Heddiw, Roeddwn yn gwneud rhywfaint o brandio ar gyfer Cyhoeddi safle, sydd yn mudo o'r PHP / HTML gan ddefnyddio cod arfer.
Pan fyddaf yn galluogi briwsion bara ar dudalennau (amlwg rydym yn defnyddio ein cynlluniau dudalen hun arfer), y “dudalennau” a “.aspx” yn enw'r ffeil yn fath o boen. I ddechrau, yr wyf yn meddwl am symud hyn drwy ychwanegu javascript / jquery ar y dudalen.
Ond yr wyf yn cadw meddwl y, ni ddylai fod yn y ffordd orau o wneud hyn.
Yna mi fod newid SiteMapProvider eiddo ar gyfer Bara Crumb yn Master Tudalen o “SPContentMapProvider” i “CurrentNavSiteMapProviderNoEncode”, wnaeth y hud.
Nawr Fy Map o'r safle yn edrych fel isod:
Hi Udayakumar,
I am doing the same thing on my sharepoint publishing portal but it still does not work for me. Am I missing something?
Rahul Babar
What change do you see in breadcrumb after update?
Thanks for the quick response.
Actually I was missing to change sitemappath control in layout pages. I was doing it only in master page.
Using “SPContentMapProvider”, I get the breadcrumb as
My Portal > Finance and Corporate Services > Information Technology > Pages > Home.aspx
After changing it to “CurrentNavSiteMapProviderNoEncode”, breadcrumb becomes
My Portal > Finance and Corporate Services > Information Technology
But the requirement is to have breadcrumb like the following.
My Portal > Finance and Corporate Services > Information Technology > Hafan
The same kind of breadcrumb comes in pages like AllItems.aspx of list/library.
Can we achieve this by some workaround? I appreciate your suggestions.
Rahul Babar
Thanks a lot! You made my day
I adore your wordpress theme, exactly where do you get a hold of it from?