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Exploring the 40 Application Templates – Contacts Management

Template Name: ContactsManagement.wsp Description: Help teams manage contact information among team members, including synchronization with Microsoft Office Outlook® 2007. Business Area: Sales / Marketing

Great Tutorial and Walk-through using InfoPath and Workflow to Solve a Scheduling Problem

These days, I’m perpetually playing catch-up with my blog reading and I just came across this post: http://sharepointsolutions.blogspot.com/2009/02/give-blood-to-your-workflow.html It’s as solid and detailed a SharePoint Designer workflow t…

Paging for Search Results Xslt – Alternative of Search Paging webpart

SharePoint Search implements a custom search paging webpart, when customising the xslt the paging webpart does not execute as per expected. A sample code for number based Paging that simulates the out of the box search pagig webpart, that can be plug…

NYC SharePoint Developers Group – Deep Tech Talk

A few weeks ago, I presented at the New York City SharePoint Developers Group meeting at the Microsoft office in Manhattan. They meet every last Tuesday of the month. I’ve been spending most of my time lately in my beloved New Jersey so I don&#…

SharePoint Dispose Checker Tool

Great tool to check the memory leaks in you create using the disposable objects such as SpSite and SpWeb, will help you increase the performance of your sharepoint site much better. http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/SPDisposeCheck To read more about the d…

Exploring the 40 Application Templates – Call Center

Template Name: CallCenter.wsp Description: Help individuals manage the process of handling customer service requests from issue identification to cause analysis and resolution Business Area: IT / Operations

Tuning Virtual PC Performance

I found this article useful in helping me tuning my VPC performance. Hope its helpful for you all too… http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Tuning-Virtual-PC-Performance.html

Defining “Great” SharePoint Requirements

As requested and promised, I’ve uploaded my presentation on how to obtain "great" requirements from end users for SharePoint projects and implementations. It’s here: http://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/SharePoi…

“Wild West” Governance PowerPoint Presentation

I just finished up my "Wild West" governance presentation here at the SharePoint Best Practices conference and I was asked to post my slide deck to my blog, so here it is: http://cid-1cc1edb3daa9b8aa.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/SharePoint/Paul%…

Exploring the 40 Application Templates – Bug Database

Template Name: BugDatabase.wsp Description: Help development teams collect and track information about bugs in their code including reproduction steps, category, comments, priority and severity of the bug. Business Area: IT / Operations