shall not create SharePoint security group; use AD instead.
- Thou shall not create folders in document libraries; kutumia aina maudhui na maoni badala.
- Wewe itakuwa kujenga kila aina maudhui ya hati ya msingi mbali maalum aina desturi msingi.
- Wewe wala kujenga Jamii habari ya msingi mbali chati kampuni ya leo org.
"Wewe atakuwa" na "wewe wala" hakika kuwa na nafasi zao katika mpango wa utawala.
A more successful governance plan will also have a strong marketing angle. It should sell and justify itself to the maximum extent possible. A truly successful governance plan relies upon the voluntary cooperation of all SharePoint users. (Kuna pindo kesi ambapo ushirikiano wa jamii si zinahitajika, kama vile wakati SharePoint hutumiwa na idadi ndogo sana ya watumiaji kukazwa imeweza; Mimi nina uhakika unaweza kufikiria wengine). If the user community doesn’t buy into your governance plan then it will be partially successful at best.
I use that word “buy” deliberately. The community will buy the governance plan if it’s fundamentally sound and you go to some effort to sell them on it. Selling leads to marketing and that’s why I think that a governance plan should be considered a marketing plan too. Convince your end users that they need to follow the governance plan and they will voluntarily follow it. If you can get a critical mass of people following the governance plan then the plan’s benefits follow and you’ll have a stronger environment for it.
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