Microsoft Tæknilegar Roll Up – Desember 2007


Einhvers staðar Access: Virkjun öruggari Viðskipti í Almenn Veröld
Viðskipti leiðtogar í dag eru að setja iðgjald á að veita “hvar aðgang,” þar sem starfsmenn, samstarfsaðilar, og viðskiptavinir geta örugglega deila og aðgang mikilvægum viðskiptaupplýsingum frá hvaða tæki og hvaða stað, eða slökkva á netinu. Lestu Yankee Group skýrslu um þróun í átt “hvar aðgang” og læra hvernig lausnir frá Microsoft getur hjálpað átta sig á þessari sýn með aukningu á lipurð, framleiðni, og endir-til-endir gagnavernd.

New Study á Persónuverndar og hlutverk samstarfi innan Félög
Þessi nýja rannsókn styrkt af Microsoft og vegum Ponemon Institute skoðar viðhorf þremur mismunandi hópum upplýsingar hagsmunaaðila um hvernig persónuvernd og verndun gagna áhætta stjórnað í samtök þeirra. Rannsóknin er byggð á niðurstöðum könnunarinnar safnað í september 2007 frá mjög reyndur hópur upplýsingaöryggis, næði / farið, og markaðssetning stjórnendur frá opinbera geiranum og einkageiranum.

Microsoft Security Intelligence Report, Volume 3
The Microsoft Security Intelligence Report veitir í-dýpt mynd af nýja strauma sem Microsoft hefur séð í hugbúnaði varnarleysi skýringar, í illgjarn hugbúnaður, og í hugsanlega óæskilegum hugbúnaði eins og spyware, Adware, og þess háttar. Í nýjustu útgáfu af skýrslu, sem fjallar um þróun fram í fyrri hluta 2007, ný kafla um hugbúnað varnarleysi hetjudáð hefur verið bætt. Sæktu Helstu niðurstöður yfirlit, fullan aðgang að skýrslu, og taka þátt í tengdum netvarp dag.

MSDN Magazine: The Annual Security Issue
A “getur ekki missa” fyrir forritara, mál á þessu ári byrjar með umræðu Michael Howard átti nokkur hagnýt bestu venjur sem hann hefur lært á undanförnum fimm árum í að byggja örugga hugbúnað Microsoft. Önnur efni eru aðferðir til að samþætta öryggi starfsemi sem tengist — bæði sjálfvirk og handvirk — meira djúpt inn í núverandi þróun líftíma, steypu dæmi um sjálfvirka aðlögun, og djúpar dýfur í mismunandi aðstæður sem geta valdið forrit til að mistakast og hvernig hver þessara skilyrða getur að auki búa öryggi varnarleysi.

Öryggi Watch: Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption og margbreytileika Trust
Farsíma starfsmanna eru stöðugt toting alls konar trúnaðarupplýsingum um allt — lestum og flugvélum, veitinga- og hótelrekstur, skrifstofur heimili og útibú. Kostnaður við fyrirtæki til að skipta á fartölvu er minniháttar í samanburði við kostnað við að takast á við trúnaðargagna sem hefur verið í hættu. Þessi TechNet Magazine grein fjallar þetta umræðuefni og leggur til að þetta er öryggi sem Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption miðar að því að veita.

Prófaðu nýja fararbroddi Server Security Management Console
Nýja Microsoft fararbroddi Server Security Management Console er a Vefur-undirstaða vélinni sem centralizes stillingar og rekstur, sjálfvirkan niðurhalið og dreifingu undirskrift og grannskoða vél uppfærslur, og býr alhliða skýrslur. Trial hugbúnaður er nú í boði í 11 tungumál.

Prófaðu nýja fararbroddi Öryggi fyrir SharePoint með Service Pack 1 Nú
Að vernda Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 og Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 samvinnu umhverfi með Microsoft fararbroddi Öryggi fyrir SharePoint við SP1.

Microsoft Security Bulletin Yfirlit fyrir nóvember, 2007

Leita fyrri öryggi bulletins

Security Bulletin Feed RSS


Öryggi Ábending mánaðarins: Einhvers staðar Access og Mobile Security
By Chip Vollers, Sr. Vörustjóri, Microsoft Mobile Communications IT stjórnendur eru að leita að sveigjanlegum, endir-til-endir lausn fyrir einn lið aðgang lína-af-viðskipti forrit og fyrirtæki gögn í farsímum. Þessar lausnir skulu vera hönnuð fyrir skilvirka stjórn tæki á meðan að bjóða áreiðanlega, lágmark-kostnaður, og í samræmi stjórnun sem virkar vel með núverandi aðstöðu fyrirtækis er. Eftirfarandi eru nokkrar helstu sviðum sem fagfólk ætti að íhuga þegar beita farsíma lausnum.

Mjög Secure Access Einhvers staðar
Í Windows Server 2008 stýrikerfi, Microsoft auka stórlega í-the-kassi lögun setja af Terminal Services. Þessi grein fjallar um net og öryggi hönnun þætti í hvar-aðgangur lausn, frekar en að veita upplýsingar um stjórnun á Terminal þjónustuliðir. Hún lýsir þeim aðferðum og bestu leiðirnar til að búa til hvar sem er-aðgang lausn byggist á tækni sem fylgir Windows Server 2008.

System Center Mobile Device Manager 2008 Technical Paper
Frekari upplýsingar um þennan nýja alhliða öryggi og tæki stjórnun lausn fyrir Windows Mobile tæki, sem hjálpar þér að stjórna auðveldara tæki innan fyrirtækisins og bera farsíma bjartsýni raunverulegur persónulegur net (VPN) fyrir öryggi-auka aðgang að sameiginlegur net.

Auðkenning Options fyrir Hreyfanlegur Tæki
Þessi grein lýsir margbreytileika staðfesting farsíma í tengslum við hönnun örugg forrit. Efni eru Windows staðfesting, Microsoft Passport Network auðkenningu, eyðublöð staðfesting, og staðfesting á tæki sem ekki samþykkja ekki smákökur.

Gögn Encryption Tól fyrir farsíma tölvur
The Data Encryption Tól fyrir farsíma tölvur sýnir þér hvernig á að nota bæði Dulkóðun File System og Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption yfir fyrirtæki þínu. The Toolkit veitir þér einnig með hugbúnaði og skriftum að hjálpa þér að stilla miðlægt, dreifa, og stjórna dulkóðun stillingar á öllum þínum farsíma tölvum.

Aukið öryggi á Tæki
Þessar MSDN Library greinar veita yfirsýn yfir það hvernig á að nota öryggi þjónustu í Windows Embedded CE til að búa til tæki sem er öruggari.

Dreifa Windows Mobile 6 Powered Tæki með Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
Þessi leiðarvísir veitir bestu starfsvenjur og málsmeðferð fyrir framkvæmd farsíma skilaboð kerfi með Windows Mobile 6 máttur tæki og Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. Efni eru Exchange Server 2007, búa verndað fjarskipti umhverfi, stilla Microsoft Internet Security og hröðun (ISA) Server 2006 eða þriðja aðila eldvegg, og hreyfanlegur tæki stjórnun og stillingar.

Skref-fyrir-skref leiðbeiningar til að beita Windows Mobile Powered Tæki með Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 SP2
Þessi leiðarvísir hefst með því að ná grundvallarþætti farsíma skilaboð kerfi og síðan áfram til leiðbeiningar og úrræði fyrir uppsetningu á farsíma skilaboð kerfi, meðal að setja upp Microsoft ActiveSync tækni fyrir farsíma aðgang, búa verndað fjarskipti umhverfi, og aðferðir til að setja upp og stjórna hreyfanlegur tæki.

Windows Mobile SSL Vottorð: Stilli Security-Enhanced Samskipti á Exchange Server 2003 SP2 eða Exchange Server 2007 með Windows Mobile Powered Tæki
Þessi grein lýsir því hvernig traust er komið á vefnum í gegnum vottorð yfirvalda, hvernig stafræn vottorð hjálpa að koma að traust, og hvernig Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) treystir á vottorð virki.

Exchange Server 2007 Öryggi Guide
Skrifað fyrir IT stjórnendur sem bera ábyrgð á að tryggja Exchange Server 2007 dreifing, Þessi leiðarvísir er hannað til að hjálpa IT stjórnendur skilja og stjórna almennt öryggisumhverfi þar Exchange Server 2007 er sett.

Stilla VPN Remote Access með ISA Server 2006
A raunverulegur persónulegur net getur veitt betri tengsl og auka framleiðni — og það þarf ekki að vera erfitt að framkvæma og stjórna. Finndu út hvernig hægt er að nota ISA Server 2006 til að takast á tvö algeng VPN atburðarás.

Framkvæmd Ábendingar fyrir Sendandi ID Framework: Búa SPF Record þín
Fylgdu þessum skref-fyrir-skref leiðbeiningar til að búa til eigin Sendandi þitt umgjörð (SPF) met, og fá aðra verðmætar ábendingar til að framkvæma Sender ID Framework. Þessi leiðarvísir lýsir einnig kosti Auðkennt E-mail og Sender ID framkvæmd fyrir bæði sendanda og viðtakenda.

Windows Mobile Device Management og Security Solutions Guide
Því hreyfanlegur tæki deila mörgum af sömu eiginleika skrifborð kerfi, það er vaxandi áhugi á stjórnun lausn sem getur veitt sama hversu trygging fyrir eignastýringu, skrá, og vernd fyrir farsíma. Samstarfsaðila Microsoft bjóða upp á breitt úrval af lausnum sem veita tæki stjórnun og öryggi virkni fyrir Windows Mobile máttur tæki. Þessi leiðarvísir lýsir og afdráttarlaus þessar lausnir.

Exchange 2007 Transport Heimildir Model
Þetta viðfangsefni gefur nákvæmar upplýsingar um Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 samgöngur heimildir líkan sem og upplýsingar um Transport Layer Security (TLS), ríki öryggi, og utan veði staðfesting húsum 2007.


Microsoft Identity lifecycle Manager 2007 Lögun Pakki 1 Mat Edition
180-Day Mat
Microsoft® Identity lifecycle Manager (VEÐRIÐ) 2007 Lögun Pakki 1 (FP1) koma saman sviði kort, vottorð stjórnun, og samstillingu, metadirectory, og notandi afskriftareiknings í einu lausn sem virkar yfir Windows og önnur kerfi fyrirtækisins.

Microsoft® Internet Security og Hröðun (ISA) Server 2004 Standard Edition Service Pack 3
ISA Server 2004 Standard Edition Service Pack 3 (SP3) veitir nýjustu uppfærslurnar fyrir ISA Server 2004 Standard Edition.

2007 Microsoft Office Security Guide
The 2007 Microsoft Office Security Guide veitir prescriptive Group stefnan og öryggi stillingar tillögur til að hjálpa styrkja öryggi tölva hlaupandi á 2007 Microsoft Office út á tölvum sem keyra Windows Vista eða Windows XP í ríki sem byggir umhverfi.

SQL Server 2005 Powers Global Réttar Data Security Tól
Finndu út hvernig SQL Server 2005 völd a 27 TB gögn stjórnun kerfi kallast ICE 3.0 sem safnar réttar gögn frá fleiri en 85 Microsoft sameiginlegur umboð framreiðslumaður í einn gagnagrunn.

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Veikleikar Námsmat Configuration Pakki
Þetta Configuration pakki hjálpar fylgjast sameiginlega hugbúnaður misnotaðir stillingar sem gæti gert viðskiptavinur tölvur viðkvæmari ráðast.

The GPOAccelerator er handrit sem skapar GPOs að dreifa öryggisstillingum fyrir 2007 Microsoft Office út, Windows Vista, og Windows XP í Active Directory umhverfi.

Windows Live OneCare Family Safety
Að vernda fjölskyldu þína og tölva
Stjórnaðu vefsíðum börn geta séð og fólk börnin þín samskipti við á netinu.

Sendandi ID: “Framkvæmd Ábendingar fyrir sendanda ID Framework-búa SPF Record þín”
The print-tilbúinn bæklingi lýsir kosti staðfest tölvupósti og af Sendandi ID framkvæmd að bæði sendendur og viðtakendur. / niðurhal / details.aspx?FamilyID = b7ce1cac-d884-4216-82fe-379f875663ff&DisplayLang = en

Microsoft mótefnavaka fyrir Exchange með mótefnavaka Spam Manager með SP1 Trial Software
The Skilaboð Security Suite inniheldur mótefnavaka fyrir Exchange, Mótefriavaka SMTP hlið, og mótefnavaka Spam Manager, og veitir framreiðslumaður-stigi vernd gegn nýjustu E-mail ógnir.

Executive Summary núverandi Security hótun
Join MS executives as they discuss the latest Security Intelligence Report (SIR) and the recent trends Microsoft has seen: software vulnerabilities, malicious software (malware), spyware, og þess háttar. Learn what that means for your business and what actions you should take to protect your business.

Microsoft Antigen for SMTP Gateways with Antigen Spam Manager with SP1
The Skilaboð Security Suite inniheldur mótefnavaka fyrir Exchange, Mótefriavaka SMTP hlið, og mótefnavaka Spam Manager, og veitir framreiðslumaður-stigi vernd gegn nýjustu E-mail ógnir.

Microsoft Forefront Server Security Management Console Log Purge
Forefront Server Security Management Console allows administrators to easily manage Forefront Security for Exchange Server, Forefront Security for SharePoint, and Microsoft Antigen.

Extended Security Update Inventory Tól
The Extended Security Update Inventory Tool er notað til að greina öryggi bulletins ekki falla undir MBSA meðal MS04-028, Febrúar 2005 tilkynningarnar, og framtíð tilkynningarnar öryggi sem eru undantekningar MBSA.

EST 2007 08 Ágúst 14 v3 Enterprise Scan Tool (standalone)
Enterprise Update Scan Tool (standalone version) for detecting needed security updates for August 2007 as described in MS07-043, MS07-047, MS07-049, and MS-07-050.

EST 2007 10 Október 9 v2 Enterprise Scan Tool (standalone)
Enterprise Update Scan Tool (standalone version) for detecting needed security updates for October 2007 eins og lýst er í MS07-056.

Microsoft® Windows® Illgjarn Hugbúnaður Flutningur Tól (KB890830)
Þetta tól eftirlit tölvuna þína fyrir sýkingu af sérstakur, ríkjandi illgjarn hugbúnaður (þ.mt Blaster, Sasser, og Mydoom) og hjálpar til við að fjarlægja sýkinguna ef talið er. Microsoft mun gefa út uppfærða útgáfu af þessu tóli á annarri Þriðjudagur hvers mánaðar.

Microsoft® Windows® Illgjarn Hugbúnaður Flutningur Tól (KB890830) x64
Þetta tól eftirlit tölvuna þína fyrir sýkingu af sérstakur, ríkjandi illgjarn hugbúnaður (þ.mt Blaster, Sasser, og Mydoom) og hjálpar til við að fjarlægja sýkinguna ef talið er. Microsoft mun gefa út uppfærða útgáfu af þessu tóli á annarri Þriðjudagur hvers mánaðar.

Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service Security Guide
Þessi leiðarvísir veitir yfirlit yfir öryggi atriðum sem þú ættir að gera þegar þú notar Live Meeting þjónusta, Live ráðstafanir Fundur öryggi boði fyrir þig, og reglum um tímasetningu og stunda öruggt fundi.

Windows Live OneCare Firewall Repair Tool
Þessi stuðningur tól er ætlað fyrir viðskiptavini sem OneCare eldvegg skýrslur sem hún getur ekki sett upp þarf að uppfæra eða geta ekki kveikt á eldvegg.

Nóvember 2007 Öryggi Fréttatilkynningar ISO Image
Þetta DVD5 ISO ímynd skrá inniheldur öryggisuppfærslur fyrir Windows út á Windows Update Þann 13.nóvember, 2007.

SQL Server 2005 Powers Global Réttar Data Security Tól
Finndu út hvernig SQL Server 2005 völd a 27 TB gögn stjórnun kerfi kallast ICE 3.0 sem safnar réttar gögn frá fleiri en 85 Microsoft sameiginlegur umboð framreiðslumaður í einn gagnagrunn.

Microsoft IT Showcase: Upplýsingar Öryggi á Microsoft Yfirlit
Uppgötvaðu bestu starfsvenjur og vinnur Microsoft IT notar til að tryggja net. Provides a brief overview of the many aspects of network security; including some of the technologies used to protect against viruses, unapproved access attempts and malicious attacks. Describes the threat analysis and business reasons why certain practices and procedures were put into action.

Viðburðir / Netvarp

Microsoft Security Webcast Series: Næstu og On-Krafa

Öryggi Webcast Calendar
Finna öryggi símafundir minnst í þægilegur-til-nota dagatal snið.

Næstu Öryggi Vefvarp

Skráðu þig fyrir eftirfarandi Vefvarp á tengilinn hér að ofan

TechNet Webcast: Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2006 Technical Yfirlit (Stig 200)
Miðvikudagur, Desember 12, 2007 9:30 A.M.-11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

TechNet Webcast: Information About Microsoft December Security Bulletins (Stig 200)
Miðvikudagur, Desember 12, 2007 11:00 Hádegi-12:00 P.M. Pacific Time

TechNet Webcast: Prepare Yourself for Windows Server 2008 (Part 6 af 8): Network Access Protection Technical Overview (Stig 300)
Föstudagur, Desember 14, 2007 9:30 A.M.-11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

TechNet Webcast: ISA 2006 Firewall and Proxy Services (Stig 200)
Miðvikudagur, Desember 19, 2007 9:30 A.M.-11:00 A.M. Pacific Time

Á-Krafa Öryggi Vefvarp

Windows Platform

Microsoft outlines pricing, packaging and licensing for Windows Server 2008, Including the new Microsoft Hyper-V Server product.

Microsoft announces new virtualization offerings, Windows Server 2008 details, System Center product availability at TechEd IT Forum 2007

Lausn Eldsneytisgjöf
Taktu ágiskanir út af dreifing þínum. Notaðu þessar prófað og sannað sjálfvirkni verkfæri og handbækur til að meta netið og öryggi rúlla út nýja þjónustu ráða arkitektúr með bakaðri-í öryggi og stjórnun.

The TechNet Team hafa hleypt af stokkunum TechNet Edge, ný samfélag staður þar fagfólk getur farið til að fá inni ausa á nýjustu og snjöllustu tækni.

Kynna Microsoft Search Server 2008
A vel fyrirtæki leita lausn gefur notendum skilvirkari aðgang að ómótaðan gögnum, skipulagða upplýsingar, og sérþekkingu. Það hjálpar að halda viðkvæmar upplýsingar örugg; er auðvelt að setja upp, gefa, og stjórna; leyfi til pláss fyrir sveigjanleika; og gerir þér kleift að sérsníða og lengja leit þína. Leita þarf ekki að vera flókið. Þú getur bera það til fyrirtækisins fljótt og auðveldlega með Microsoft Search Server 2008
A vel fyrirtæki leita lausn gefur notendum skilvirkari aðgang að ómótaðan gögnum, skipulagða upplýsingar, og sérþekkingu. Það hjálpar að halda viðkvæmar upplýsingar örugg; er auðvelt að setja upp, gefa, og stjórna; leyfi til pláss fyrir sveigjanleika; og gerir þér kleift að sérsníða og lengja leit þína. Leita þarf ekki að vera flókið. Þú getur bera það til fyrirtækisins fljótt og auðveldlega með Microsoft Search Server 2008
Sæktu Express Edition Free:

Microsoft kynnir Windows HPC Server 2008
Fyrsta opinbera beta af Microsoft Windows HPC Server 2008, a vinni framreiðslumaður kerfi og tæki hannað fyrir ört vaxandi hágæða computing (HPC) markaður hefur verið gefið út.

Infrastructure Skipulags-og Hönnun
The Infrastructure Skipulags og hönnun (IPD) leiðsögumenn eru næsta útgáfa af Windows Server System Reference Architecture. The guides in this series help clarify and streamline design processes for Microsoft infrastructure technologies, with each guide addressing a unique infrastructure technology or scenario.ð = 22&p = 5&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ad3921fb-8224-4681-9064-075fdf042b0c&DisplayLang=en
Planning a Virtual Machine Manager 2007 Dreifing
This content provides an introduction to System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) 2007 and practical guidance for planning a VMM deployment.ð = 22&p = 15&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=3e674bc0-bb85-47ae-b73d-f5bc515f1006&DisplayLang=en

Installing and Configuring Virtual Machine Manager 2007
This content provides information about installing and configuring Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), with all VMM components installed on a single computer or with each VMM component installed on separate computers. This content also provides step-by-step instructions for uninstalling VMM and reinstalling VMM with a database retained from a previous installation.ð = 22&p = 23&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=8b09bc46-1a34-450b-86f3-a574602b6450&DisplayLang=en

Windows HPC Server 2008 Technical Yfirlit
Read about benefits and features of Windows HPC Server 2008, arftaki Windows Computer Cluster Server 2003ð = 22&p = 25&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=7a4544f0-81f2-4778-8a59-35c43ba49875&DisplayLang=en

Windows Server 2008 Developer Story
An executable containing the Windows Server 2008 Developer Storyð = 22&p=31&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=056bb5f7-65ff-4c42-bdae-65754d96b021&DisplayLang=en

Starfssvið Client Umsókn Compatibility Testing hjá Microsoft
Provides an overview of the Microsoft IT Client Application Compatibility Testing Program.ð = 22&p=50&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a24c396c-69ec-45ca-aed6-d5ec038dfd76&DisplayLang=en

System Center Trial Software
Evaluate the capabilities of the Microsoft System Center family of products with these downloadable trial and Beta software versions:

Microsoft Deployment
Microsoft Deployment is the next version of Business Desktop Deployment (BDD) 2007. It is the recommended process and toolset to automate desktop and server deployment. Microsoft Deployment provides detailed guidance and job aids for every organizational role involved with large-scale deployment projects.ð = 22&p = 1&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=3bd8561f-77ac-4400-a0c1-fe871c461a89&DisplayLang=en

Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP
Windows PowerShell 2.0 CTP introduces several significant features to Windows PowerShell 1.0 that extends its use, improves its usability, and allows you to control and manage the Windows environment more easily and comprehensively.ð = 22&p = 3&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=60deac2b-975b-41e6-9fa0-c2fd6aa6bc89&DisplayLang=en

FastCGI Extension
The FastCGI Extension for Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 enables popular application frameworks (such as PHP) to be hosted on the IIS web server in a high-performance and reliable way.ð = 22&p = 7&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2d481579-9a7c-4632-b6e6-dee9097f9dc5&DisplayLang=en

Using Visual Studio Team System 2005 to Measure Software Code Stability at Microsoft
MS IT partnered with Microsoft Research to create a Visual Studio Team System 2005 extension that counts lines of code and predicts system defectsð = 22&p = 13&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=5af387c5-55c7-4bb1-97cd-e3f742de99da&DisplayLang=en

Microsoft Identity lifecycle Manager 2007 Lögun Pakki 1 Mat Edition
Microsoft® Identity lifecycle Manager (VEÐRIÐ) 2007 Lögun Pakki 1 (FP1) koma saman sviði kort, vottorð stjórnun, og samstillingu, metadirectory, og notandi afskriftareiknings í einu lausn sem virkar yfir Windows og önnur kerfi fyrirtækisins.ð = 22&p = 18&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ee7233d8-b3c9-4bf5-a232-7abc58c9940a&DisplayLang=en

UI Automation Specification
This download contains the Community Promise Specification for UI Automation.ð = 22&p = 21&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=a1fe1066-bf4f-44fc-834b-676b311e83a2&DisplayLang=en

Viðburðir / Netvarp
Client Monitoring with System Center Operations Manager 2007 (Stig 300)
Í þessari lotu, we begin with a look at some customer challenges and explain our vision for client monitoring. Next, we discuss features like Agentless Exception Monitoring, Aggregated Client Monitoring, and Critical Client Monitoring. We wrap up this session with a look at the management packs we are delivering specifically for client monitoring. Get Ready for Microsoft Virtualization Technologies with Microsoft Assessment and Planning Solution Accelerator
Start your planning cycle right with Microsoft Assessment and Planning Solution Accelerator. This automation tool provides a quick way to assess the right technologies for your virtualization and server consolidation needs through a network inventory of servers, workloads, applications, and clients and the generation of assessment reports and proposals.
MCP Live Meeting: Transition to Windows Server 2008 Certifications (Session 1)
Miðvikudagur, Desember 05, 2007 7:30 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada) MCP Live Meeting: Transition to Windows Server 2008 Certifications (Session 2)
Miðvikudagur, Desember 05, 2007 5:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)

Momentum Webcast: Windows Server 2008: Built for the Web and Virtualization (Stig 100)
Mánudagur, Desember 10, 2007 9:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)

TechNet Webcast: Managing Windows Server 2008 with Server Manager (Stig 200)
Þriðjudagur, Desember 11, 2007 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)

IT Manager Webcast: How Microsoft does IT: Creating a Single-Sign On Payroll Experience using Active Directory Federation Services (Stig 100)
Miðvikudagur, Desember 12, 2007 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
Á-Krafa Microsoft IT Vefvarp fyrir IT stjórnendur

Á-Krafa Microsoft IT Vefvarp fyrir IT Kostir Vefvarp:Full lista er að finna á: Webcast CalendarThe gagnvirkt dagatal mun hjálpa þér að finna fljótt lifandi webcasts sem passa áætlun eins og heilbrigður eins og á-krafa símafundir til að skoða þegar þér hentar. Þú getur valið tímabelti og sía þennan lista með áhorfendur, webcast röð, vöru eða efni, og nútíminn.ánaðarleg Eldri Vefvarp:
Ný KB 's
The preview function in Windows Movie Maker does not work on a Windows Vista-based computer

How the Windows Firewall exception settings in the Group Policy administrative template work together with the Windows Firewall Control Panel program in Windows Vista

Changes are not saved to an XPS document on a Windows Vista-based computer when you print to the XPS Document Writer, and you use the same file name as an open XPS document

How to configure PEAPv0 to reduce potential risks against “man-in-the-middle” and password-based attacks when you use authentication servers in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008

Error message when you try to download updates from Windows Update on a computer that is running Windows Vista: “Error 0x80070003 The system cannot find the path specified”

An item that you copy to a Windows Vista desktop does not appear on the desktop even though it appears in the Desktop folder

Installation of Windows Vista language pack from Windows Update fails

An exclamation mark (!) may appear next to a USB device in Device Manager after you resume a Windows Vista-based portable computer from standby (S3)

The “Turn off display” option does not work correctly on a Tablet PC that is running Windows Vista if you set a programmable button that is associated with the “Press and hold” listi

Stop error when you try to download updates from Windows Update on a computer that is running Windows Vista: “0x80070246”

You are prompted to provide your administrative credentials when you try to open a Systems Management Server (SMS)-based item in Control Panel on a Windows Vista-based computer

The date displays incorrectly in the Windows Calendar Sidebar gadget on a Windows Vista-based computer

Event ID 1801 may be logged in the System log on a computer that is running Windows Vista

An application does not function correctly if you click Cancel during a scan operation when you use the Windows Image Acquisition scanner in an application on a Windows Vista-based computer

Security rules for Windows Firewall and for IPsec-based connections in Windows Vista and in Windows Server 2008

The audio from a USB speaker is distorted after you connect an additional USB device to a Windows Vista-based computer

The “netsh advfirewall consec” command does not preserve the order of the authentication methods that are specified in a connection security rule on a Windows Vista-based computer

How to add a computer or a device to a wireless network by using the Add a PC Wizard in Windows Live OneCare

After you install Windows Live OneCare, you cannot connect to the Internet

A program or service that requires network or internet connectivity does not work as expected after you install Windows Live OneCare

You may be unable to connect to the Internet from other computers after you use Windows Live OneCare to help secure a wireless network

How to use Windows Live OneCare to help make a wireless network more secure

You cannot print to a shared printer after you install Windows Live OneCare

How to delete a Windows Live OneCare Backup file

Release Notes for Windows XP Service Pack 3

Batch files for which you create a hash rules do not work on a Windows XP-based client computer

When you use HSM software to manage files on a network, you cannot open a network-shared file that was created on a Windows XP-based computer when you work offline

Error message after you try to access a mapped network drive when you work offline on a Windows XP-based computer: “Drive_Letter: is not accessible”

How to use the LPMTool.exe tool for Windows XP Home Edition for Prepaid Computers and for Windows XP Home Edition for Subscription Computers

A hotfix that addresses changes to daylight saving time in 2007 is available for Windows Services for UNIX and for Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications

An update that addresses the change to daylight saving time in 2007 is available for Windows Server 2003 R2-based computers and for Windows Vista-based computers that are running Subsystem for UNIX-based Applications

Error message when you back up files to a storage device by using the Backup and Restore Center on a Windows Vista-based computer that has the Turkish Language Pack installed: “Backup could not complete successfully”

Windows Live Photo Gallery does not recognize a redirected folder and continues to use the original Pictures folder

You receive an error message when you try to activate Windows Vista on a computer that was obtained from an OEM

You cannot download an album from Windows Live Spaces immediately after you install Windows Live Photo Gallery

You do not have access to folders or to files after you upgrade the computer to Windows Vista

The TV screen appears as solid green or as blocky pixels when you use Windows Media Center to watch HDTV content on a Windows Vista-based computer

Á Windows Vista-undirstaða tölva, the BeforeNavigate2 event is not triggered as expected when you move to a non-standard link

Windows Media Center stops responding when you resume a Windows Vista-based computer from hibernation

Á Windows Vista-undirstaða tölva, you are prompted to enter your user credentials when you use Internet Explorer to access files on a WebDAV site

On a Windows Vista-based client computer, you cannot obtain an IP address or options from the DHCP server

FIX: Internet Explorer crashes if it tries to display malformed HTML content on a Windows CE .NET 4.2-based device

FIX: Internet Explorer may crash when you point to a box on a Web page on a Windows CE .NET 4.2-based device

You cannot back up encrypted files by using Windows Live OneCare

How to upgrade from Windows XP to Windows Vista when Windows Live OneCare 2.0 installed the computer

How to use Windows Live OneCare to stop programs from starting automatically when you start a computer

On a Windows XP-based computer or on a Windows Server 2003-based computer, new settings for the Windows Error Reporting tool do not appear on the user interface

A computer that is running Windows XP Tablet PC Edition 2005 unexpectedly enters standby or hibernation when you operate a digitizer device or a touchscreen device

Winsock error message when you use a program that tries to bind to TCP network ports on a Windows-based computer: “WSAEADDRINUSE (10048)”

You hear a beep sound when you change the selection in a classic style ListView when the “Select” option for the system sound is set to “None” í Windows Vista

The connection fails on a Windows Vista-based computer when you try to communicate with another computer through an IPsec tunnel-mode connection

The file transfer from the attached devices to the system internal hard disk cannot be completed on a Windows Vista-based computer

The volume label of the storage media is not updated and the AutoPlay dialog box is not displayed after you insert the storage media into a removable drive on a Windows Vista-based computer

You cannot cancel changes that you make on the Camera Control tab or on the Video Proc Amp tab of the Properties dialog box of a webcam that is connected to a computer that is running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP

Audio may be much louder when you play an alternative audio source than when you play a DVD movie in Windows Vista

You do not hear any sound in Windows Media Player 11 when you connect speakers or headphones to an audio jack

FIX: The Web administration page in Windows Media Services 9 Series cannot open the Web Help file

After you connect a Windows XP-based computer to the Routing and Remote Access Services server through a virtual private network (VPN) connection, the computer cannot establish more than 32 static routes

After you migrate a global group to another domain, the name of the original global group is not displayed correctly when you use a Windows XP-based client computer to add that group to a group DACL

PS/2 devices may not function when a Windows Vista-based computer that uses the hybrid sleep feature resumes power after a power loss

When a Windows Vista-based computer is awakened from sleep by a magic packet, and the WakeOnLAN feature is enabled, the computer’s desktop is displayed unexpectedly

A Windows Vista-based computer that has an XPS printer driver installed may not print certain colors in a PowerPoint slide presentation

You cannot access a CD or DVD disc on a shared optical drive after you replace one disc with another on a Windows Vista-based computer

Messages may not be displayed correctly in the notification area on a computer that is running the Hebrew or Arabic version of Windows Vista

When you try to send a fax by using Windows Fax and Scan in the Simplified Chinese version of Windows Vista, the Chinese characters on the cover page may appear as squares

You cannot use Verizon FiOS products at their full speed on a Windows Vista-based computer

FIX: Windows Vista appears to stop responding during the device initialization phase when you start Windows for the first time

Detection and deployment guidance for the November 13, 2007 security release

An update package for the Japanese postal code dictionary in Japanese Input Method Editor is now available for Windows Vista

Error message on a Windows Vista-based computer when you try to burn a file to a writable DVD: “There was an error burning this disc. The disc might no longer be usable”

Windows Vista does not recognize an external USB optical disc drive when you reconnect the USB optical disc drive to the computer

An IEEE 1394 device cannot unload from Device Manager on a Windows Vista-based computer when you unplug the IEEE 1394 device from an IEEE 1394 standard-based external hub

You cannot use the Connection Manager tool to update the phone book on a Windows Vista-based computer

FIX: The WSAStringToAddress function returns a correct value when you pass an invalid address string to the function on a Windows CE .NET 4.2-based device

FIX: You cannot set the height of the License Acquisition dialog box as large as you want to in Windows Media Player 11

Windows Media Player cannot load the content from certain URLs after you enable the “Use proxy settings of the Web browser” option

Error message when you connect a Windows XP-based computer that has security update 835732 installed to a computer that is running Internet Information Services (IIS): “403.13 Client Certificate Revoked”

A Windows XP-based computer stops responding when you try to shut down the computer

You may be unable to print a job after you install the .NET Framework 3.0 or the XML Paper Specification Essentials Pack on a Windows XP SP2-based computer or on a Windows Server 2003-based computer

Error message when WMI queries against the CIM_DataFile class after you log on to a Windows XP SP2-based computer by using a non-administrative user account: “SWbemServicesEx: Access denied”



Microsoft Internet Security og Hröðun Server

Internet Security og Hröðun (ISA) Server TechCenter

Vinsamlegast athugaðu að ef þú hefur athugasemdir um skjöl eða óska ​​eftir að beiðni ný skjöl – tölvupósti

ForeFront Edge Security Forums at
Discuss ISA Server at the new Microsoft Forefront™ Edge Security forums, available at TechCenter

Internet Security and Acceleration Server Blog
The ISA Server Product Team Blog ( er uppfærð reglulega. Nýjustu færslur eru ma:

Account lockout not working using UPN format to logon with forms-based authentication in ISA Server 2006

Microsoft Internet Information Server

RTM of FastCGI for IIS6
The IIS team is happy to announce that the RTM version of the FastCGI for IIS is now available for download at . FastCGI support on IIS6, which is a free download, opens up the Windows Server 2003 platform for hosting PHP and other…
Posted to Weblog by mailant on 11-12-2007, 6:42 PM

Official Release of FastCGI Extension for IIS6
Today at TechEd IT Forum in Barcelona , Bob Kelly announced the official release of the FastCGI Extension for IIS 6.0 . This means customers now have reliable, high-performance hosting for PHP and other CGI-based applications on production Windows servers with full support from Microsoft. The FastCGI…
Posted to Weblog by drobbins on 11-12-2007, 2:17 PM

IIS7 in the Community…11/7/2007
The IIS7 community is growing! There have been a number of really cool things going on in the community around IIS7. Here are some of my favorites: New Web Control Panels for IIS7! I was very excited to see two new control panels for IIS7 hit the market this past month. …
Posted to Weblog by bills on 11-07-2007, 5:32 PM

Fá Nýjustu Upplýsingar á:

BizTalk Server

Voith Turbo

Queensland Department of Child Safety

Queensland Department of Child Safety

AROPE Insurance

City of Camden, New Jersey

Microsoft Internet Information Server

SharePoint Technologies

Microsoft enterprise search products
To drive the features and technical requirements that match the needs of your organization, identify your key end-user scenarios. Know that relevancy is key, but the user experience is also important, because an unfamiliar, complex, or inconvenient user interface will be a barrier to adoption.
Give users efficient access to unstructured data, skipulagða upplýsingar, og sérþekkingu. A successful enterprise search solution helps to keep sensitive information secure, er auðvelt að setja upp, gefa, og stjórna, leyfi til pláss fyrir sveigjanleika, og gerir þér kleift að sérsníða og lengja leit þína.

AKS Kit Released
The Accessibility Kit for SharePoint® (AKS) solution will help get you started on the road to Web accessibility with an accessible platform and framework from which to launch your portal or intranet site.
Microsoft in collaboration with HiSoftware developed and supports the Accessibility Kit for SharePoint® (AKS) along with a partner and customer community.


SharePoint Technologies

SharePoint 2007 Solution Upload Manager
You can upload Sharepoint solutions from the central administration site, no stsadm command is necessary. As you know out-of-box UI does not allow admin’s to install a solution
Also See the links in the News section for download links to Search Server and the Accessibility Kit

BizTalk Server

ESB Guidanceð = 22&p = 1&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=e3957253-24ce-45aa-ac32-60abffe15bac&DisplayLang=en

BizTalk Server 2006 R2 Evaluationð = 22&p = 2&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=54ea1e0c-937a-45db-b51e-d0c602543ec8&DisplayLang=en

BizTalk Server 2006 Installation and Upgrade Guidesð = 22&p = 3&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=b273269c-97e0-411d-8849-5a8070698e4a&DisplayLang=en

BTS ext for WF SDKð = 22&p = 5&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=b701c00f-cdc1-4edb-a975-b9412263ec6e&DisplayLang=en

Getting Started with HL7 v3 and BizTalk Server 2006ð = 22&p = 6&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ce84af68-35fc-4ded-b9f8-91feff05d8d0&DisplayLang=en

BizTalk Accelerator for SWIFT 2007 Message Packð = 22&p = 7&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=1c49149f-4b1a-4a2f-aab4-dcc0c09f90d3&DisplayLang=en

Fix for HIPAA Documents in EDI/AS2ð = 22&p = 8&SrcDisplayLang=en&SrcCategoryId=&SrcFamilyId=&u=/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=ed9c18f8-9842-4cbb-bd34-1fcd7d196900&DisplayLang=en

Viðburðir / Netvarp

SharePoint Technologies

Microsoft Webcasts – Designing collaboration solutions with InfoPath2007
Explore the new proposal for electronic form construction and publishing to improve collection of business information. Build a collaboration network between work teams thanks to InfoPath 2007 and the new SharePoint technologies in 2007 Microsoft Office kerfi.
Tími 10:00 am – 11:30 á (Trinidad & Tobago) 9:00 á – 10:30 á (Jamaica) .11/30/2007 9:00 AM Bogota- 11/30/2007 10:30 AM Lengd:90 Fundargerðir

TechNet Webcast: System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Yfirlit (Stig 200)
In November 2007 , Microsoft introduced Microsoft System Center Data Protection Manager 2007, setting a new standard in Windows data protection and delivering continuous data protection for Microsoft SQL Server, Exchange Server, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server, and Windows file services using seamlessly integrated disk and tape. Join this webcast to be among the first to see the new features in System Center Data Protection Manager 2007, including protection of virtual servers, Microsoft SharePoint Products and Technologies, and Windows desktops, along with disaster recovery capabilities.
12/5/2007 9:30 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)- 12/5/2007 11:00 AM Lengd:90 Fundargerðir

ASP.NET og Silverlight
Silverlight 1.0 is released and promises a world of opportunity for providing rich user experience in web applications. This session explores on how you can integrate Silverlight into your ASP.NET Applications and also talks about how the upcoming version of ASP.NET has built in Silverlight controls that integrate well to provide great user experience.
12/4/2007 2:00 PM India- 12/4/2007 3:30 PM Lengd:90 Fundargerðir

Momentum Webcast: Leita, Share, Collaborate with SharePoint Server 2007 and Improve Your Business Productivity. (Stig 100)
Find out how you can empower your people and partner organizations to work together more effectively at a special invitation-only event designed for small groups of business executives and technology decision makers and professionals. Join this webcast to: Learn from a leading Forrester Research analyst how businesses are using company-wide collaboration and search technologies to connect users, Liðin, and data in a more efficient and productive manner. Discover from Microsoft experts how Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 can help your organization: Derive increased business value from existing information assets by efficiently and securely finding, sharing, and managing information across boundaries. Get the right information to the right people with a familiar search interface for finding people, upplýsingar, and business data based on user security permissions. Make better-informed decisions through simplified, enterprise-wide access to one consistent version of information and by streamlining shared business processes across people and business data. Provide IT professionals with a single, integrated, extensible platform for managing intranet, extranet, and Internet applications across the organization.
12/4/2007 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)- 12/4/2007 12:00 PM Lengd:60 Fundargerðir

Small Business Webcast: Run Your Business from Anywhere Using Small Business Server 2003 R2 and Window Mobile Solutions (Stig 100)
If you run a small business, you do not stop working just because you leave the office. Join this webcast to learn how Windows Small Business Server 2003 R2 can help you stay productive, regardless of where your business takes you. Find out how you can access the documents, internal sites (Windows SharePoint Services), and business applications you need—when you want—from just about anywhere. Save time and make sharing easier with a central, secure location for all your data. Stay connected to your company and your customers with easy access to your e-mail (Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access), schedules, and contacts.
12/5/2007 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)- 12/5/2007 11:45 AM Lengd:45 Fundargerðir

TechNet Webcast: SAP Enterprise Portal og SharePoint Server Samvirkni (Stig 200)
Í þessu webcast, við ræðum SAP og Microsoft vefsíðunni samvirkni. Við kápa hvernig þú getur aðlagast Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 og SAP Netweaver Portal frá andlit-endir samþættingu (iView, Web Services fyrir Remote portlets [WSRP], og URL tengja) að samþætta hluti og þjónustu yfir vefsíðunni (gegnum Web Services, SAP Portal Development Kit fyrir Microsoft NET Framework, og tengi). Við kanna aðferðir rekstrarsamhæfi byggist á leit og Business Data Catalog lögun í SharePoint Server 2007. Við sýnum einnig ýmsar gerðir af lausnum og lýsa hvernig á að nálgast Portal sameining. 1/22/2008 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)- 1/22/2008 1:00 PM Lengd:90 Fundargerðir

TechNet Webcast: Excel Services Technical Overview (Stig 200)
Í þessu webcast, we look at the new Excel Services, which is part of Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. We show how Excel Services extends the capabilities of Microsoft Office Excel 2007 by allowing broad sharing of spreadsheets, in addition to improved manageability and security. Attend this session to learn how Excel Services enables you to reuse spreadsheet models through a scalable server-based calculation service and an interactive Web-based user interface. We illustrate how Excel Services provides a Web-based user interface for browser-based access and a Web services API for programmatic access, both of which have robust options for controlling what data is available to users and applications. Excel Services also takes advantage of the other capabilities of SharePoint Server 2007, including enterprise content management features like check-in/check-out, auditing, and versioning capabilities.
12/14/2007 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)- 12/14/2007 2:30 PM Lengd:90 Fundargerðir

TechNet Webcast: An í-dýpt líta á SharePoint Server 2007 Leita Technology (Stig 200)
Í þessari lotu, we review the new search features available in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. We look at the challenges IT professionals face when trying to support disparate information repositories, and we explain how SharePoint Server 2007 can help you address these issues. We also explore the other new features and the enhanced architecture of SharePoint Server 2007, including a look at some specific usage scenarios.

TechNet Webcast: Prepare Yourself for Windows Server 2008 (Part 8 af 8): Rights Management Services (Stig 400)
In this last session of our series, we show some of the elements of Windows Server 2008 that enable the complete protection of documents and messages. Information Rights Management (IRM) is a growing concern for all sorts of organizations, and we outline common IRM needs and scenarios in this webcast. We first look at the new features of Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS), and we explore the previous version of Microsoft Rights Management Services (RMS), in addition to the two service packs issued for it. We explain how to employ RMS with RMS-enabled applications, such as Microsoft Office Word documents, Microsoft Office Outlook e-mail messages, and a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server library. Loksins, we describe how to extend the reach of IRM to users outside of your own Active Directory forest.
12/19/2007 8:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)- 12/19/2007 9:30 AM Lengd:90 Fundargerðir

Trade Compliance: Trading for Profit or Trading to Comply?
Want to learn more about how you can trade for profit without risking non-compliance? Register for a free webinar sponsored by Microsoft Corporation. Hear how Microsoft tools and its ecosystem of solution providers can help you meet regulatory compliance requirements. During this session, two of our partners, 17-a-4 and Asset Control (formerly TAP) will discuss how they have used the Microsoft tools to create exceptional software building blocks for trade compliance.
12/13/2007 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Kanada)- 12/13/2007 1:00 PM Lengd:60 Fundargerðir

IT Manager Webcast: Enabling Innovation Process Management Using the Microsoft EPM Solution and SharePoint Server 2007 (Stig 100)
In today’s fast-paced global economy, innovation is the key to the next big breakthrough in products, services, and processes. Hins, businesses are often challenged with facilitating innovation because of cultural, strategic, or logistical pitfal .
12/18/2007 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)- 12/18/2007 12:00 PM Lengd:60 Fundargerðir

TechNet Webcast: Akstur Business Performance með Microsoft Business Intelligence (Stig 200)
Margir kannanir í dag lista viðskipti vitsmunir (BI) efst á hugbúnaði eyða forgangsröðun fyrir fyrirtæki af öllum stærðum. Samt, þrátt fyrir tíma, peningar, og auðlindir takt við það að markmiði að betri viðskipti ákvörðun, companies do not yet …
1/14/2008 9:30 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)- 1/14/2008 11:00 AM Lengd:90 Fundargerðir

Ný KB 's

Microsoft Internet Security og Hröðun Server

An update enables multicast operations for ISA Server integrated NLB

When you publish a back-end ISA Server 2006 computer on a front-end ISA Server 2006 computer that faces the Internet, you cannot enable forms-based authentication on both computers

You cannot filter the RPC traffic based on universally unique identifiers (UUID) by using an access rule in ISA Server 2006

In ISA Server 2006, you cannot set a session time-out for private computers in a Web listener that has the RSA SecurID authentication method configured

Description of the ISA Server 2006 hotfix package: Október 7, 2007

Event ID 14079 er skráður á hverjum 49.7 dagar á Windows Server 2003-undirstaða tölva sem er í gangi ISA Server 2004

BizTalk Server

943382 FIX: An XML declaration is not added to an outgoing message when you use the BizTalk Framework Assembler pipeline component in BizTalk Server 2006;EN-US;943382

943355 Event ID 0 is logged in the Application log when you use Microsoft BizTalk Adapter for Oracle Database on a 64-bit server;EN-US;943355

943165 FIX: A CPU usage spike occurs on all the BizTalk hosts after you install security bulletin MS07-040 on a server that is running Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006;EN-US;943165

943052 FIX: Event 2020 occurs when you process EDI documents on a computer that is running BizTalk Server 2004;EN-US;943052

942612 FIX: You may experience problems when you use a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) adapter in Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2;EN-US;942612

941261 FIX: Event ID 5720 is logged when you specify the BTAHL72XPipeline pipeline in a send port in BizTalk Server 2006 R2;EN-US;941261

939080 FIX: Error message when you use Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006 R2 to receive HIPAA messages;EN-US;939080

933647 FIX: The tables in the BizTalkMsgBoxDb database may unexpectedly become larger after you install hotfix 927456 for Microsoft BizTalk Server 2006;EN-US;933647

921258 FIX: You experience inconsistent behavior when you submit a zero byte file to an FTP send adapter in BizTalk Server 2004;EN-US;921258

893369 FIX: HL7 Interrogative transactions may take 10 or more seconds to complete when MLLP synchronizes communications end-to-end in BizTalk Server 2004;EN-US;893369

842301 BizTalk Server 2006 and BizTalk Server 2004 supportability on a virtual machine;EN-US;842301

SharePoint Technologies

Windows Sharepoint Services Version 3

You receive an HTTP 404 error message when you browse the SharePoint site collections after a hotfix package or a public update for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 is applied

The 2007 Office documents are not found when you try to search for the documents in the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 site collection

How to troubleshoot common errors that occur when you run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard on a computer that is running Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or SharePoint Server 2007

Microsoft Sharepoint Portal Server 2003

SharePoint Portal Server 2003 cannot index a 2007 Office document or file

Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007

Error message when you try to configure the SSO service on a computer that is running SharePoint Server 2007: “Failed to connect to the database server”

SQL Server


Try SQL Server 2008 Today – Your Data, Any Place, Any Time
SQL Server 2008, næsta útgáfa af Microsoft SQL Server, mun veita alhliða upplýsingar vettvang sem er öruggari, áreiðanlegur, viðráðanlegur og stigstærð fyrir verkefni gagnrýninn forritum, en gerir forritara til að búa til ný forrit sem geta geymt og neyta hverskonar gögn á hvaða tæki, og gerir öllum notendum að gera upplýstar ákvarðanir með viðeigandi innsýn. Download the latest SQL Server 2008 Community Technology Preview (CTP) and try out the latest features of SQL Server 2008 fyrir 180 days! The SQL Server development team uses your feedback to help refine and enhance product features. Download the newest CTP today and share your feedback.

Try Visual Studio 2008
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 provides an industry-leading developer experience for Windows Vista, á 2007 Microsoft Office kerfi, and the Web. Auk, it continues in the Microsoft tradition of development language innovation. To enable evaluation of Visual Studio 2008, this page provides links to trial versions of Visual Studio 2008.


Reporting Services in SQL Server 2008
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Reporting Services provides a complete server-based platform that is designed to support a wide variety of reporting needs including managed enterprise reporting, ad-hoc reporting, embedded reporting, and web based reporting to enable organizations to deliver relevant information where needed across the entire enterprise. Reporting Services 2008 provides the tools and features necessary to author a variety of richly formatted reports from a wide range of data sources and provides a comprehensive set of familiar tools used to manage and secure an enterprise reporting solution. Reports are processed and delivered quickly and effectively, enabling users to either receive reports automatically through subscriptions, to access reports from a central report repository on an ad-hoc basis, or to consume reports in context of their business processes through reports directly embedded into their business or web applications.

What’s New for XML in SQL Server 2008
Microsoft introduced XML-related capabilities in Microsoft SQL Server 2000 with the FOR XML and OPENXML Transact-SQL keywords, which enabled developers to write Transact-SQL code to retrieve a query result as a stream of XML, and to shred an XML document into a rowset. SQL Server 2005 extended these XML capabilities significantly with the introduction of a native xml data type that supports XSD schema validation, XQuery-based operations, and XML indexing. SQL Server 2008 builds on the XML capabilities of previous releases and provides enhancements to meet the challenges that customers have faced when storing and manipulating XML data in the database.

Managing Unstructured Data with SQL Server 2008
The proliferation of digital content has significant implications for the way in which organizations store and access business data. Increasingly, databases that are at the core of business applications must be integrated with unstructured data in the form of documents, images, video content, and other multimedia formats. Organizations increasingly need to be able to store and manage digital data of all formats in order to manage the information lifecycle, meet compliance requirements, and implement content management solutions. Microsoft SQL Server™ 2008 provides a flexible solution for storing unstructured data and combining it with relational data to build comprehensive solutions that encompass the full range of data across an organization.

Delivering Location Intelligence with Spatial Data
The growing ability of businesses and consumers to quickly absorb large volumes of data, together with the increased availability of digital maps and spatially-enabled applications has created an unprecedented opportunity to incorporate geographic factors into decision making processes and analysis. The new spatial support in Microsoft SQL Server™ 2008 can help you to make better decisions through visual analysis of location data that can be stored and manipulated in a SQL Server database.

SQL Server 2008 Security Overview for Database Administrators
SQL Server 2008 is secure by design, sjálfgefið, and deployment. Microsoft is committed to communicating information about threats, countermeasures, and security enhancements as necessary to keep your data as secure as possible. This paper covers some of the most important security features in SQL Server 2008. It tells you how, as an administrator, you can install SQL Server securely and keep it that way even as applications and users make use of the data stored within.

Server Consolidation with SQL Server 2008
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 supports multiple options for server consolidation, which provides organizations with the flexibility to choose the consolidation approach that best meets their requirements to centralize data services management and reduce hardware and maintenance costs. By providing centralized management, auditing, and monitoring capabilities, SQL Server 2008 makes it easy to manage multiple databases and data services, which significantly reduces administrative overheads in large enterprises. Loksins, SQL Server 2008 provides the reassurance of industry-leading performance and scalability, and unprecedented control over server resource to maximize the performance of consolidated data services.

SQL Server 2005 Powers Global Réttar Data Security Tól
The Information Security team at Microsoft uses an internal tool called Information Security Consolidated Event Management (ICE 3.0) to gather forensic data from more than 85 proxy servers around the world. Powered by SQL Server 2005, á 27 TB data management system collects different types of global evidence, such as inbound and outbound e-mail traffic, Login events, and Web browsing, into a single database. ICE 3.0 provides rapid security analysis and queries, robust proxy performance analysis, and extensive troubleshooting functionality. Table level partitions allow event processing and database loading, without affecting the ongoing query activities and analysis work of security forensics engineers. Storage Area Networking (SANs) manage enterprise storage for ICE 3.0, and the service maintains an uptime of 99.9%. A controller application dynamically launches multiple instances of SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), which seamlessly respond to changes in the volume of incoming evidence. The tool was redesigned in 2006 using SQL Server 2005. The SQL upgrade enhanced the data feed process, query response time, expanded the data retention period, and reduced manual data loading and data validations.

Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET Books Online
Synchronization Services lets you synchronize data from disparate sources over two-tier, N-Tier, og þjónustu sem byggir á arkitektúr. Instead of only replicating a database and its schema, samstillinguna Services umsókn forritun tengi (API) afla a setja af íhlutum til að samstilla gögn á milli gagnaþjónustu og staðnum geyma. Umsóknir eru í auknum mæli notuð á hreyfanlegur viðskiptavini, such as portable computers and devices, sem ekki hafa samræmi eða áreiðanlega net tengingu við miðlægum miðlara. It is important for these applications to work against a local copy of data on the client. Jafn mikilvægt er þörf til að samstilla staðbundna afrit af gögnum með miðlægum miðlara þegar tengingu er í boði. The Synchronization Services API is modeled after the ADO.NET data access APIs and gives you an intuitive way to synchronize data. It makes building applications for occasionally connected environments a logical extension of building applications where you can depend on a consistent network connection.

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Books Online and Samples
SQL Server Compact 3.5 Books Online provides in-depth information about the features of the product. In addition to the Books Online, the sample applications helps to ramp up quickly on SQL Server Compact technology and an easy way to build applications rapidly. For information about Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.Net v1.0 download the Books Online

Scale-Out Querying with Analysis Services Using SAN Snapshots
This SQL Server Best Practices white paper describes the use of virtual copy SAN snapshots in a load-balanced scalable querying environment for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services to increase the number of concurrent queries to Analysis Services servers with a rapid response time per query. Load-balanced querying distributes the load of all queries among the available servers. The use of the virtual copy SAN snapshots eliminates the need to copy data between an Analysis Services processing server and one or more dedicated Analysis Services query servers. This paper supplements the Scale-Out Querying with Analysis Services white paper.


Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.NET v2.0 CTP1
Microsoft samstillingar Þjónusta ADO.NET veitir getu til að samstilla gögn úr ólíkum uppruna yfir tveimur flokkaupplýsingar, N-Tier, og þjónustu sem byggir á arkitektúr. Frekar en einfaldlega afrit gagnagrunn og stefið hennar, samstillinguna Services umsókn forritun tengi (API) afla a setja af íhlutum til að samstilla gögn á milli gagnaþjónustu og staðnum geyma. Umsóknir eru í auknum mæli notuð á hreyfanlegur viðskiptavini, eins og fartölvur og tæki, sem ekki hafa samræmi eða áreiðanlega net tengingu við miðlægum miðlara. Það er mikilvægt fyrir þessi forrit til að vinna gegn eigin afrit af gögnum á viðskiptavininn. Jafn mikilvægt er þörf til að samstilla staðbundna afrit af gögnum með miðlægum miðlara þegar tengingu er í boði. Samstillinguna Services API, sem er byggð eftir ADO.NET gögn aðgangur API, gefur þér leiðandi leið til að samstilla gögn. Það gerir byggja forrit fyrir stundum tengd umhverfi rökrétt framhald af forritum bygging þar sem þú getur treyst á sömu nettengingu.

Visual Studio 2005 Support for SQL Server 2008, Community Technology Preview
This CTP resolves a problem that when you try to open a database connection to SQL Server 2008 by using Visual Studio 2005 design tools, you may receive the following error message: “This server version is not supported. Only servers up to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 are supported.” This CTP addresses this issue, and enables the following Visual Studio functionality for SQL Server 2008 CTP5 :
Server Explorer successfully connects to SQL Server 2008, and database objects such as stored procedures and table data can be viewed and edited. Note that table schemas still cannot be viewed or edited in this release.
SQL CLR projects that target SQL Server 2008 CTP5 can be created and deployed to the server.
T-SQL and SQL CLR debugging are now enabled for SQL Server 2008 CTP5.
Data binding features in Client and Web Projects are enabled.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Comprehensive Configuration Pack for Configuration Manager 2007
The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Comprehensive Configuration Pack is designed to be used for managing the configuration of SQL 2005 servers. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on an extensive number of settings affecting the configuration of SQL 2005 servers in the Microsoft IT environment. A partial list of the included configuration items and settings can be obtained by downloading the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Basic Configuration Pack and/or the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Intermediate Configuration Pack. It is recommended that users begin by evaluating their configuration against the Basic configuration pack, and then progress to the Intermediate and Comprehensive configuration packs as desired configurations are verified.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Intermediate Configuration Pack for Configuration Manager 2007
The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Intermediate Configuration Pack is designed to be used for managing the configuration of SQL 2005 servers. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on a substantial number of settings affecting the configuration of SQL 2005 servers in the Microsoft IT environment. A partial list of the included configuration items and settings can be obtained by downloading the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Basic Configuration Pack; more extensive configuration items and settings can be obtained by downloading the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Comprehensive Configuration Pack. It is recommended that users begin by evaluating their configuration against the Basic configuration pack, and ten progress to the Intermediate and Comprehensive configuration packs as desired configurations are verified.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Basic Configuration Pack for Configuration Manager 2007
The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Basic Configuration Pack is designed to be used for managing the configuration of SQL 2005 servers. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on a limited number of settings affecting the configuration of SQL 2005 servers in the Microsoft IT environment. More extensive configuration items and settings can be obtained by downloading the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 MSIT Intermediate and Comprehensive Configuration Packs. It is recommended that users begin by evaluating their configuration against the Basic configuration pack, and then progress to the Intermediate and Comprehensive configuration packs as desired configurations are verified. Once imported into SCCM 2007, this configuration pack and its included configuration items can be targeted to collections of systems which are then audited for compliance with the recommended configurations. When settings are detected to be out of compliance, events will be generated and sent to the Configuration Manager server where the data is available for reporting.

SQL Server 2008 Books Online Community Technology Preview (Nóvember 2007)
SQL Server 2008, næsta útgáfa af Microsoft SQL Server, provides a comprehensive data platform. Books Online is the primary documentation for SQL Server 2008. Download a pre-release preview of Books Online for SQL Server 2008. If you were looking for the latest released version of Books Online, visit the SQL Server 2005 Books Online page on the Microsoft Download Center. Ath: This pre-release version of the SQL Server 2008 Books Online may contain topics that are empty, incomplete, or not up to date. Topics for new features may be missing and not all new or updated content has been reviewed for technical accuracy.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act was developed in conjunction with Brabeion Software, and contains suggested system configurations that map best practices and standards to the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on a number of settings-based configuration items, and assesses your system against the desired configuration. Once imported into SCCM 2007, this configuration pack and its included configuration items can be targeted to collections of systems which are then audited for compliance with the recommended configurations. When settings are detected to be out of compliance, events will be generated and sent to the Configuration Manager server where the data is available for reporting.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for European Union Data Protection Directive (EUDPD)
The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for European Union Data Protection Directive was developed in conjunction with Brabeion Software, and contains suggested system configurations that map best practices and standards to the requirements of the European Union Data Protection Directive. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on a number of settings-based configuration items, and assesses your system against the desired configuration. Once imported into SCCM 2007, this configuration pack and its included configuration items can be targeted to collections of systems which are then audited for compliance with the recommended configurations. When settings are detected to be out of compliance, events will be generated and sent to the Configuration Manager server where the data is available for reporting.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for Federal Information Security Management Act was developed in conjunction with Brabeion Software, and contains suggested system configurations that map best practices and standards to the requirements of the Federal Information Security Management Act. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on a number of settings-based configuration items, and assesses your system against the desired configuration. Once imported into SCCM 2007, this configuration pack and its included configuration items can be targeted to collections of systems which are then audited for compliance with the recommended configurations. When settings are detected to be out of compliance, events will be generated and sent to the Configuration Manager server where the data is available for reporting.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for Sarbanes-Oxley Act was developed in conjunction with Brabeion Software, and contains suggested system configurations that map best practices and standards to the requirements of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on a number of settings-based configuration items, and assesses your system against the desired configuration. Once imported into SCCM 2007, this configuration pack and its included configuration items can be targeted to collections of systems which are then audited for compliance with the recommended configurations. When settings are detected to be out of compliance, events will be generated and sent to the Configuration Manager server where the data is available for reporting.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for Gramm-Leach Bliley Act (GLBA)
The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Assessment Configuration Pack for Gramm-Leach Bliley Act was developed in conjunction with Brabeion Software, and contains suggested system configurations that map best practices and standards to the requirements of the Gramm-Leach Bliley Act. This configuration pack defines recommended configurations based on a number of settings-based configuration items, and assesses your system against the desired configuration. Once imported into SCCM 2007, this configuration pack and its included configuration items can be targeted to collections of systems which are then audited for compliance with the recommended configurations. When settings are detected to be out of compliance, events will be generated and sent to the Configuration Manager server where the data is available for reporting.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 CTP, Nóvember 2007
Microsoft SQL Server 2008, næsta útgáfa af Microsoft SQL Server, provides a comprehensive data platform that is more secure, áreiðanlegur, viðráðanlegur og stigstærð fyrir verkefni gagnrýninn forritum, en gerir forritara til að búa til ný forrit sem geta geymt og neyta hverskonar gögn á hvaða tæki, og gerir öllum notendum að gera upplýstar ákvarðanir með viðeigandi innsýn.

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 and Microsoft Synchronization Services for ADO.Net v1.0 for Windows Desktop
SQL Server Compact 3.5 is a small footprint in-process database engine that allows developers to build robust applications for Windows Desktops and Mobile Devices. This download contains the files for SQL Server Compact 3.5 and Synchronization Services for ADO.Net v1.0 for Windows Desktop platform.

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 for Windows Mobile
SQL Server Compact 3.5 for Devices Windows Installer contains the CAB files and DLL’s for installation on the Windows Mobile platform. When compared to its previous release, SQL Server Compact 3.5 includes a host of new features including the following:
Side-by-side installation together with SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition (útgáfa 3.1)
Support for newer and more secure encryption algorithms
Additional timestamp (rowversion) data type

ReportViewer Sýni til Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
Visual Studio 2008 includes ReportViewer controls that you can use to add rich data reporting to Windows forms and ASP.NET applications. This download provides two complete samples so that you can view the control and sample reports in a finished application.
The RSSNewsReader sample is a Windows form application written in Visual C#. It retrieves data from live news feeds and presents that data in a report. The report demonstrates how to use parameters to filter the dataset.
The Web Log Analyzer is a Windows form application written in Visual Basic. It analyzes log files created by Web servers, such as Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). It includes reports that show statistics on page hits, server activity, and referrals from other sites.

Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Server Verkfæri
SQL Server Compact 3.5 Server Tools installs replication components on the IIS server enabling merge replication and remote data access (RDA) between SQL Server Compact 3.5 database on a Windows Desktop & Mobile devices and database servers running SQL Server 2005 and later versions of SQL Server 2005. This install is not required for Synchronization Services for ADO.NETSQL Server Compact 3.5 Server Tools cannot be installed Side-by-Side on the same IIS server with previous versions of SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition Server Tools or with SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition Server Tools. Using SQL Server Compact 3.5 Server Tools you can synchronize between SQL Server Compact 3.5 or SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition or SQL Server 2005 Mobile Edition versions of the client database and SQL Server 2005 and later versions of SQL Server 2005.

Leita Server 2008 Dæmi: Sambandsríkið Leita Connector Dæmi
Microsoft Search Server 2008 provides you with the ability to include items from content repositories that are not indexed by the search server’s crawler through federated locations. Leita Server 2008 supports federating search from the local search index, as well as sites that support the OpenSearch 1.0 eða 1.1 standard and returns search results in a structured XML format (for example, RSS or Atom results). To include federated search results from other types of content repositories, you must create a federated connector. When the repository does not expose a searchable XML feed, this federated connector must include an interface to expose results from the repository. The interface must support querying via OpenSearch and return XML formatted results.

Viðburðir / Netvarp

SQL 2005 Vefvarp og Virtual Labs
SQL Server 2005 gögn stjórnun og greiningu hugbúnaður sem skilar auka öryggi, framboð, og sveigjanleika til verkefni mikilvægum forritum gögn-en að gera þeim auðveldara að þróa, dreifa, og stjórna. Veldu úr ýmsum lifandi og á-krafa netvarp. Eða taka þátt í raunverulegur Lab, sem leyfir þér að skera tennurnar á nýja vettvang með tilraunir með mismunandi getu sína.
SQL Server 2005 Vefvarp

TechNet Webcast: Prepare Yourself for Windows Server 2008 (Part 1 af 8): Product Workload Scenarios (Stig 300) - Mánudagur, Desember 03, 2007 9:30 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
In this first session of our series, we discuss how Windows Server 2008 addresses key deployment scenarios for customers. We start with an overview of the key product workload scenarios for Windows Server 2008. We cover as many as 10 different scenarios, and we discuss how each scenario can be categorized into one of three different design pillars. While examining the scenarios, we take a closer look at the specific technologies used within the scenario, describe how they are used, and explain why they are needed. We show which technologies comprise each scenario and the value propositions they deliver. Loksins, we see how the scenario adds value to Windows Server 2008 og, in some cases, we provide real-world examples of usages for the scenario.
TechNet Webcast: Prepare Yourself for Windows Server 2008 (Part 1 af 8): Product Workload Scenarios (Stig 300)

MSDN Webcast: New T-SQL Programmability Features in SQL Server 2008 (Stig 300) – Tuesday, Desember 04, 2007 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
Join this webcast on new T-SQL programmability features in Microsoft SQL Server 2008, an extension from last year’s presentation on top Microsoft SQL Server 2005 T-SQL features. We cover exciting new features such as:
New data types (i.e. date/time, filestream, HierarchyID, large UDT, sparse columns)Dependency management for database objectsProcedure programming (i.e. table value parameter)Data warehousing enhancements (i.e. Merge data manipulation language (DML) statement, grouping set, filtered indexing)Supportability (i.e. Data Definition Language (DDL) trigger)MSDN Webcast: New T-SQL Programmability Features in SQL Server 2008 (Stig 300)

Momentum Webcast: Migrating from Access to SQL Server (Stig 100) - Miðvikudagur, Desember 05, 2007 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
Technical audiences currently using Microsoft Office Access will benefit from this tutorial on how to easily migrate databases from Microsoft Office Access 97 through Microsoft Office Access 2003 to Microsoft SQL Server 2005 using Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA). Í þessu webcast, Dmitry Balin, director of SQL Server marketing, explains different methods of upsizing Access applications to SQL Server (linked tables, Access projects , rewriting to the Microsoft .NET Framework) and shows how SQL Server Migration Assistant automates, streamlines, and simplifies this process. SSMA for Access converts Access database objects to SQL Server database objects, loads those objects into SQL Server, and then migrates data from Access to SQL Server. Dmitry also shares experiences from other customers who have benefited from using SSMA and SQL Server to improve their business processes.
Momentum Webcast: Migrating from Access to SQL Server (Stig 100)

TechNet Webcast: Using the New Policy-Based Management Framework in SQL Server 2008 (Stig 300) – Thursday, Desember 06, 2007 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
Microsoft SQL Server 2008 introduces a new policy-based framework for database administrators, which can significantly improve administrative productivity and reliability. Database administrators declare their administrative intent through policies that are then applied by the system. This approach reduces the potential for administrative error and enables the framework to monitor or enforce the policies in an automated fashion. Not only can policies be applied to individual databases or tables on a single server, but they can also seamlessly be scaled to include large collections of objects spanning many server instances.
TechNet Webcast: Using the New Policy-Based Management Framework in SQL Server 2008 (Stig 300)

Momentum Webcast: SQL Server 2008 (Part 2 af 3): Expanding Business Intelligence Capabilities (Stig 100) - Fimmtudagur, Desember 06, 2007 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
Join us for this second webcast in our three-part series on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to learn all about its new features. SQL Server 2008 builds on the strong momentum in the business intelligence (BI) market by providing a scalable infrastructure that enables IT to drive BI throughout your organization and deliver intelligence where users want it. SQL Server 2008 makes great strides in data warehousing, providing a comprehensive and scalable platform that lets organizations integrate data into the data warehouse faster and to scale and manage that data while delivering insight to all users. With the more scalable BI infrastructure provided by SQL Server 2008, you can easily manage reports and analysis of any size or complexity, and at the same time, empower users through the deeper integration with Microsoft Office programs. SQL Server 2008 also delivers improved performance in many areas, including data warehousing, reporting, and analytics. Join us to learn how you can use SQL Server 2008 to get the right information to the right people in the right format on the right device.
Momentum Webcast: SQL Server 2008 (Part 2 af 3): Expanding Business Intelligence Capabilities (Stig 100)

MCP Live Meeting: SQL Server 2008 and Your Microsoft Certifications (Session 1) - Miðvikudagur, Desember 12, 2007 7:30 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
Join the Microsoft Certification team for guidance on your certification path for SQL Server. In this meeting, we will introduce our plans for SQL Server 2008 training and certification, review the SQL Server 2005 certifications, and answer your individual questions about the path that is right for you, in Business Intelligence, Database Development, or Database Administration.
MCP Live Meeting: SQL Server 2008 and Your Microsoft Certifications (Session 1)

Momentum Webcast: SQL Server 2008 (Part 3 af 3): Reducing Hardware and Maintenance Costs with Server Consolidation (Stig 100) - Miðvikudagur, Desember 12, 2007 11:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
Join us for this final webcast in our three-part series on Microsoft SQL Server 2008 to learn all about its new features. SQL Server 2008 can help reduce hardware and maintenance costs by providing a flexible server consolidation solution. Organizations can centralize data services on fewer servers through server virtualization and support for multiple service instances on a single physical server, along with the tools and functionality to migrate distributed data to a consolidated data center. By providing a centralized data services management interface and declarative, policy-based configuration management, SQL Server can make it easy for organizations with multiple data stores to reduce management overhead. Loksins, the enhanced performance in SQL Server 2008 and the ability to explicitly control how your server resources are used enable you to consolidate your data services while providing the scalability and performance your applications need. Join us to learn how you can use SQL Server 2008 to get the right information to the right people in the right format on the right device.
Momentum Webcast: SQL Server 2008 (Part 3 af 3): Reducing Hardware and Maintenance Costs with Server Consolidation (Stig 100)

TechNet Webcast: Microsoft SQL Server og FileMaker Pro 9 Samvirkni (Stig 200) - Miðvikudagur, Desember 12, 2007 1:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
Microsoft SQL Server virkar óaðfinnanlega með FileMaker Pro útgáfa 9. FileMaker er meira en gagnasafn hugbúnaður; það er hraður-umsókn þróun umhverfi sem allir geta notað til fljótt skapa lausnir til að safna, stjórna, og skýrslugerð gögn. Taka þátt í þessu webcast að skilja hvernig verktaki geta notið góðs af því að tengja FileMaker Pro 9 og Microsoft SQL Server. Við sýnum einnig tæknilega kynningu FileMaker Pro 9 tengja við Microsoft SQL Server.
TechNet Webcast: Microsoft SQL Server og FileMaker Pro 9 Samvirkni (Stig 200)

MCP Live Meeting: SQL Server 2008 and Your Microsoft Certifications (Session 2) - Miðvikudagur, Desember 12, 2007 5:00 PM Pacific Time (US & Kanada)
Join the Microsoft Certification team for guidance on your certification path for SQL Server. In this meeting, we will introduce our plans for SQL Server 2008 training and certification, review the SQL Server 2005 certifications, and answer your individual questions about the path that is right for you, in Business Intelligence, Database Development, or Database Administration.
MCP Live Meeting: SQL Server 2008 and Your Microsoft Certifications (Session 2)

Nánari á-krafa webcasts eru í boði hér:

Ný KB 's

SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition

Error message when you insert data in an article that has automatic identity range handling enabled in a merge replication in SQL Server 2000: “The identity range managed by replication is full and must be updated by a replication agent”
SQL Server 2005 Compact Edition

A file and some registry entries are missing when you upgrade SQL Server Compact 3.5 Beta to SQL Server Compact 3.5
SQL Server 2005 Standard Edition

FIX: All later commands are ignored after the SQLDescribeParam function returns an error message in a SQL Server 2005-based application that uses the SQL Native Client ODBC provider
FIX: You cannot bring the SQL Server group online in a cluster environment after you rename the virtual server name of the default instance of SQL Server 2005
FIX: Error message on a Windows Vista-based computer when you try to query data from a column of the XML data type or from a variable of the XML data type in a SQL Server 2005: “Unexpected end of file has occurred”
FIX: Error message when you create a WMI event alert by using the sp_add_alert stored procedure in SQL Server 2005: “The @wmi_query could not be executed in the @wmi_namespace provided”
Error message when you connect to a named instance of SQL Server on a client computer that is running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008: “Specified SQL server not found” eða “Error Locating Server/Instance Specified”
You cannot start the SQL Server Agent service of a failover cluster of SQL Server 2005 if the build of SQL Server build is 3179 or a later build
FIX: A federated database server stops responding when you run parallel queries on a multiprocessor computer that uses NUMA architecture in SQL Server 2005
Error message when an SSIS package runs that is scheduled to run as a SQL Server Agent job: “An OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80004005”
SQL Server 2000 Greining Þjónusta

Error message when you use the ADOMD.NET data provider in an application to connect to an instance of SQL Server 2000 Greining Þjónusta: “The session, ‘‘, does not exist”
SQL Server 2005 Greining Þjónusta

FIX: The operation takes a long time to be completed when you process a partition that has proactive caching enabled in SQL Server 2005 Greining Þjónusta
FIX: When you run an MDX query for the second time, the query does not run faster than the first time that you ran the query in SQL Server 2005 Greining Þjónusta
You obtain no result set when you run an MDX query against an instance of SQL Server 2005 Greining Þjónusta
FIX: SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services stops responding when you run an MDX query that references a measure of the double data type or a calculated member of the double data type
SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services

FIX: The document map area of a SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services report may be blank when you view the report in Windows Internet Explorer 7
FIX: You cannot open an Excel workbook that is exported from SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services on a Macintosh computer

SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services

After you install Cumulative Update Package 4 fyrir SQL Server 2005 SP2, time stamp information that is related to the RSPrintClient ActiveX control is logged in the report server log file

FIX: Message when you click the Back button in Internet Explorer 7 to return to a SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services report that contains one or more DateTime parameters: “Report is being generated”

Sameinað Communications

Exchange Service Pack 1 Gefa út
Exchange 2007 Service Pack 1 Gefa út

Exchange Team Blog
Outlook Team Blog
Unified Communications Team Blog

Microsoft fararbroddi Öryggi fyrir Exchange Server README
Að vernda Exchange miðlara frá veira og annar malware.ð = 22&p = 1&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d8ee79d42-63a6-4927-83f0-035d6a4a23b9% 26displaylang% 3den

Microsoft fararbroddi Öryggi fyrir Exchange Server með Service Pack 1
Að vernda Exchange miðlara frá veira og annar malware.ð = 22&p = 2&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d2ceb14d4-404b-4d8f-8a21-ebfc71b2e82b% 26displaylang% 3den

Fararbroddi Öryggi fyrir Exchange Server 10.1 Stjórn Pakki fyrir mömmu 2005
The Microsoft fararbroddi Öryggi fyrir Exchange Management Pakki fylgist húsum netþjóna fyrir veira og ormur virkni.ð = 22&p = 3&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d1b4e7d52-c550-4dd7-a11f-2c4029b93451% 26displaylang% 3den

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Sameinað Skilaboð Language Bakpoki
Þetta niðurhal inniheldur fyrirfram skráð hvetja og texta ræðu gögn fyrir tungumál styður Exchange sameinað skilaboð.ð = 22&p = 4&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d18426838-7733-4712-8b98-d6d1fd8c2310% 26displaylang% 3den

Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1
Nýju getu Exchange Server 2007 skila háþróaður verndun fyrirtæki kröfum þínum, að hvar sem aðgangur fólk vill, og skilvirkni sem þú þarft.ð = 22&p = 5&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d44c66ad6-f185-4a1d-a9ab-473c1188954c% 26displaylang% 3den

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Sameinað Skilaboð Language Bakpoki
Þetta niðurhal inniheldur fyrirfram skráð hvetja og texta ræðu gögn fyrir tungumál styður Exchange sameinað skilaboð.ð = 22&p = 6&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d2b3e23a5-57b6-4a11-8954-f8025ea54bad% 26displaylang% 3den

Exchange Server 2007 SP1 SDK nóvember 2007
Þessi útgáfa af Kauphallarinnar 2007 SP1 Software Development Kit (SDK) Documentation og Sýnishorn veitir nýja og uppfærða skjöl og sýni til að byggja forrit sem nota Exchange 2007 SP1. Notaðu þessa SDK til að hjálpa þér að þróa samstarf forrit framtak fyrir Exchange 2007 SP1.ð = 22&p = 7&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d190f71a4-7b5f-4a4c-99ba-9bd032e16e15% 26displaylang% 3den

Everyday Framleiðni Menntun Zip File
Sigla í gegnum Microsoft Daglegur Framleiðni menntun (EPE) innra neti síða með þessu sjálf-leiðsögn sýning og endurskoðun efni sem felur Byrjaðu, Læra meira, Best Practices, Val og Tilvísun leiðsögumenn.ð = 22&p = 8&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3dcf57670c-b0ba-4075-b8c9-47cccb711a08% 26displaylang% 3den

Notes Compete – Garudafoods case study
Notes Compete – Garudafoods case studyð = 22&p = 9&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9b300cc6-26bf-4cf7-a777-a0112ba81306&displaylang=en

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Release Notes
Þetta niðurhal inniheldur a standa-einn útgáfa af Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Release Notes.ð = 22&p = 10&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d5770bd59-376e-42ec-b940-be6225cd97ff% 26displaylang% 3den

Exchange Server 2007 Design and Architecture at Microsoft
Alltaf furða hvernig stór fyrirtæki áætlanir og framkvæmd hönnun og arkitektúr á næsta kynslóð af skilaboð kerfi? View this content to find out how the Microsoft IT messaging team will uncover these details.ð = 22&p = 11&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=98c522bc-814a-421a-99c0-d964ed119c0d&displaylang=en

Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Beta 2 VHD
Þetta niðurhal kemur eins og a pre-stilla VHD. Þetta niðurhal gerir þér kleift að meta Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Beta 2.ð = 22&p = 12&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=bc381af4-9bd0-49dd-be1a-0c6ee49cd2bc&displaylang=en

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Hjálp
Þetta niðurhal inniheldur sjálfstæða útgáfu af Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 SP1 Hjálp.ð = 22&p = 13&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d5eb0f9a0-2c49-4f2a-8a09-b981ed667821% 26displaylang% 3den

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 Shell Hjálp
Þetta niðurhal inniheldur Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 1 (SP1) útgáfa af húsum Management Shell Hjálp.ð = 22&p = 14&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d0e14dd15-bb52-4b3f-9756-5146179a0809% 26displaylang% 3den

Microsoft Transporter Suite for Lotus Domino
Microsoft Transporter Suite for Lotus Domino is used for interoperability and migration from Lotus Domino to Active Directory, Exchange Server 2007, og Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.ð = 22&p = 15&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=35fc4205-792b-4306-8e4b-0de9cce72172&displaylang=en

Planning, Dreifa, and Managing Unified Messaging
The purpose of this document is to help you plan, dreifa, and manage Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Unified Messaging servers.ð = 22&p = 16&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=17f0bb1e-f43e-452b-9ff5-f9f77c6222e9&displaylang=en

Exchange Component Architecture Poster
This poster highlights the architecture and feature set of Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.ð = 22&p = 17&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=fdcdf6e5-de47-4b58-8086-282101bcdde9&displaylang=en

Exchange Server 2007 Deployment Checklist
To drive excellence in server deployments, the Exchange Messaging team within the Microsoft Information Technology (Microsoft IT) group relies on checklists to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out deployment tasks, minimize deployment risks, and save time.ð = 22&p = 18&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3dccec5f85-a810-4a85-acc7-927d216601f2% 26displaylang% 3den,,en,u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d72dc33e8-51f9-4850-b35e-9714b656a64b% 26displaylang% 3den,,en,Tengd Tilvísun Sýniskóðar,,en,Þetta niðurhal fylgir Outlook,,en,Tengd Tilvísun skjöl,,en,og Systems Management Server,,en,Stjórnun Windows XP Embedded Systems með SMS,,en,sp3,,ht,Þetta skjal lýsir nauðsynlegar ráðstafanir til að stjórna Windows XP Embedded Systems með SMS,,en,Datacenter Optimization með System Center,,en,Whitepaper grein kosti þess að nota nýjustu System Center vörur til að hámarka Datacenter,,en,Software Update Stjórn Ráðgjöf,,en,Fólksflutninga frá SMS,,en,ITMU,,id,Þessi whitepaper veitir leiðbeiningar um hvernig á að flytja hugbúnaðaruppfærslunni stjórnun frá Systems Management Server,,en,að System Center Configuration Manager,,en,System Center Operations Manager,,en

Managing the Calendaring and Collaboration Process By Using Exchange Server 2007 Web Services
Understand how Microsoft used Exchange Server 2007 Web Services to create an automated and integrated communication and collaboration solution.ð = 22&p = 19&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=72dc33e8-51f9-4850-b35e-9714b656a64b&displaylang=en

Everyday Framleiðni Menntun Zip File
Sigla í gegnum Microsoft Daglegur Framleiðni menntun (EPE) innra neti síða með þessu sjálf-leiðsögn sýning og endurskoðun efni sem felur Byrjaðu, Læra meira, Best Practices, Val og Tilvísun leiðsögumenn.ð = 22&p = 1&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3dcf57670c-b0ba-4075-b8c9-47cccb711a08% 26displaylang% 3den

Microsoft Office Outlook Connector
Með Microsoft Office Outlook Connector, þú getur notað Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 eða Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 til að stjórna Microsoft Windows Live Hotmail eða Microsoft Office Live Mail reikningana þína, þar á meðal E-póstur skilaboð og tengiliði fyrir frjáls!ð = 22&p = 2&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&a =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d7aad7e6a-931e-438A-950c-5e9ea66322d4% 26displaylang% 3den

Outlook 2007 Dæmi: Outlook 2007 Auxiliary Reference Code Samples
This download accompanies the Outlook 2007 Auxiliary Reference documentation. It contains three sample projects, a header file, and a redistributable installer that third-party calendar rebasing tools can use to programmatically update calendars displayed incorrectly due to Daylight Saving Time.ð = 22&p = 3&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=ee0af8fd-bbb7-44de-be4d-f33cb1b59563&displaylang=en

Update fyrir Outlook Junk Email Filter 2003 (KB943552)
Þessi uppfærsla veitir Junk E-mail Sía í Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 með fleiri núverandi skilgreiningu sem tölvupóstskeyti skal íhuga skran e-mail. This update was released in November 2007.ð = 22&p = 4&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=079995ff-58a1-410a-97a1-52016ff9d5af&displaylang=en

Update fyrir Outlook Junk Email Filter 2007 (KB943559)
Þessi uppfærsla veitir Junk E-mail Sía í Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 með fleiri núverandi skilgreiningu sem tölvupóstskeyti skal íhuga skran e-mail. This update was released in November 2007.ð = 22&p = 5&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=85fce923-85d4-4630-adfd-f9d95a25b7d3&displaylang=en

Office Security Guide
The 2007 Microsoft Office Security Guide veitir prescriptive Group stefnan og öryggi stillingar tillögur til að hjálpa styrkja öryggi tölva hlaupandi á 2007 Microsoft Office út á tölvum sem keyra Windows Vista eða Windows XP í ríki sem byggir umhverfi.ð = 22&p = 6&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=a12eca33-a20d-45e2-895c-5e021f3ae4c5&displaylang=en

Microsoft Dynamics CRM clients for Outlook Compatibility Update (Service Provider Edition)
This update to Microsoft Dynamics CRM clients for Outlook (for the Service Provider Edition of Microsoft Dynamics CRM) provides support for Windows Vista-based and Microsoft Office 2007-based systems.ð = 22&p = 7&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=fdf88e7d-395f-46c3-bcd8-f3d70dc2cd30&displaylang=en

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 QoE Monitoring Server Release Notes
Þetta skjal inniheldur mikilvægar upplýsingar sem þú ættir að vita áður en þú sent og nota Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, QoE Vöktun Server.ð = 22&p = 1&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3da0ab9a8a-7b58-4e8e-a2b9-c3574535f558% 26displaylang% 3den

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 Document: Backup og endurgerð Guide
Þetta skjal veitir upplýsingar til að hjálpa þér afrit og endurheimta þjónustu í Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 uppbygging.ð = 22&p = 2&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d5c6e6ac7-079a-4326-b517-3c117fadb44e% 26displaylang% 3den

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 Document: Administration Guide
This document provides explains how to administer Office Communications Server 2007.ð = 22&p = 3&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=cb7dc2de-4504-484e-9229-bd8614be0633&displaylang=en

Microsoft Office Miðla 2007 Presence Controls
The Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Presence Controls use the automation interfaces of Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 to show presence information using Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007.ð = 22&p = 4&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=25a27453-15ff-48ab-af1b-692cd77ab510&displaylang=en

Live Meeting Service Portal v8.0 Release Notes
Refer to this file for information regarding known issues about the Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service Portal.ð = 22&p = 5&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=2a94df8c-1a6d-42ec-942d-162bc5b30b31&displaylang=en

Unified Communications API Roadmap
Unified Communications API Roadmap describes the APIs that can be used in Unified Communications development and provides links to the SDKs or documentation for these APIs.ð = 22&p = 6&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d3017406b-79eb-45When-9da7-3e71580ca1ea% 26displaylang% 3den

Log Analysis and Tuning Using Analytics and Tuning Studio
This whitepaper discusses using Analytics and Tuning Studio, which is included in Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Speech Server. Topics covered include an overview of analysis and tuning scenarios, a summary of trace logging configurations, application development decisions that impact application tuning, and best practices for speech application tuning. This paper also describes how tð = 22&p = 7&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=3c841d2e-5748-4b4d-83c1-69b33e9813ca&displaylang=en

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 QoE Monitoring Server Guide
The document presents the step-by-step tasks that you need to complete in order to deploy your Office Communications Server 2007, Quality of Experience Monitoring Server, and to monitor the media quality of experience for your Office Communications Server 2007 dreifing.ð = 22&p = 8&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=9ed29d74-3391-4902-bf2c-6757410f3335&displaylang=en

Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Update Service Deployment Guide
This document describes how to administer Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Software Update Service.ð = 22&p = 9&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=44942fc8-ec64-4729-afba-a1637cc3ae3c&displaylang=en

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 QoE Monitoring Server Audio and Video Metrics Processing Guide
The Office Communications Server 2007 Quality of Experience (QoE) Monitoring Server Audio and Video Processing Guide provides you the information you need to deploy your custom solution and process the data that is collected by the QoE Monitoring Server.ð = 22&p = 10&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=aafea9a7-ebf0-4171-b33f-4d9f0c135334&displaylang=en

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 Document: Technical Reference
This document provides in-depth technical information on the components, protocol and architecture of Office Communications Server.ð = 22&p = 11&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=959cb709-d81e-4dde-821f-0411dfcfc073&displaylang=en

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 Quality of Experience Monitoring Server
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, Quality of Experience (QoE) Monitoring Server enables you to perform near real-time monitoring and service assessment of unified communications media.ð = 22&p = 12&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=09115944-625f-460b-b09c-51e3c96e9f7e&displaylang=en

Office Communicator 2007 Byrjaðu
Nota Office Communicator 2007 að miðla á öruggan hátt með Microsoft Exchange þinni, MSN, AOL, og Yahoo! tengiliðir.ð = 22&p = 1&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d93cef8f5-9f72-4ebe-b1f6-b3d1872d8dcc% 26displaylang% 3den

Office Communicator 2007 Læra meira
Framkvæmd hljómflutnings-og vídeó fundi, samskipti við alla hópa dreifingu, embed ríkur texta í augnablik skilaboð, og margt fleira.ð = 22&p = 2&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3dd1330875-fc5f-4047-8bc2-cbc406cb8ead% 26displaylang% 3den

Microsoft Office Miðla 2007 Phone Edition Readme
This release note assists you with late changes and minor issuesð = 22&p = 5&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=934d503f-6f3f-4253-bb6a-827f21aa61ec&displaylang=en

Microsoft Office Miðla 2007 Snarhasti KB 944686
Þetta niðurhal inniheldur uppfærslu fyrir Microsoft Office Communicator 2007.ð = 22&p = 6&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d1ad57f8f-78f7-45f6-a8c0-805936f46645% 26displaylang% 3den

Unified Communications API Roadmap
Unified Communications API Roadmap describes the APIs that can be used in Unified Communications development and provides links to the SDKs or documentation for these APIs.ð = 22&p = 7&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d3017406b-79eb-45When-9da7-3e71580ca1ea% 26displaylang% 3den

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 Document: Technical Reference
This document provides in-depth technical information on the components, protocol and architecture of Office Communications Server.ð = 22&p = 10&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=959cb709-d81e-4dde-821f-0411dfcfc073&displaylang=en

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 Quality of Experience Monitoring Server
Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007, Quality of Experience (QoE) Monitoring Server enables you to perform near real-time monitoring and service assessment of unified communications media.ð = 22&p = 11&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=09115944-625f-460b-b09c-51e3c96e9f7e&displaylang=en

Microsoft Office Miðla 2007 Phone Edition Readme
This release note assists you with late changes and minor issuesð = 22&p = 1&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=934d503f-6f3f-4253-bb6a-827f21aa61ec&displaylang=en

Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service Security Guide
Þessi leiðarvísir veitir yfirlit yfir öryggi atriðum sem þú ættir að gera þegar þú notar Live Meeting þjónusta, Live ráðstafanir Fundur öryggi boði fyrir þig, og reglum um tímasetningu og stunda öruggt fundi.ð = 22&p = 2&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=085c12d7-4c35-4774-bde0-6c9fa1fb1554&displaylang=en

Live Meeting Service Portal v8.0 Release Notes
Refer to this file for information regarding known issues about the Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service Portal.ð = 22&p = 3&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=2a94df8c-1a6d-42ec-942d-162bc5b30b31&displaylang=en

Unified Communications API Roadmap
Unified Communications API Roadmap describes the APIs that can be used in Unified Communications development and provides links to the SDKs or documentation for these APIs.ð = 22&p = 4&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u =% 2fdownloads% 2fdetails.aspx% 3ffamilyid% 3d3017406b-79eb-45When-9da7-3e71580ca1ea% 26displaylang% 3den

Live Meeting Service Portal API Documentation
The Microsoft Office Live Meeting Service Portal API enables automated management of Live Meeting accounts using a Web application.ð = 22&p = 5&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=0dd2e71d-e726-4ece-afd3-f4a4b5049726&displaylang=en

Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 Lotus Notes Add-In Deployment Guide
This guide helps administrators deploy the Microsoft Office Live Meeting 2007 Lotus Notes Add-In.ð = 22&p = 6&srcdisplaylang = en&srccategoryid =&srcfamilyid =&u=/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=16b06f6d-171f-47f1-8838-b6752cb79538&displaylang=en

Viðburðir / Vefvarp

05 Desember 2007 : TechNet Webcast: Disaster Recovery in Exchange Server 2007 (Stig 200)
Í þessari lotu, við tölum um bata hörmung í Microsoft Exchange Server 2007. We discuss how you can plan for disaster recovery by understanding what can go wrong with your Exchange Server-based servers and the information they store and handle. Við lítum á hlutverk miðlara, hvað hver miðlara hlutverk er, and what will happen to your Exchange Server organization when a server role fails. Þegar hörmung stað, þú þarft að fá miðlara upp og keyra eins fljótt og auðið er, svo á fundi, we also look at the tools and recovery solutions available. = MSCOMMedia&Params=~CMTYDataSvcParams^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032359939"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

06 Desember 2007 : Momentum Webcast: How Microsoft Can Provide E-mail Security, Compliance, and Availability (Stig 100)
Electronic messaging is mission critical to all businesses. Despite best efforts to secure the e-mail gateway, critical messaging systems remain vulnerable to an ever-increasing barrage of threats. Viruses, worms, denial-of-series (DoS) attacks, and spam can zap business productivity, or worse, stop your business in its tracks. If you have already deployed an antispam/antivirus solution at your gateway, you are likely aware:
How time consuming it is to manage.
How much additional hardware investment you need to make to keep up with the ever increasing volume of threats.
If you are tired of playing catch up with gateway security, come learn how the experts can eliminate those threats in the Internet cloud so you can get back to business. In addition to gateway security, there is an ongoing need to satisfy a growing set of government regulations and legal actions that make effective message management more and more challenging. The Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services portfolio of managed services that helps organizations protect themselves from spam, viruses, and other unwanted content also helps ensure continuous access to e-mail during and after emergency situations (Exchange Hosted Continuity), meet message retention requirements for compliance (Exchange Hosted Archive), and ensure private transmission of confidential data contained in e-mail (Exchange Hosted Encryption). Í þessu webcast, you learn:
How to protect your e-mail infrastructure while keeping your overhead costs down.
How to provide 24×7 availability to your corporate e-mail during disasters and planned outages without additional software or hardware.
What is needed to meet upcoming regulatory requirements (such as Federal Rules of Civil Procedure [FRCP], Sarbanes-Oxley [SOX] Act, Security Exchange Commission [SEC] Rule 17a-4, National Association of Securities Dealers [NASD] Rule 3010, and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA]).
The value of using a managed service for archiving, indexing, and retrieval of your company’s e-mail and instant messages.
Why archiving e-mail makes good business and legal sense—even if your company is not publicly traded and bound by regulations. = MSCOMMedia&Params=~CMTYDataSvcParams^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032355609"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

14 Desember 2007 : TechNet Webcast: Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant (Stig 200)
This webcast includes a brief demonstration on the usage and capabilities of the Microsoft Exchange Troubleshooting Assistant (formerly known as the Microsoft Exchange Server Disaster Recovery Analyzer). This suite of tools is also available in the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Console toolbox. We provide a walkthrough of the recovery storage group options available from within the tool. We demonstrate setting up a new recovery storage group, adding databases to this it, mounting these databases from within the tool, and merging mailbox contents. Additionally, we show the database repair functionality of the tool, and also include a question and answer session and the chance to provide feedback and suggestions. = MSCOMMedia&Params=~CMTYDataSvcParams^~arg Name="ID" Value="1032359204"/^~arg Name="ProviderID" Value="A6B43178-497C-4225-BA42-DF595171F04C"/^~arg Name="lang" Value="en"/^~arg Name="cr" Value="US"/^~sParams^~/sParams^~/CMTYDataSvcParams^

17 Desember 2007 : Soundbyte : Exchange 2007 Autodiscover
09 Janúar 2007 : Workshop : Exchange 2007 Uppfærsla & Migration
22 Janúar 2007 : Workshop : Exchange 2007 Uppfærsla & Migration

Ný KB 's
We recommend that you change the garbage collector mode to “Server GC” when you install the .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 on a computer that is running Antigen 8.0 for IM

File transfer operations are unsuccessful among instant messaging clients after you install Antigen 8.0 for IM

Hotfixes that are included in Antigen 9.0 Service Pack 1 Beta

Antigen or Microsoft Forefront server security products may detect a file as being infected with the UnwritableCompressedFile virus

You receive a read receipt that contains incorrect time information from Exchange 2007

Non-English characters in the subject of an e-mail message are replaced with question marks when the message is received in Outlook 2003 in an Exchange 2007 organization

Error message when you try to install Exchange Server 2007: “[ERROR] Access to the path ‘:SetupServerRolesCommon64′ is denied”

You cannot find IMAP4 folders that you created in an Exchange Server 2007 environment when you use OWA 2007 Light to access your Inbox

The Microsoft Exchange Information Store service stops unexpectedly for several minutes when you restart a computer that is running Exchange Server 2003

A user has an e-mail address of instead of when you create multiple users in Exchange 2003

It takes a long time for Outlook Web Access clients to receive a response from a front-end server in an Exchange 2003 umhverfi

Hosted users can see other hosted users if they can access the HMC Active Directory by using LDAP tools in Microsoft Solution for Hosted Messaging and Collaboration version 4.0

How to manually uninstall Antigen 9.0 for Exchange in a clustered environment

Support information for Antigen or Forefront Security management console programs on a computer on which an Antigen server product or a Forefront Security server product is installed

Antigen 9.0 Service Pack 1 now supports 2007 Office file formats

Display names that contain DBCS characters in the To box and in the Cc box are corrupted when you access a mailbox on an Exchange 2003 miðlara

Inline attachments are converted to inline hyperlinks in an RTF e-mail message that is sent from an Exchange 2007 organization

The MOM server reports error 20003 when monitoring Exchange Server 2003-based front-end servers that have security update MS07-040 applied

List of fixes that are included in the Web releases of the Exchange Server 2003 Notes Tools suite, versions 2.7 through 2.14

Lýsing á Outlook 2002 post-Service Pack 3 hotfix package for daylight saving time changes in 2007

The attachment is missing when you use Outlook to view an e-mail message in Exchange Server 2003

The Antigen Internet Scan job times out, and the performance of the Exchange server decreases when you use Antigen 8.0 for Microsoft Exchange

Antigen 9.0 for Exchange sends two notifications for each detection when you enable message journaling in Exchange Server

The W3wp.exe process uses almost 100 percent of CPU resources when you synchronize large e-mail messages in Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2

A stub object is left behind in the source database for certain users after a move mailbox operation is complete in Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2

The Store.exe process stops responding on an Exchange 2003 Service Pack 2 miðlara

Lýsing á Outlook 2003 Junk E-mail Sía uppfæra: Nóvember 13, 2007

Lýsing á Outlook 2007 Junk E-mail Sía uppfæra: Nóvember 13, 2007

The default e-mail client is changed to Outlook 2007 after you install the 2007 Office system



SCCM07 Virtual Hard Disk Program launches!
We are pleased to announce the release to web of the System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Virtual Hard Disk. Part of the Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk program, the Microsoft VHD format is the common virtualization file format that provides a uniform product support system, and provides more seamless manageability, security, reliability and cost-efficiency for customers. Download the VHDs and evaluate them for free in your own environment without the need for dedicated servers or complex installations. This free, 500 day time bombed fully configured virtual machine is available to the field, customers and partners and can be found at

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 now available for purchase
Configuration Manager 2007 (ConfigMgr) – previously Systems Management Server (SMS) – is now available for purchase. Configuration Manager is an integral part of the Core IO model helping to improve your clients’ ability to more effectively manage and secure their desktop, server and remote infrastructures while optimizing their resources with minimal user-intervention. Some of the new features are:
· Desired Configuration Management
· OS Deployment & Mobile Device Management as integrated features (previously feature packs)
· Internet Based Client Management for management over the Internet of systems that rarely connect to the network
· Branch Distribution Points
· Network Access Protection (DAY) for Configuration Manager

In addition to the stand alone client and server MLs, System Center Configuration Manager 2007 is now offered as part of the Server Management Suite. This suite, which also includes System Center Operations Manager 2007, System Center Virtual Machine Manager and System Center Data Protection Manager 2007, enables unparalleled management of physical and virtual IT environments to cater to today’s dynamic IT infrastructures.

Tech Centers now available for System Centre products
A central point for all aspects of System Center products is now available. This includes links to:
· Vefvarp
· Virtual Labs
· Downloads
· Community
· Documentation
· And much more…

Manageability Team Blog


System Centre Configuration Manager 2007 and Systems Management Server 2003

Managing Windows XP Embedded Systems with SMS 2003 sp3
This document describes the steps necessary to manage Windows XP Embedded Systems with SMS 2003 sp3.

Datacenter Optimization with System Center
Whitepaper outlining benefits of using latest System Center products to optimize the datacenter

SC Config forrita 2007 Software Update Management Guidance – Migration from SMS 2003 ITMU
This whitepaper provides guidance on how to migrate software update management from Systems Management Server 2003 to System Center Configuration Manager 2007.

System Centre Operations Manager 2007

Rekstur Manager 2007 Frammistöðu og sveigjanleika whitepaper
Þetta skjal lýsir frammistöðu og sveigjanleika viðmiðunarreglur í huga þegar skipuleggja Microsoft System Center Aðgerðir Manager 2007 dreifing.

Datacenter Optimization with System Center
Whitepaper outlining benefits of using latest System Center products to optimize the datacenter

System Center Operations Manager 2007 Documentation
Þetta niðurhal inniheldur skjöl fyrir System Center Operations Manager 2007.

System Center Operations Manager 2007 Active Directory Management Pack Guide
This download contains the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Management Pack Guide for Active Directory.

OpsMgr 2007 Lykilhugtök
Þessi leiðarvísir lýsir helstu hugtök sem þarf að skilja rekstrarstjóri. It describes modelling, how modelling is implemented in Operations Manager, og helstu breytingar milli Operations Manager 2005 og 2007.

Microsoft® System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Management Pack Guide for Microsoft® Operations Manager 2005
This guide helps the user deploy and use the management pack for DPM 2007 on Microsoft Operations Manager 2005.

System Center Data Protection Manager 2007 Management Pack Guide for Operations Manager 2007
This guide helps the user deploy and use the management pack for DPM 2007 on System Center Operations Manager 2007.

Remote Operations Manager 2007 Deployment Guide
Best practices for deploying Remote Operations Manager 2007


System Centre Configuration Manager 2007 and Systems Management Server 2003
System Center Configuration Manager 2007 RTM evaluation
Download the System Center Configuration Manager 2007 RTM evaluation here.

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Documentation Library (Nóvember 2007)
Sækja uppfærða útgáfu af gögnum fyrir Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 fyrir a tölva hlaupandi á Configuration Manager hugga.

System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Toolkit
The ConfigMgr 2007 Toolkit contains 7 downloadable tools to help you manage and troubleshoot ConfigMgr 2007.

Configuration Manager 2007 Configuration Pack
This Configuration Pack helps track configuration compliance for your Configuration Manager 2007 site server roles, such as management points, distribution points, and software update points.

Configuration Manager 2007 Veikleikar Námsmat Configuration Pakki
Þetta Configuration pakki hjálpar fylgjast sameiginlega hugbúnaður misnotaðir stillingar sem gæti gert viðskiptavinur tölvur viðkvæmari ráðast.

Configuration Pack Catalogs
Over 30 Configuration Packs for DCM have been posted. Desired Configuration Management (DCM) is a feature in System Center Configuration Manager. With DCM, utilize Microsoft and third party best practice configuration knowledge to improve configuration definition and maintenance. Find the software you need to define configurations for your Microsoft and third party applications with Configuration Manager 2007.

MS SMS 2003 SP3 Client.msi and *.msp rollup of fixes
This release addresses a number of Microsoft SMS 2003 SP3 client side fixes. A Brief explanation of these issues is included in the Overview section.

System Centre Operations Manager and Microsoft Operations Manager

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 MP for Microsoft SC Ops Mgr 2007
The Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 (ConfigMgr) Stjórn Pakki fyrir System Center Operations Manager 2007. This Management Pack helps administrators manage and administer Configuration Manager 2007 servers.

QoE Monitoring Server Management Pack
QoE Monitoring Server Management Pack for MOM 2005 monitors the audio and video quality for Office Communications Server 2007 Server Enterprise Voice deployment.

Essentials 2007 Product Tour
Standalone product tour for Essentials 2007

Windows Server 2000/2003 OS Management Pack
Microsoft Windows Server 2000/2003 Operating System provides the fundamental monitoring basics for computers running the Windows Server 2000 og 2003 Operating System.

Print Server 2000/2003 MP for SC Ops Mgr 2007
Provides Print Server performance and health monitoring on Windows® 2000 and later Operating Systems. Requires OpsMgr 2007 MOM 2005 Backward Compatibility MP Update 6.0.5000.1 (or higher).

Windows Server 2000/2003 DHCP MP for SCOM 2007
Collects events generated by the Microsoft Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Service (DHCP) in Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003. Ensures this critical part of your Windows infrastructure is working correctly, and helps prevent costly service outages.

SC VMM 2007 MP for MOM 2005
The Virtual Machine Manager Management Pack centrally monitors virtual environments managed by multiple VMM servers, monitoring availability of VMM and the VMM agents on hosts and library servers.

Server Virtualization MP for SC Ops Mgr 2007
The Server Virtualization Management Pack monitors availability and health of virtual machines, their hosts, og allir þættir System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2007 (VMM).

Windows Domain Name System (DNS) 2000/2003 Stjórn Pakki
The Windows Domain Name System Management Pack monitors DNS events placed in the Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003 system event logs, highlighting events that may indicate possible service outages or configuration problems, so you can quickly take corrective or preventative actions.

Skrifstofa Communications Server 2007 MP for MOM 2005
The Office Communications Server 2007 Stjórn Pakki fyrir mömmu 2005 monitors the health of computers running Office Communications Server 2007 á Windows Server 2003

Viðburðir / Netvarp

Microsoft System Center for Server Infrastructure Optimization
Dagsetning: Nóvember 29, 2007,Tími: 9:30 AM PST

Optimizing Your Remote and Branch Office Infrastructure with Microsoft System Center
Dagsetning: Dec 4, 2007, Tími:1:00 PM PST

Optimizing Desktop Management with SCCM07 and Microsoft SoftGrid Application Virtualization
Dagsetning: Dec 11, 2007 Tími: 1:00 PM PST

Deploying and Upgrading to System Center Configuration Manager (Part 1 af 2) (Stig 300)
Mánudagur, Desember 3, 2007, 11:30 A.M.–1:00 P.M. Pacific Time

Deploying and Upgrading to System Center Configuration Manager (Part 2 af 2) (Stig 300)
Þriðjudagur, Desember 4, 2007, 11:30 A.M.–1:00 P.M. Pacific Time

Software Update Management with System Center Configuration Manager (Stig 300)
Fimmtudagur, Desember 6, 2007, 1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M. Pacific Time

Deploying Operating Systems with System Center Configuration Manager (Part 1 af 2) (Stig 300)
Mánudagur, Desember 10, 2007, 11:30 A.M.–1:00 P.M. Pacific Time

Software Distribution with System Center Configuration Manager (Stig 300)
Fimmtudagur, Desember 13, 2007. 11:30 A.M.–12:30 P.M. Pacific Time

Deploying Operating Systems with System Center Configuration Manager (Part 2 af 2) (Stig 300)
Föstudagur, Desember 14, 2007. 11:30 A.M.–1:00 P.M. Pacific Time

Hagræðing skrifborð stjórnun með System Center Configuration Manager og Microsoft SoftGrid Umsókn Virtualization (Stig 300)
Þriðjudagur, Janúar 15, 2008, 1:00 P.M.-2:00 P.M. Pacific Time

Virtualization Podcast Series
More information on the continuing Virtualization podcast series can be found at

Þetta efni er fyrir upplýsinga-tilgangur eini. Microsoft gerir engin ábyrgð tjá eða gefið í skyn, að upplýsingar í þessu skjali. Ef þú ert viðskiptavinur Microsoft, vinsamlegast vísa til skilmála og skilyrði sem spanna veitingu stuðning og ráðgjöf til þín / stofnun þinni. Ef þú ert ekki í samræmi í tengslum við, eða í tengslum við Microsoft samningi eða forrit með eigin skilmálum og skilyrðum, vinsamlegast athugið að engin skaðabótaskylda af Microsoft fyrir efni þessa skjals.

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