Má tá tú ag fáil earráide agus bac ar chomhad a uaslódáil nó anyother comhaid exe?.
Lean na céimeanna thíos a uaslódáil an comhad
Oscail Riarachán Lárnach
sa Tab Oibríocht
Securtiy Alt
oscailte na cineálacha rogha comhad Blocked
Bain an exe? (síneadh) ar an liosta & scriosadh as an iarratais gréasáin freisin bac comhad liosta cineálacha.
Is féidir leat a bhaint as an extesnsions bac
Dia duit Uday,
An bealach a mhol beidh tú ar chumas na comhaid a uaslódáil exe? Le haon cheann de na leabharlainne doiciméad san iarratas gréasáin.
An féidir linn an uaslódáil an exe? Ar bac le leabharlann doiciméad ar leith gan iarratas gréasáin ar fad nó atleast ar bhailiúchán suíomh ach amháin.
Kindly let us know
Dia duit Uday,
Ba mhaith leis an mbealach agat mhol an uaslódáil comhad exe? Ar chumas do chúrsaí uile an doiciméad i leabharlanna an t-iarratas gréasáin.
D'fhéadfadh muid bac le leabharlann doiciméad ar leith seachas iarratais ghréasáin uile nó ar bhailiúchán suíomh ar a laghad.
Kindly let us know.
Dia duit Khatri,
As of now i couldnt find any global list for Blocked file extensions,
when you open operations -> Security configuration -> blocked file extensions.
you will be able to choose the web application in the top right corner.
when you edit blocked file types it will allowed only for the web application you chosen.
it will not change the settings for entire farm.
Hope this will helps you.
Go raibh maith agat,
~ Uday.
I have unblocked the file I want to upload on both central admin and the local web site and I still can not upload. Is there something I am missing?
Thanks inadvance
My Bio Data
Ainm: Nandkishor Arvind Dhekane
Seoladh: 541 Budhawar Peth,
Near,Kasardevi Dharmashala,
Pune: 411002.
Landline No: (020) 24457135
Mobile No: 9665036399
Date of Birth: 23/03/1974
Age: 34
E-Mail nandu185@rediffmail.com
Qualification: (B.A.)
Computer Courses: DTP, Visual Basic, C, C , VC , Oracle, Core Java, html, xml, Microsoft Access, p.h.p. , c.s.s.,dhtml,cgi bin, script,jsp,vb.net, DBASE, Pascal, ASP.Net, Visual Foxpro, MySQL, JavaScript, vb script, Open Source, Introduction of C#,ADO.Net
Others: Webpage Design & Development, Hardware & Líonrú, MS Office, Animation Paintshop, Video Editing, MSCIT & MCED Pass , e-book software Development, Graphic & Design Development, Web Designing & Development/Programming
Advance Programming Skill: [MS PowerPoint Presentation] Lotus Approach, Lotus Freelance Graphics
, Special Programming Skill: Web Software Development In MS Office 2000/2003/2007/2010/xp/Mac/Linux,Open Office 3.2.org
Occupation: Home base Software Development Jobs.
Designation: Multimedia Software Engineer.
Area of Interests: Fógraíocht & Multimedia Presentation Software Development
Taithí: 6 Month’s worked in Logic Enterprises as a deta entry operator from19 March to 6 Meán Fómhair 2008. & 6 Month’s Experience in R.T.O. , as a detabase programmer.
My Software Projects: Mobile Radio, Calculator & Notepad.[My Own Software Projects].
Bogearraí: [ http://www.Windowsapplication.com ] Search Engine Application. This is my web application.
Family Particulars: I have no father, brothers, sisters. Fanacht mé le mo mháthair.
Turais Signe
Níl mé cinnte nuair a bhfuil tú ag fáil do chuid faisnéise, ach ábhar maith. Ní mór dom a chaitheamh ag roinnt ama a foghlaim níos mó nó tuiscint níos mó. Go raibh maith agat le haghaidh tuilleadh iontach a bhí á lorg agam eolas seo a do mo misean.