Dut hori lortu bitartean profila objektu-eredua bidez eguneratzeko azpian.
Berritzeak GET eskaerak debekatu dira. GET batean eguneratzeak baimentzeko, 'AllowUnsafeUpdates ezarri’ Jabetza SPWeb on
Gehitu web.AllowUnsafeUpdate = true; Arazo hau konpontzeko.
grajits web.AllowUnsafeUpdates=true
Hello! When you have GET request and call BreakRoleInheritance, web.AllowUnsafeUpdates=true doesn’t help. I described it and a workaround in my blog http://dotnetfollower.com/wordpress/2011/03/sharepoint-updates-are-currently-disallowed-on-get-requests/
Great article, thanks for posting this post. I will be reading your blog as much as I can from now on! Appreciate it.