Ezabatu Taula errepikaria InfoPath botoia 2010

Mota hau bezero eskaera komuna delete txiki botoia edo irudi mota guztietan ezabatu da.

Aurkitu ezin izan dut planteamendu edozein errenkadetan arauak erabiliz ezabatu. One line C # kodea tranpa egitea litzateke J


Gehitu Button eta klik “Editatu Form Code” Button Properties.


void DeleteRow_Clicked(objektu bidali, ClickedEventArgs e)


// Idatzi hemen zure kodea.





Noiz ezabatu botoia source, ezabatzen da DOM den uneko nodoa, Nodoaren errenkadan dauka osoa.


Deskargatu kodea Form lagin hemen.


2 comments to Delete Button on Repeating Table InfoPath 2010

  • […] a quick bit of code I found on Uday’s mstechblog site that makes it a bit easier for your users to remove a row in a repeating table. Instead of […]

  • Neha

    If i have two repeating table in a section and each row has a delete button with same id for both repeating table then what should i do to delete the same row from both repeating tables with a single click…if i’m trying your above suggestion then it only deletes the row from one repeating table,not from both..

    Plz provide your valuable suggestions…its urgent..

Iruzkin bat idatzi

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