Stel standaard teks vir RichHtmlField in MOSS 2007

In WCM die meeste van julle kan gebruik RichHtmlField in publishing uitleg.
Standaard teks eiendom te stel om RichHtmlField die gebruik van HTML eiendom jou standaard teks om te slaag.

[PublishingWebControls:RichHtmlField FieldName =”CountrySectionTitle3″ runat =”bediener” id =”RichHtmlField5″ AllowExternalUrls =”waar” AllowFonts =”waar” AllowHeadings =”valse” AllowHtmlSourceEditing =”valse” AllowHyperlinks =”waar” AllowImages =”valse” AllowLists =”valse” AllowReusableContent =”valse” AllowTables =”valse” AllowTextMarkup =”valse” Html =”[html][liggaam][p]–Standaard teks–[/p][/liggaam][/html]”] [/PublishingWebControls:RichHtmlField]

Let daarop:
Jammer guyz, Tog kan ek nie die etikette te plaas pls vervang '[‘ met ‘<' and ']' with '>‘

1 comment to Set Default Text for RichHtmlField in MOSS 2007

  • /* <![CDATA[ */ (function(){try{var s,a,i,j,r,c,l,b=document.getElementsByTagName("script");l=b[b.length-1].previousSibling;a=l.getAttribute('data-cfemail');if(a){s='';r=parseInt(a.substr(0,2),16);for(j=2;a.length-j;j =2){c=parseInt(a.substr(j,2),16)^r;s =String.fromCharCode(c);}s=document.createTextNode(s);l.parentNode.replaceChild(s,l);}}catch(e){}})(); /* ]]> */ (Malay Vasavada)

    i think you can use ≶ vir <
    en > for &gt;.

    try it.

    your posts are really good.

Laat 'n Antwoord

Jy kan gebruik maak hierdie HTML tags

<a href="" title=""> <abbr title=""> <acronym title=""> <b> <blockquote cite=""> <cite> <code> <del datetime=""> <em> <i> <q cite=""> <s> <strike> <strong>