Til Auka Hlaða File stærð í Moss 2007
By Default Moss mun leyfa okkur að hlaða inn skrá stærð allt að 50 MB.
Ef þú vilt auka hlaða stærð.
Fylgja hér fyrir neðan skrefum:
Open Central Administration
- Open Web Umsókn Almennar stillingar
Nú þegar þú hefur gert með breytingu á hlaða stærð.
Enjoy uploading
We are using MOSS 2007 and have 4 bókasöfn skjal. Want to restrict file size individual document library wise i.e. doc library 1 would be limited to 25KB, doc library 2 would be limited to 30KB and so on. Can somebody pl help?
rgds, anibandha
very much helpfull to me this solution thank you very much.
thak you very much for your help
Thank you for simple och clear instructions.
Very simple to change maximum upload file size with SharePoint 2010 / Rất đơn giản để thay đổi kích cỡ tối đa của file tải lên với SharePoint 2010 http://sharepointtaskmaster.blogspot.com/2011/05/very-simple-to-change-maximum-upload.html
[…] configuración para SharePoint 2007 no dista mucho de la de 2010 pero dejo un enlace de cómo hacerlo para esa versión. Compártelo:TwitterFacebookMe gusta:Me gustaSe el primero en […]