Mota hau bezero eskaera komuna delete txiki botoia edo irudi mota guztietan ezabatu da.
Aurkitu ezin izan dut planteamendu edozein errenkadetan arauak erabiliz ezabatu. One line C # kodea tranpa egitea litzateke J
Gehitu Button eta klik “Editatu Form Code” Button Properties.
void DeleteRow_Clicked(objektu bidali, ClickedEventArgs e)
// Idatzi hemen zure kodea.
Noiz ezabatu botoia source, ezabatzen da DOM den uneko nodoa, Nodoaren errenkadan dauka osoa.
Deskargatu kodea Form lagin hemen.
[…] a quick bit of code I found on Uday’s mstechblog site that makes it a bit easier for your users to remove a row in a repeating table. Instead of […]
If i have two repeating table in a section and each row has a delete button with same id for both repeating table then what should i do to delete the same row from both repeating tables with a single click…if i’m trying your above suggestion then it only deletes the row from one repeating table,not from both..
Plz provide your valuable suggestions…its urgent..