Haraka na rahisi: Utoaji Web Site Kutumia SharePoint Object Mfano Katika C #

I tried searching for a little snippet code that would show how I can create a new SPWeb in a site collection. I didn’t find it as quickly or easily as I expected so I thought I’d slap together a little entry on the subject.

Kanuni hii inajenga mpya Wiki tovuti:

 SPSite siteCollection;

    siteCollection = mpya SPSite("http://conchang-o9l8qi");

    SPWeb w = siteCollection.OpenWeb();

    w.Webs.Add("xyzzy", "xyzzy Title",
        "xyzzy description", 1033, SPWebTemplate.WebTemplateWIKI, uongo, uongo);

My initial searches failed because I was looking for phrases like "provision a web site using sharepoint object model" and the like.

Kama wewe kutafuta for "Webs.Add()", utapata idadi ya washiriki muhimu sana blog, MSDN articles and SDK documentation that go into depth on this subject. I definitely recommend tovuti hii.


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Kuunganisha Workflows Designer SharePoint na Huduma za Mtandao

Nimekuwa kucheza karibu na vitendo desturi kwa Designer SharePoint kwa baadhi ya wakati (angalia hapa kwa baadhi ya mambo ya kina, kama kuwa na maslahi yenu).

Katika mradi wangu wa sasa, we need to do some fairly heavy lifting and we want to use declarative SPD workflow to manage the associated business process.

Muda mrefu hadithi fupi, this is entirely possible. I extended my Codeplex project to invoke a "helper service" and now we can invoke a web service directly from an SPD workflow.

Hapa ni sahihi:

 umma string Dispatcher(
        Guid WebID, // Kupita kwa mazingira Runtime
        Guid SiteID, // Kupita kwa mazingira Runtime
        string ListID, // Wanapita RTE (sijui kwa nini hii ni kamba, siyo GUID)
        int ListItemID, // Wanapita RTE.
        string XmlMessage) // Kupita kwa mtumiaji kama alitangaza katika SPD.

Hii leverages ukweli kwamba tunaweza kupata taarifa muhimu katika workflow, kama tovuti, orodha ID, nk. This is well documented in several places for those of you interested in creating your own custom actions. The idea is to extract the XML string as provided by the user to dispatch an appropriate procedure. Fun stuff!

Cha kusikitisha, hii ni wazi tiketi moja ya njia ya chini kwa "Loosey Goosey" kupambana na muundo ardhi, but it’s better than hitting a brick wall 🙂

Je, ni kupambana na muundo kama wewe kufanya hivyo hata kama unajua ni kupambana na muundo?

I hope to wrap this inside Codeplex in the near future. If you’re interested in me doing so, nipe poke (email au kuacha maoni) and I’ll be that more enthusiastic about doing it 🙂


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Jumapili Mapenzi: “Nashangaa kama nywila yako ni …”

Mimi hivi karibuni kununuliwa chakula cha mchana kwa ndugu yangu (kama kawaida) and we ended up talking about funny things that we did at our respective colleges. At my alma mater, Lafayette Chuo, the academic support IT department had a very inclusive way about it. We were given a LOT of rope and I took advantage of that at times.

Two my favorite memories relate to my good friend, Gabe. He had made the terrible mistake of telling people his freshman year that "I’m a freshman, but I have Sophomore standing" due to the various advanced placement classes he had taken, nk. Many of us were similarly situated but we didn’t talk about it so much. His senior year, when we introduced him to people, we’d say "This is Gabe. He’s a Senior, but he has Sophomore standing".

The college had some Sun workstation/servers running X-Window. They had gigantic monitors and the engineers used them for CAD and other boring engineer stuff. We CS people used them to learn programming and, bila shaka, kucheza michezo.

Sisi si kama wahandisi kompyuta-wanyonge na hivyo kiasi moja ya mambo yetu favorite kwa kufanya itakuwa telnet kwa sanduku wao walikuwa juu na kukimbia X-jicho on them. This would pop up a pair of eyes that followed the mouse around on the screen. You could pop up even more and have literally a dozen or more of the X-eye applications running. Jaribu kutocheka kwa sauti kubwa wakati mhandisi asiye na shida anajaribu kufunga X-jicho baada ya X-jicho na kunung'unika chini ya pumzi yake juu yake 🙂

We also played X-trek on those boxes. To do that, you had to download the source, get various dependencies wherever you could find them and build it. I wasn’t a sophisticated C programmer, but I could read header files. I was looking through these and found directives like "#DEFINE MAX_TORPEDO_DISTANCE 10". I played around with that increase range and power for phases and torpedoes, re-built it and then destroyed Gabe the next time we played.

Gabe was also a huge fan of a TV show called Blake’s 7. I had never seen it, but that didn’t prevent me from insisting that Dr. Who is the superior show. Mabishano yanaweza kuwa moto wakati mwingine 🙂

One day, it occurred to me that I could probably guess his UNIX password. I sat down next to him one day and announced in a loud tone, "I’m going to guess your password right now, Gabe." "Yeah, haki" was his answer. I then logged in, aliingia mtumiaji wake id, akageuka kwa uso yake, typed na kusema kwa sauti kubwa, "I wonder if it’s B-L-A-K-E-7" ? Touch typing has never paid off as handsomely as it did that day.

Wiki ijayo (au hivi karibuni): More computer room antics from college.

Je una lolote kushiriki? Leave a comment or email me and I’ll publish them here.


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Madogo Umma Announcement: Windows Live Settings Usalama na Kuwasiliana Wamiliki Space

I receive a handful of messages from individuals via the built-in "send a message" kazi Microsoft hutoa na nafasi ya kuishi (ambayo pia ni mwenyeji wa blog yangu) kila mwezi.

Kuhusu theluthi moja ya wakati, those users have secured their live spaces account such that I cannot reply. This is some kind of anti-spam feature I assume.


Maelezo rahisi: “Thamani si kuanguka ndani mbalimbali yanayotarajiwa.”

UPDATE: An anonymous poster left a great comment about internal names. Be sure to read it.

Wakati wa kufanya kazi na kupokea tukio na code nyingine kwamba marejeo SharePoint orodha ya vitu via mfano kitu, Mimi mara nyingi kufanya makosa ili kuzalisha hili kosa katika Runtime:

Hitilafu ya upakiaji na mbio tukio receiver Conchango.xyzzyEventReceiver katika xyzzy, Version =, Utamaduni = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 0dc50a750396c3ac. Additional information is below. : Value does not fall within the expected range.

I think this is a fairly generic error that is potentially caused many different ways. Hata hivyo, one simple explanation is that I’m referencing a field incorrectly. If the name of the field is "Due Date", Mimi lazima akifanya marejeo ni kama hii katika receiver tukio:

properties.ListItem["Due Date"]

Wakati mimi misspell au kutumia vibaya wakati kesi referencing shamba, SharePoint generates the above mentioned runtime error. Kwa mfano, hii ni sahihi:

properties.ListItem["due Date"]


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Mtumiaji wa mwisho Quick Tip: Aina Views katika Library Document, Orodha ya, nk.

Tunaweza, lazima na wala kujenga maoni mengi katika orodha SharePoint (hati maktaba, desturi orodha, nk). SharePoint always lists available views in alphabetical order. We cannot change this using out of the box functionality. If it can be done via customization (na mimi nina uhakika unaweza), ni mbali ya kiufundi kwa ajili ya mtumiaji yako ya kawaida mwisho.

Kama unataka kudhibiti utaratibu ambao SharePoint orodha ya maoni inapatikana, tu prepend ya simu au barua kwa jina maoni, kama katika:

1 – Kwa Aina Material
2 – Kila Nyaraka
3 – Kutokana Tarehe


A – Kwa Aina Material
B – Kila Nyaraka
C – Kutokana Tarehe

I have also created views whose purpose is strictly to feed a KPI. I have been following this naming convention:


That causes my "KPI" maoni kuonekana chini ya orodha.


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Jumapili Mapenzi: “Nilipokuwa Little Boy”

Kama mzazi, somewhere along the line I discovered the "When I was a little boy" trick.

Mwanangu, pengine minne au mitano wakati, alikuwa kucheza puto na kama wengi wavulana kidogo kwamba kucheza na balloons, he popped it. He was very upset. The world had come to an end. I said to him, "when I was little boy, Mimi nilikuwa na puto na ni popped na hatimaye, I got a new balloon." It seemed to help him cope with his loss and led to a fun talk about what it was like when I was a little boy.

That worked well as a consolation technique and I used it a several times over the next period of time. I did get into trouble once when his Monster Rancher 3 creature died. I talked about how my dog, Prince, had died in a car accident. Wakati huu, majibu yake ilikuwa, "Now I feel bad about two things!" I shied away from using the "when I was a little boy" mbinu kwa ajili ya faraja baada ya kuwa.

Kabla ya tukio hilo wafu mbwa, hata hivyo, I had also started to use the technique to convince him to do chores. "When I was a little boy, I had to go out and get the newspaper", "clean my room", "get Mommy her coffee cup", nk.

Hii pia ilikuwa pretty mafanikio kwa wakati, but he started to increasingly rebel against the tyranny of my childhood. One event, hasa, marked the end. I told him to bring the garbage cans from curb back to the garage. He argued and I responded, "When I was a little boy, I had to take the garbage back to the garage." He responded, "Oh yeah! Well when you were a little boy, kwamba ilikuwa ya kijinga!".


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Maoni na nguzo kwenye Orodha na Maktaba Kudhibiti Haiwezi Imelindwa

UPDATE (02/29/08): Hii mpya codeplex mradi inaonekana kutoa njia kwa ajili ya kupata nguzo ya mtu binafsi: http://www.codeplex.com/SPListDisplaySetting. If you have any experience working with it, tafadhali acha maoni.

Forum mabango ya mara kwa mara kuuliza swali kama hili: "I have a manager view and and a staff view of a list. How do I secure the manager view so that staff can not use it?"

They also frequently ask a related question: "I want to secure a specific metadata column so that only managers may edit that column while others may not even see it."

These answers apply to both WSS 3.0 na MOSS:

  • SharePoint does not provide out-of-the-box support for securing views.
  • SharePoint does not provide out-of-the-box support for security columns.

There are several techniques one can follow to meet these kinds of security requirements. Here’s what I can think of:

  • Use out-of-the-box item level security. Views always honor item level security configuration. Event receivers and/or workflow can automate security assignment.
  • Use personal views for "privileged" maoni. These are easy enough to set up. Hata hivyo, due to their "personal" nature, these need to be configured for each user. Use standard security configuration to prevent anyone else from creating a personal view.
  • Use a data view web part and implement some kind of AJAXy security trimming solution.
  • Roll your own list display functionality and incorporate security trimming at the column level.
  • Modify the data entry forms and use JavaScript in conjunction with the security model to implement column-level security trimming.
  • Use an InfoPath form for data entry. Implement column-level security trimming via web service calls to SharePoint and conditionally hide fields as needed.
  • Roll your own ASP.NET data entry function that implements column level security trimming.

None of those options are really that great, but there is at least a path to follow if you need to, even if it’s hard.

NOTE: If you go down any of these paths, don’t forget about "Actions -> Open with Windows Explorer". You want to be sure that you test with that feature to make sure that it doesn’t work as a "back door" and defeat your security scheme.

If you have other ideas for or experiences with securing columns or views, please email yangu or leave a comment and I’ll update this posting as appropriate.


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Haraka Tip: BDC ADF Version Hesabu Je, Rafiki yako

Kama wewe ni mkono-coding files ADF na kufanya mengi ya kanuni / kuagiza / mtihani mizunguko, use the version number to make your life easier.

I hate kukubali hilo, lakini mpaka wiki hii, I was always deleting the ADF and re-importing it. This would break my business data columns and make me re-wire them. All unnecessary.

File this under "it’s obvious once you see it".


xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/03/BusinessDataCatalog BDCMetadata.xsd" Aina="Webservice" Toleo="" Jina="xyzzyDocumentReview" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2006/03/BusinessDataCatalog">

Change that version and re-import and the existing business data column uses the updated version automatically with no additional configuration required.


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Ufumbuzi: BDC Picker Inaonyesha Mmoja tu Column ya Matokeo

In my on-going attempts at providing a more useful lookup column using BDC, I hit a wall with the BDC picker. If you haven’t see it, the BDC picker is similar to a people picker except that it works with columns of type "business data".

You access the picker by clicking on the open book icon of a business data column as shown:


The above image shows a business data column called "Master Document Id". That column is connected, via BDC, to a web service. The web service returns two columns of information: Document ID and Title. The business purpose here is to provide a "this document is based on" kazi. Users select a "master" document and when they save, an event receiver copies meta data fields from the referenced master.

By default, the BDC picker looks like this when I search for a document whose ID = "38":


That’s helpful, but not good enough. People don’t think in terms of IDs, they think in terms of titles and/or other meta data. The picker allows you to search on other columns (e.g. Title) but won’t show the actual list of titles it found, just their DocId’s as shown here:


(The screen shot isn’t so great because I didn’t pick a search that returns any valid results, but you can see that if it had found some results, it would only have shown DocId’s, not titles).

I searched high and low for the answer to this and failed. Yangu mwenzake, the venerable Jonathan Bradshaw, had faced and solved this issue. When I reached out to him for help, he pointed me in the right direction.

Configure the picker to show multiple columns via the "ShowInPicker" property in the ADF:

<Mali Jina="ShowInPicker" Aina="System.Boolean">kweli</Mali>

In more detail:

  <!-- Title -->
  <TypeDescriptor TypeName="System.String" Jina="Title" >
      <LocalizedDisplayName LCID="1033">Title</LocalizedDisplayName>
      <Mali Jina="DisplayByDefault" Aina="System.Boolean">kweli</Mali>
      <Mali Jina="ShowInPicker" Aina="System.Boolean">kweli</Mali>

Setting this property does introduce a minor problem. As soon as you set it once, you need to set it for every column you want to show. Katika kesi yangu, BDC picker showed DocId by default. Hata hivyo, once I added "ShowInPicker" to Title, DocId no longer displayed. I solved that by explicitly setting the ShowInPicker property for Doc ID.

Here is the result:


(I’ll explain the odd-looking "168 – CamlSchema.xsd" construction in a future blog post. Kwa kifupi, it’s a concatenated string that allows for a slightly better user experience).

Bila shaka, having written this blog entry, I just did a search for "ShowInPicker" and found numerous hits, including this one: http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms583986.aspx. It explains the meaning of that property along with some other good BDC stuff.


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