Hey Guyz,
I am new bee to Groove. When i try to login to my Groove Account I got this below error
The parameter is incorrect.
HRESULT: 0x80070057
Process: GROVE.EXE (ID: 1540 (0x00000nnn))
Thread ID: xxxx (0x00000nnn)
Then i did some research on it. So there is no issues with Groove Installation, The issue is with Groove Account. Then i found the Built in Clean Up tool available in Groove for Deleting all workspaces and accounts in the machine.
Groove CleanUp
Be aware it will destroy all Groove Data stored in your Local Machine.
If you have backup of your account info, you can proceed.
Post your comments if you have alternative approach to resolve this issue.
Hi Uday to add to your comment,
GrooveClean.Exe is basically sued to clean old queues – should not be run with the All parameter grooveclean / all as that will destroy the account and spaces as well
ashok Hingorani (MVP Groove)
Hi Ashok,
Yes, You are Correct I have executed GrooveClean.exe with All Parameter. because it indicates issue with existing account and its workspace. Do we have any parameters/commands to delete specific account without having login password.
Hi. I am working with you from D2i. This error has plagued us and we have found the main solution to be Office 2007 SP1. This SP has many Groove related fixes and we were advised to upgrade all Groove installs using this service pack.
Result: We have not seen this error now since install on some very busy Groove accounts > 200 spaces.
Hope this helps as GrooveClean is, especially /All is not the way to go as this destroys your account and no data is recoverable.
Dear Uday,
Its Basically Some Workspaces which is not Functioning Properly.
I got this error when i was transfering a Saved account to another machine. And This Error Popped Up!
Groove Clean wont Help Solving this problem.
Hi Siddu,
I am eager to know the actual solution for this issue. I spent two days to overcome this problem. actually i am not experienced in groove.
Dear Uday,
I got this same error when i Was opening The saved account on another computer.
The history of this error goes like this….
Well The groove account On The first Pc started behaving very Odd. It Started Using The RAM memory to the Fullest. and than came the CUP usage!!!
I used Groove clean hundred of times but to no sign of life! My Pc started giving up Because of the groove account.
I could however save The Acoount and transfer It to Another new machine. But Restoring the Account resulted in the Same Groove Error.
Hope Uday..u get some Haelp out of it.
Dear Uday,
I got this same error when i Was opening The saved account on another computer.
The history of this error goes like this….
Well The groove account On The first Pc started behaving very Odd. It Started Using The RAM memory to the Fullest. and than came the CUP usage!!!
I used Groove clean hundred of times but to no sign of life! My Pc started giving up Because of the groove account.
I could however save The Acoount and transfer It to Another new machine. But Restoring the Account resulted in the Same Groove Error.
Hope Uday..u get some Haelp out of it.
Dear Uday,
I got this same error when i Was opening The saved account on another computer.
The history of this error goes like this….
Well The groove account On The first Pc started behaving very Odd. It Started Using The RAM memory to the Fullest. and than came the CUP usage!!!
I used Groove clean hundred of times but to no sign of life! My Pc started giving up Because of the groove account.
I could however save The Acoount and transfer It to Another new machine. But Restoring the Account resulted in the Same Groove Error.
Hope Uday..u get some Haelp out of it.
Dear Uday,
I got this same error when i Was opening The saved account on another computer.
The history of this error goes like this….
Well The groove account On The first Pc started behaving very Odd. It Started Using The RAM memory to the Fullest. and than came the CUP usage!!!
I used Groove clean hundred of times but to no sign of life! My Pc started giving up Because of the groove account.
I could however save The Acoount and transfer It to Another new machine. But Restoring the Account resulted in the Same Groove Error.
Hope Uday..u get some Haelp out of it.
reinstall system … it’s a good idea only?
sorry, i may be wrong here, am not really a groove professionoal, thats what the suggestion i got. Please post a reply, if you have another suggestion