Hey Guys,
Fuair mé ó riachtanas an gnó a athrú ar an dath Cúlra ar an teideal WebPart do As webparts Bosca. Ansin, thosaigh mé ag breathnú ar CSS Fuair mé an méid seo a leanas CSS rang a ceannas ceann an stíl WebPart Teideal.
.ms-WPHeader TD
teorann-bun:0px soladach # 4e7cb7;
Athraigh rang seo de réir do riachtanas ansin tá tú ag déanamh….
.ms-WPHeader TD{
cúlra-dath: #0174DF;
font-size: níos mó;
font-mheáchan: trom;
teorann-bun:0px soladach # 4e7cb7;
Dia duit Uday…..
I am adding webparts on my Page Programatically……so
System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart HelloWP = new Hello.HelloWebpart;
HelloWP.Title = “My Webpart”;
mgr.AddWebPart(HelloWP, “Left”, 0);
(mgr is my WebpartManager)
now how can i set the CSS to my webpart….???