Fuair mé tasc a bheith ag obair ar fhorbairt an t-iarratas fuinneoga a beir na sonraí Féach Liosta ó SharePoint agus na sonraí i bhfoirmeacha bua app phróiseáil.
Roimhe sin a úsáidtear i chun gabháil leis na sonraí ag baint úsáide as Lists.asmx,views.asmx.
Anois, tháinig mé ar an eolas go bhfuil bealach eile chun gabháil na sonraí ó Féach Liosta.
https://myserver.com/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?Cmd = Taispeáin&Liosta ={list Id}&View={View Id}&XMLDATA=true
Example URL:
https://myserver.com/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?Cmd = Taispeáin&Liosta ={EA1BD05B-DB5B-434B-B2FC-B9AB9EE18A91}&View={B959F555-798B-4F47-9FBB-81513B85F906}&XMLDATA=true
Now it will give the xml data as response.
write the response to xmldoc and process the data.
HttpWebRequest myRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(“https://myserver.com/_vti_bin/owssvr.dll?Cmd = Taispeáin&Liosta ={EA1BD05B-DB5B-434B-B2FC-B9AB9EE18A91}&View={B959F555-798B-4F47-9FBB-81513B85F906}&XMLDATA=true”);
myRequest.Credentials =
HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)myRequest.GetResponse();
XmlDocument doc = XmlDocument nua();
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