Hii ni baada ya mwingine katika wangu inayoendelea mfululizo ya jinsi ya kutumia jQuery na SharePoint.
Kama unataka kujifunza zaidi kuhusu jQuery, Mimi sana kupendekeza: jQuery katika Action na kubeba Bibeault na Yehuda Katz.
Kupata ilianza na jQuery katika SharePoint ni ya kushangaza rahisi (kwangu). (I do have serious questions about a “best practices” approach to deploying these things to production, but that’s for another day). I’ve just started playing with this technology and to that end, I created a sandbox environment to use. If you’re looking to get started with jQuery, you may find this approach useful.
1. Create a Blank Site
Create a blank site somewhere in your site and call it something clever like “jQuery Sandbox”.
2. Download jQuery
You can download the jQuery javascript library from here: http://docs.jquery.com/Downloading_jQuery
Save that to to your desktop.
I have been using the “minified” version.
3. Create a SharePoint Document Library
In your sandbox site, create a document library.
4. Upload the jQuery Library to SharePoint
Access the doc library you just created and upload the jQuery library.
5. Create a Custom SharePoint List
I’ve started with a custom list because I want to muck about with standard SharePoint forms. You could also create a page in a pages library or web part pages and probably a lot of other places.
Add some columns to the custom list so that you have something to run jQuery against. My initial objectives were to:
- Hide a field.
- Assign a value to a field.
With that objective in mind, I added two text fields. Over time, I’ll be playing with links, images, lookups, nk.
6. Modify the NewForm.aspx Web Part Page and Add a Content Editor Web Part
This is a little black magic-ish , in that it’s a new concept to me. I first learned about this from Paulo Grenier, SharePoint jQuery Superstar, saa CodePlex yake tovuti ya mradi: http://spff.codeplex.com/.
Fuata hatua hizi ili kuongeza CEWP kwa ukurasa huo huo kwamba inaonyesha NewForm.aspx kwa orodha yoyote desturi:
- Kupata orodha ya desturi na bonyeza Mpya.
- Append zifuatazo URL: PageView = Shared&ToolPaneView = 2
Ambayo kubadilisha data yako boring vanilla kuingia fomu kutoka kwa kitu kama hiki:
Kwa hili:
Kuongeza mhariri maudhui ya mtandao sehemu ya ukurasa.
7. Kuandika jQuery wako kwanza Kanuni
Kufungua kwamba CEWP katika mtazamo wa kanuni na kuongeza yafuatayo:
Hapa ni kanuni halisi kama unataka nakala / kuweka:
src ="../../jQuery Library/jquery-1.3.2.min.js">
<script aina ="text/javascript">
$(kazi() {
$('# ResultsID').html('Kuna' + $('A').ukubwa() + 'Vitambulisho vitambulisho kwenye ukurasa huu.');
<div id ='ResultsID'></div>
Note that the first <script> tag is referencing the actual jQuery library. Presumably, these things change over time, so you’ll want to make sure you a) use the right name and b) point it to the correct SharePoint document library.
Bask in the Glory
If you did it correctly, you’ll see a result similar to the following:
Wrapping Up
This isn’t the only way to get started, but it’s quick, easy and isolated from your existing SharePoint environment.
Kujiunga na blog yangu.
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