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Control Workflow Behavior with Custom Lists (Again)

Earlier this month, I put together an article originally planned for Mark Miller’s www.endusersharepont.com. However, I instead used like Dustin Hoffman used a cross at the end of the The Graduate to fend off my (awesome! friendly!) editor at T…

Use Control Lists to Create Flexible Workflow Solutions

Last week, Mark Miller posted my latest SharePoint Designer workflow article for end users on his site (http://www.endusersharepoint.com/?p=1226). It starts like this: We technical types use a lot of jargon and acronyms in our daily routine such as “…

Governance and SharePoint Search – It’s Never Too Late to Start

I wrote an article (http://searchwinit.techtarget.com/tip/0,289483,sid1_gci1345231_mem1,00.html#) for SearchWinIT.com on governance as it relates to SharePoint Search. It’s not in my usual "voice" but that’s editing for you Here…

Upcoming FAST Presentation, Wednesday 01/28, Noon EDT

I’ll be doing my first ever online presentation hosted by the mighty EMC marketing machine at 12:00 noon EDT on Wednesday, 01/28. I have no idea what to expect from this, in terms of attendance. However, since I’m leading it, I can tell y…

Self-Service Site Creation Isn’t Exactly About Creating Sites

Like many SharePoint consultant types, I’ve been exposed to a lot of SharePoint functionality. Some times, I dive pretty deep. Other times I just notice it as I’m flying by to another set of menu options. One of those is "self-ser…

Set permissions for SharePoint Views

The following tool in Codeplex enables you to set permissions to views and restrict views to particular users. This feature is not available out of the box in Sharepoint. http://www.codeplex.com/SPViewPermission

Invalid data has been used to update the list item. The field you are trying to update may be read only

When trying to modify the ModifiedBy or the CreatedBy fields, you may encounter such error. This error is basically not very helpful to find what the problem is. This error is encountered because when trying to modify the above mentioned fields and use…

Remove the Export option from the Webpart’s Menu

The Export option from the webpart’s menu can be removed by using the webpart property ExportMode. The ExportMode parameters can be, None – None of a Web Parts control’s properties can be exported. All – All of a Web Parts con…

Speaking at New York SharePoint Developers Group Meeting

I’ll be presenting at the New York SharePoint Developers group meeting in New York at the Microsoft Offices on 6th Ave on Tuesday, 01/27 at 6:00 PM (just over a week from now!). Sign up here. It’s going to be a technical presentation where …

Exploring the 40 Application Templates – Absence and Vacation Schedule

Template Name: AbsenceVacationSchedule.wsp Description: Help employees manage requests for out of office days, including listing days they will be unavailable who will cover their responsibilities while they are gone Business Area: Human […]