We collectively spend a great deal of time thinking about SharePoint solutions — how to create them, which tool to use, what happens when they fail to deploy, timer jobs, scopes, etc. We spend so much time thinking about the up-front bits that …
We collectively spend a great deal of time thinking about SharePoint solutions — how to create them, which tool to use, what happens when they fail to deploy, timer jobs, scopes, etc. We spend so much time thinking about the up-front bits that … Here’s another common SharePoint Designer workflow question: "Can I access (read/write) SharePoint lists via workflows which do not reside on the same site as the list itself?" The simple answer is: No. As in so many ways, however, we ha… Today, I was reading through Mike Walsh’s Teach Yourself SharePoint 2007 in 24 Hours and, incredibly, the lady on the seat next me said, "We just implemented SharePoint in our company." It’s "incredible" because people jus… I was one of 20 or 30 (or maybe 100?) panelists last night at the New York SharePoint Users Group meeting. Instead of the usual presentation format, this was all about Q&A between the audience and the panel members. Early on, Michael Lotter int… I was chatting today with Agnes Molnar (the only person I know that I know in Hungary) about a strange search configuration problem. Namely, search was missing from the "services on server" display (via Central Admin -> Operations -> … Or is it just me? I’ve received three or four calls at my house since late September looking for SharePoint work. I’m used to the email solicitations, but these phone calls are a little unnerving. I haven’t had an updated resume… They pull me back in! Windows Live Spaces doesn’t do a good job protecting me from comment spam. I assume MSFT has good spam detection, but that the spammers are better. The fact remains, however, that I get far more spam comments than I get … In mid July, I was offered a chance to author two chapters for Brendon Schwartz’s and Matt Ranlett’s up-coming book, Social Computing with Microsoft SharePoint 2007: Implementing Applications for SharePoint to Enable Collaboration and Inter… Template Name: MarketingCampaign.stp Description: Enable tracking of marketing campaign performance. Business Area: Sales / Marketing Document Libraries: UPDATE 11/03/08: Be sure to read the excellent and detailed comment from Dessie Lunsford to this post. I’ve been working on a secret tech editing project for an up-coming book and it references this blog entry by Tyler Butler on the MSDN ECM blo… |
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