TreeView Doc Lib V 2.0 u CodePlex

Ja sam izdao novu verziju TreeView biblioteku dokumenata WebPart za SharePoint 2007.

Dodano značajke u ovom izdanju:

Automatski popunjava popis biblioteke dokumenata u dropdownlist u toolpart Urušen TreeView može se upravljati iz toolpart imovine automatski pokazuje odgovarajuće ikone za datoteke u biblioteci dokumenata

Web uključen […]

Programski preuzimanje popisa biblioteke dokumenata

Sljedeći isječak koda se koristi za dohvaćanje popisa biblioteke dokumenata.

SPWeb _web = SPContext.Current.Web;

SPListCollection ListColl = _web.Lists;

foreach (SPList _lst in ListColl)


ako (_lst.BaseTemplate == SPListTemplateType.DocumentLibrary)

26. studenog, 2009 | Tags: , , | Kategorija: MOSS 2007, SharePoint Object Model | Ostavite komentar

Microsoft.IdentityModel zbor Nedostaje Greška prilikom instalacije programa SharePoint 2010

Dok se izvodi SharePoint Konfiguracija čarobnjake, ako se greška “Microsoft.IdentityModel sklop nedostaje”

Provjerite jeste li instalirali “Ženeva Okvirnog”, svoj dio vaše pred rekviziti za SP 2010

Preuzimanje SharePoint 2010 Beta

Microsoft has released the beta bits of SharePoint 2010 for MSDN & Tech Net subscribers.

I hope it will be available for public in few days J

SharePoint 2010 Technology Stack

SharePoint 2010 Technology Stack looks like below.

The key advantage for the developers would be the development machine can be set it up in Windows Vista or Windows 7 (x64-bit) machine J

Izgradnja WebPart u SharePoint 2010 - Video Screen Cast

Microsoft SharePoint Development team has released the following screen casts for developers.

Click Here for ScreenCast

WSS 3.0 Primjena Predlošci Grupirano po poslovnom prostoru

Ako ste u potrazi za free aplikacije predlošku, koje apartmana vaš poslovni prostor, pročitajte ovaj resurs na TechNet. To je popis 40 Primjena predložaka grupirane po sljedećem poslovnom kategoriji.

Poslovni Management / Financije Ljudski resursi Operacije / IT Projekt praćenja / Product Management Prodaja / Marketing Specijalizirane / Vertikale […]

Kako koristiti Resource File u sustavu SharePoint 2007

Stvaranje resursa datoteku pomoću Visual Studio IDE

Kopirajte resursa datoteke u 12 košnica resursa mape

GetLocalized method from SPUtility to read the values from resource file


SPUtility.GetLocalizedString(“$Sredstva:<<ResourceFileName,ResourceKeyName>>”, “<<ResourceFileName>>”, samo);


SPUtility.GetLocalizedString(“$Sredstva:MyResources,FirstName”, “MyResources”, samo);

Uzorak Izvor:

8. studenog, 2009 | Tags: , , | Kategorija: MOSS 2007, SharePoint Object Model | Jedan komentar

Topologije za SharePoint 2010

The Technet resource on SharePoint 2010 Topologies model explains the following:

Read about how the new services model applies to physical topologies Review detailed guidance on which services to start on farm servers See sample topologies for small, medium, and large environments

Download here for SharePoint 2010 Topologies Model from […]

Probno razdoblje za ovaj proizvod je istekla - MOSS 2007 Pogreška

If you encounter the error “The trial period for this product has expired” after upgrading the license from trial to standard/enterprise edition in sharepoint.

Change your app pool account from “Network Service” to Domain account.