
IIS 7.0 ტურიზმი Live License

After months of preparing IIS7 for the release of Windows Server Codename “Longhorn” ბეტა 3, the IIS team is proud announce that IIS7 has reached a very high level of quality and is now ready for broad customer testing. To facilitate rigorous testing under real conditions, Microsoft is now offering Windows Server Codename “Longhorn” ბეტა […]

SharePoint WorkFlow Templates is not appearing in VisualStudio Project Templates

If the SharePoint WorkFlow templates is not appearing in the VisualStudio Project Template. There is an workaround to Solve this issue.

Execute the below command in the Visual Studio Command Prompt

devenv /setup

მადლობა & Regards, Udayakumar Ethirajulu http://groups.msn.com/DevGeeks