Uamuzi Items kalenda katika View kalenda

Ninatumia kalenda kufuatilia majadiliano ya vikundi kwenye siku husika,,en,Nina vikao viwili,,en,asubuhi na mchana,,en,Nataka kujenga mtazamo kwamba inaonyesha vikao asubuhi tu waliotajwa alphabetically kupitia ID kikao,,en,Hii ni suala gumu kidogo wa kukamilisha,,en,Mimi urahisi kuunda maoni kuchujwa kuonyesha tu matukio ya siku hiyo ya,,en,kalenda itaonyesha matukio hayo yote na kama kila itafanyika katika muda wa saa moja,,en,ni orodha yao kwa upande upande katika saa yanayopangwa,,en,Hiyo ni kubwa,,en,sehemu gumu ni kwamba,,en,inataka orodha yao katika format ID,,en,kama mimi kuongeza "Kikao 02,,en,na kisha "Kikao 01,,en,Kuorodhesha yao katika Kikao ID ili,,en,Sanidi mtazamo kutumia wavuti user interface,,en,Hakuna bahati,,en,Hakuna njia ya kutatua vitu hivi,,en. I have two sessions: morning and afternoon. I want to create a view that shows morning sessions only listed alphabetically via a session ID. This is a little tricky to accomplish (isipokuwa mimi amekosa kitu halisi dhahiri).

I can easily create a filtered view showing just that day’s events. The calendar will show all those events and if they all take place on the same hour, it lists them side by side in the hour slot. That’s great. The tricky part is that, na default, it wants to list them in ID format. Hivyo, if I add "Session 02" and then "Session 01" wa kalenda ya, inaonyesha yao ili (i.e, Kikao 02 na kisha Kikao 01). To list them in Session ID order, Nilidhani kujaribu mambo haya:

  1. Configure the view using the web user interface. No luck. There are no options to sort items this way.

    Tangu kwamba hakuwa na kazi, I am now hoping there’s a CAML query somewhere in there that will allow me to override the sort. CQWP lets me make that kind of change, labda kalenda mapenzi pamoja?

  2. Hariri sehemu ya mtandao, look for an "export" kazi na … Bzzz! I can’t export its XML. There is no export option.

    I’m still holding out hope that I can find and modify some CAML query. Since I can’t export the web part, kwamba majani SharePoint Designer.

  3. I add the calendar web part to a sandbox site and open that site using SharePoint Designer. I look at the markup for the web part and I find what I’m looking for. It’s encoded madness, lakini ni huko: "<ListViewXml …. >encoded wazimu</ListViewXml>". Hasa, kuna gem hii:

<FieldRef Name="EventDate"/>
<FieldRef Name="EndDate"/>
<FieldRef Name="RecurrenceID"/>
<Value Type="DateTime">
<Mwezi />
<Orderby><FieldRef Name="Session_x0020_ID" /></Orderby>

(Nimekuwa Decoded &lt;'S na &gt na kupasuliwa yao nje ya mistari kadhaa kwa ajili ya ufafanuzi).

Kuongeza <Orderby> kidogo na sasa aina hiyo kwa ID Kikao, si ndani ya orodha ya bidhaa ID.

Gigantic ncha au’ kofia Becky Isserman kwa maoni yake kwa blog post Isha Sagi ya: I wouldn’t have put the <Orderby> katika nafasi ya haki bila maoni yake.

Natumaini kuandika hii hadi wazi zaidi na shots screen hivi karibuni, lakini katika kesi mimi kamwe kufanya, angalau mimi sana hii.


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NJ SharePoint mtumiaji Group Mkutano Pamoja na Dave Mann … Au .. Nini Bob Said

Bob Fox unatuwezesha kujua kwamba Dave Mann, SharePoint workflow fikra, ni akizungumza katika mkutano NJ SharePoint mtumiaji kundi jioni Jumatano, 11/19/08. Don’t miss it. (Cha kusikitisha, overlord yangu ushirika imekuwa imepangwa kundi kubwa mkutano Wed usiku na mimi miss ni).

Bonyeza hapa kujiandikisha na kupata maelezo zaidi.

Hapa ni maelezo ya baadhi ya kikao:

Kikao cha Kichwa "Kupeleka Workflows katika Mazingira storskaligt SharePoint"

Workflow katika SharePoint ni ya kusisimua mpya uwezo. Hata hivyo, ni uwezo kwamba ni mara nyingi kutoeleweka linapokuja athari ina juu ya mazingira yako. Kwa ajili ya mazingira ndogo, mazingira ya nje ya sanduku-, mazungumzo na mbinu ya usanifu pengine ni wa kutosha. Lakini nini kuhusu mazingira ambayo itakuwa usindikaji maelfu ya nyaraka kwa siku? Unawezaje kuhakikisha kwamba wale mazingira si falter chini ya mzigo, lakini bado kukutana SLA kwa ajili ya utendaji na mwitikio? Kikao hiki kuchunguza kwa nini kulenga sehemu ya mfumo wako workflow ni muhimu, na kugharamia mahitaji ya mazingira kwa kiwango kikubwa workflow kutoka ngazi ya kilimo chini ya mtu binafsi specifikationer kubuni workflow. Kujifunza kwa nini wote workflows haja ya kuwa inaonekana katika mwanga wa utendaji na scalability kama vile jinsi ya kujenga workflows kwamba wadogo katika mazingira ya kwamba mizani, kufuatilia workflow usindikaji na kuondokana na vikwazo kawaida. Kikao hiki itafikia uongozi usanifu kwa SharePoint mazingira yako kama vile mazoea coding maalum ili kuhakikisha kupata zaidi nje ya workflows yako SharePoint.


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SharePoint Sifa & Ufumbuzi Usimamizi — Usisahau U katika CRUD (au D kwa jambo hilo)

Sisi kwa pamoja kutumia mpango mkubwa wa kufikiri kuhusu wakati SharePoint ufumbuzi — jinsi ya kujenga yao, zana ipi ya kutumia, kile kinachotokea wakati wao kushindwa kupeleka, timer ajira, scopes, nk. We spend so much time thinking about the up-front bits that it’s easy to forget that we need to retract them as well. Retracting solutions is probably more difficult, kutoka katika mtazamo wa dhana kubuni, than deploying them. Deployment is basically a cookbook affair. Typically, kufunga kipengele, labda kuwa receiver kipengele mzigo data baadhi katika orodha, that sort of thing. Hata hivyo, retracting ni uwezekano ngumu zaidi.

ufumbuzi kutokana na inaweza kujenga mabaki kama haya:

  • Aina ya maudhui
  • Orodha ya Ufafanuzi
  • Ufafanuzi tovuti
  • Data katika orodha
  • Hata kupokea
  • InfoPath aina

orodha inaendelea.

Wakati ni wazi muhimu kwa kubuni ufumbuzi kwamba instantiates mabaki ya wale usahihi, it’s just as important to consider the update and delete cases. If your solution creates a new list and populates that list with data, kile kinachotokea wakati ufumbuzi ni retracted? In some cases, the list should be deleted. In other cases, it should be left intact for historical purposes. Your business requirements will guide you to the right decision.

Kwa msaada na hii, create a matrix that lists each artifact your solution deploys to SharePoint. List three columns per artifact, moja kwa ajili ya kujenga, update and delete. For each case, kuamua matokeo sahihi kwa ajili ya operesheni ambayo.

This sort of analysis is obviously best done before the solution is ever deployed to a SharePoint farm. Hata hivyo, kama sigara, it’s never too late to start doing things correctly. Create that matrix and develop a plan to address the missing update/delete scenarios. It may be a hard problem to solve, lakini angalau wewe utakuwa na kuweka sanduku kuzunguka tatizo.


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SharePoint Designer Workflow Je, si Upatikanaji “Kijijini” au “Kigeni” Orodha

Hapa mwingine kawaida SharePoint Designer workflow swali:

"Can I access (kusoma / kuandika) SharePoint orodha kupitia workflows ambayo si wanaishi kwenye tovuti hiyo kama orodha yenyewe?"

Jibu rahisi ni: Si.

Kama kwa njia nyingi, hata hivyo, tuna kuhitimu kwamba (ambayo ni kitu kizuri katika kesi hii). The platform lets us create extensions to the produce in many ways, ikiwa ni pamoja na hatua desturi (kuona codeplex mdogo wangu mradi hapa kwa mfano). A custom action lets us do basically anything we want from SharePoint designer workflow. I’m a big fan of this, kwa kweli, tangu inatupa bora wa walimwengu wote — declarative mtumiaji wa mwisho wa kirafiki designer na kina kamili ya mfumo. NET saa tips yetu kidole.

Cha kusikitisha, kama wewe ni kutumia SPD, kuna nafasi nzuri ya wewe kufanya hivyo kwa sababu huwezi kutumia studio ya Visual (kutokana na ukweli kwamba Visual studio inahitaji kina developer background). I don’t have any good answer to that problem except that you should prevail upon one of your technical co-workers to create the kind of custom action you need. Alternatively, kazi na usimamizi wa kuajiri au mkataba kwamba aina ya rasilimali.


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SharePoint kwenye treni

Leo, I was reading through Mike Walsh’s Teach Yourself SharePoint 2007 katika 24 Hours na, incredibly, the lady on the seat next me said, "We just implemented SharePoint in our company." It’s "incredible" because people just don’t talk to me on the train 🙂 It’s funny how SharePoint was the catalyst.

The other interesting aspect was that she didn’t realize that there were books on the product. Here comment was along the lines of "It must be pretty important if people are writing books about it." I think everyone reading my blog would agree with that.


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Inazunguka Up Muda Virtual WFE ni kwa Furaha na Faida

Mimi nilikuwa mmoja wa 20 au 30 (au labda 100?) panelists jana usiku katika New York SharePoint Watumiaji Group meeting. Instead of the usual presentation format, hii ilikuwa ni wote kuhusu Q&A between the audience and the panel members. Early on, Michael Lotter ilianzisha mimi wazo mpya na mimi alitaka kushiriki.

An audience member described how his company had paid a consultant to write an application for his company. The consultant wrote it as a console application using the SharePoint object model. Kama matokeo, this meant that the program had to be run on a server in the farm. This meant that anyone that wanted to use the app would have to log onto the server, do the work and log off. At first, hii si tatizo, lakini hivi karibuni, zaidi na zaidi (mashirika yasiyo ya kiufundi) users needed to use the utility. His question was (kufafanua):

"What are my options? I don’t want to keep letting users log directly onto the server, lakini wanahitaji kuwa utendaji."

Michael Lotter alipendekeza kuwa yeye configure mpya virtual mashine, join it to the farm as a WFE and let users run the application from there.

This is a pretty stunning idea for me. Generalizing this solution brings to mind the notion of essentially temporary, almost disposable WFE’s. I think it’s a pretty neat concept. This temporary WFE can run a console application that uses the SharePoint object model. You could also use it to run stsadm commands. It doesn’t have to be part of regular local balancing. If it goes down or gets wrecked, you can just spin up a new one. I repeat myself, lakini mimi tu kusema kwamba mimi nadhani ni wazo nadhifu kweli.


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Huduma kwenye Server Je Si Orodhesha Tafuta — Kwa nini?

Nilikuwa chatting leo na Agnes Molnar (mtu tu najua kwamba mimi kujua katika Hungary) about a strange search configuration problem. Namely, search was missing from the "services on server" kuonyesha (kupitia Kati Admin -> Shughuli -> Huduma juu ya Server).

Mimi nilikuwa na kuangalia VM kazi kwenye mashine yangu mwenyewe na kwa pamoja, we determined that search was not installed on that server. There are probably a few ways to do this, but we did it by confirming that "Office SharePoint Server Search" iliyopungua orodha ya huduma kupitia Start -> Kiutawala Tools -> Huduma.

Oddly, kuhusishwa. exe * mara * kwenye server ("C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Servers\12.0\Bin\mssearch.exe").

Mimi kutafuta haraka na kupatikana hii kuingia blog:

Hiyo ni mnyororo barua pepe na hatua hii muhimu:

"I solved this problem. Ilikuwa ni makosa yangu. I choose "Web front end" instead of "Complete" wakati wa kufunga."

Hii ilikuwa na kuahidi, but we weren’t sure if the installer had actually picked WFE instead of complete when installing MOSS.

Sisi checked kwa kwanza (mwanzo) toleo la faili PSCDiagnostics * katika 12 mzinga logi directory na huko, tulikuta kwamba kisakinishi alikuwa, kwa kweli, configured this server to be a web front end. End of story and it had a happy ending.

(Mahali fulani kwenye mstari, Bob Fox got kushiriki, lakini wote mimi kukumbuka yake kuchangia mjadala maoni kuhusu Hadithi zilizotungwa 2).

Mwisho: Agnes blogs kuhusu somo hili hapa:


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Ni Recruiters Kupata kidogo fujo?

Au ni mimi tu? I’ve received three or four calls at my house since late September looking for SharePoint work. I’m used to the email solicitations, but these phone calls are a little unnerving. I haven’t had an updated resume on a job site I(like Monster pr Dice) since almost two years ago exactly. And back then, my resume was all about BizTalk and MS CRM. That’s the only place my phone number appears on line anywhere, hivyo mbali kama mimi kujua.


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Tu Wakati mimi nina Kuhusu kwa Lemaza Maoni …

Wao kuvuta mimi nyuma katika!

Windows Live Spaces doesn’t do a good job protecting me from comment spam. I assume MSFT has good spam detection, but that the spammers are better. The fact remains, hata hivyo, kwamba mimi kupata maoni mbali zaidi spam kuliko mimi kupata maoni ya kweli na mimi nilikuwa tu kufikiri katika wiki ya mwisho au hivyo kwamba mimi alikuwa anaenda Disable maoni.

Hata hivyo, leo, Nimeona mbili maoni bora katika kukabiliana na hii post (kuhusu Access Limited) na hii post (kuhusu kikwazo tafuta nyaraka, kinyume na folders). Those comments are so complementary (kwa kuwa wao kuongeza mengi ya thamani ya post yangu), I can’t see disabling comments and thereby closing off that avenue of useful information. Hivyo, Nimekuwa alijiuzulu mwenyewe kwa kuwa binadamu spam catcher / cleaner. Live spaces does provide a pretty decent way to clean up comments, lakini ambaye anataka kupoteza muda kufanya hivyo?


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Kijamii Computing Kitabu kwa SharePoint 2007

Katika katikati ya mwezi Julai, I was offered a chance to author two chapters for Brendon Schwartz’s na Matt Ranlett’s up-coming book, Kijamii Computing na Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Implementing Applications for SharePoint to Enable Collaboration and Interaction in the Enterprise. (Nadhani walikuwa kujaribu kushinda mashindano ya urefu na cheo kwamba; Nadhani wao alishinda). I jumped on the opportunity and now, hatimaye, the entire book is done, arriving at stores in February.

As SharePoint matures, publishers have begun to produce a new wave of books. This book is part of that wave. This wave builds upon the previous round of technical reference manuals explaining core features and functions and begins to describe how to use those features and functions to deliver business value in a very non-superficial way. I’m not saying that is anything superficial about reference manuals or their value. Kwa kweli, a book like this on Social Computing probably couldn’t have been written a year ago. (Literally, of course it could have been written, but I don’t think the larger community would have been ready for it). The new wave of books tends to assume the reader basically understands core features and instead describes how to use those core features in interesting new ways.

As the title plainly says, this is a book about Social Computing. Social Computing is a subject ripe for discussion and exploration and indeed, the discussion is well underway among early adopters. Many companies are now quite comfortable with document libraries, maudhui ya aina, kutafuta, basic workflow, nk. Having implemented and mastered these bread and butter features, they are ready for the next level. This book offers insights and strategies to do that and thereby, kutumia fursa mpya na kuvutia kwamba Computing kijamii huleta kwa dunia.

Computing kijamii ni somo kubwa na kutoa na inashughulikia mengi mbali ya mambo, ikiwa ni pamoja na blogs, Wiki, kijamii tagging, kutafuta, maingiliano ya vyombo vya habari, mashups, "people," and other socially-oriented "stuff." SharePoint has a very strong story to tell in this arena and now, wakati huu katika mtandao & SharePoint historia, is the time to tell it. All things being equal between companies, those that successfully leverage Social Computing will outpace and outgrow those that do not. The train is getting ready to leave the station and you don’t want to miss it! This book is your ticket for a seat on that train 🙂

Bottom line, this is a blog entry pitching the book. It’s due out in February. Pre-order it here: Kijamii Computing na Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Implementing Applications for SharePoint to Enable Collaboration and Interaction in the Enterprise.

(Full disclosure — there’s no royalty money in it for me if you choose to buy the book, so this isn’t an effort to boost my savings account, though if it sells well, it will help out my ego, which always wants more, more, more!)

As an aside, but very important aside, I thank Bob Fox for connecting me with Brendon. And naturally, I thank Brendon and Matt for taking a chance on a newbie such as myself and letting me author chapters in their very important book!


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