For decades, companies have been running their software on their own infrastructure. Programari + Service is a new delivery model where companies pay, not for owning the software itself, but for using it. In this scenario, the software provider is responsible for its availability (maintenance, escalabilitat, recuperació de desastres, etc.,) and gets paid for the same.Delivering software as a service has gained a lot of momentum. One reason, this one-to-many delivery model, is attractive, is that, it enables new economies of scale.Come listen to some scenarios where S S would be the way to go. Discuss your apprehensions and get geared to go the S S way. Vostè està convidat a assistir a un Fòrum sobre S S amb John Devadoss, SR. Director d'estratègia tècnica a l'App Dev & Plataforma de Gestió de Màrqueting Team en Microsoft.
Detalls de l'esdeveniment:
Dimecres, 7-Nov-2007 2:30pm - 4:45pm
Lloc de celebració:
Microsoft Corporation (Índia) Pvt. Ltd, Hamilton Conf Room, Signatura Building, Embassy Golf Links Business Park, Off Intermedi Ring Road, Domlur, Bangalore - 560071.
Orador principal
2:30pm - 3:30pm
S S Descripció i Escenaris
John Devadoss
3:30pm - 3:45pm
3:45pm - 4:45pm
Discussió Oberta Casa
Arquitectes participants, John Devadoss
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