Kif tibgħat email minn WebPart fil MOSS 2007

Hi devs,
Dan li ġej huwa l-biċċa tal-kodiċi li tibgħat email minn webpart.

bl-użu tas-Sistema;
bl-użu System.Collections.Generic;
użu System.ComponentModel;
użu System.Text;
użu System.Web;
użu System.Web.UI;
użu System.Web.UI.WebControls;
użu System.Collections.ObjectModel;
użu Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities;
bl-użu Microsoft.SharePoint;
użu System.Data;
użu System.Collections;
namespace Sendmail
Sendmail pubblika ta 'klassi : Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart
privat kaxxa txtTo;
btnSendMail privat Button;
CreateChildControls protetti null ordni superjuri()
txtTo = ġdid kaxxa();
btnSendMail = ġdid Button();
btnSendMail.Text = “Ibgħat Email”;
btnSendMail.Click = ġdid EventHandler(SendMail_Click);
vojt SendMail_Click(mittent oġġett, EventArgs e)
SPSite _site = ġdid SPSite(HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.ToString());
SPWeb _web = _site.OpenWeb();
_web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = vera;
SPUtility.SendEmail(_web, falza, falza, txtTo.Text, “Email test”, “Messaġġ Korp Test”);

Oħloq il-WebPart u tirreġistraha bħala SafeControl

MOSS 2007 Ipprezzar & Kostjar Info

Għandi konsolidati links ftit mingħand Microsoft sabiex MOSS 2007 Prodott Kostjar.

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 u Related Teknoloġiji ipprezzar

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 download paragun prodotti

2007 Microsoft sistema Uffiċċju ipprezzar u informazzjoni upgrade

Kif Hide Quick Tnedija fil MOSS 2007

Inti tixtieq li jaħbu Bar tiegħek tnedija ta 'malajr fil MOSS 2007
Hemm żewġ modi biex jaħbu l-bar tnedija malajr
1. Tista jeditjaw direttament fl CSS
2. Żieda Moħbija editur kontenut webpart

Żid ġodda webpart editur kontenut
Ikklikkja Editur Sors fil ToolPane
paste tal-kodiċi hawn taħt fil-editur kontenut webpart
.SM navframe
wiri: xejn;
Użu “<" & ">” minflok “[” & “]”
Issettja l-Proprjetà Moħbija biex Veru taħt it-taqsima tqassim fil ToolPane.
Issa jġedded il-paġna……You Quick Launch Bar is Gone 🙂

Preżentatur fil-Formazzjoni-Workshop Futur

I ppreżentat l-Demo fuq architecting applikazzjonijiet mifruxa tuża Arkitettura Grid fi Accenture Formazzjoni-workshop Futur. Dan huwa l-preżentazzjoni 2 tiegħi fil Accenture tal Formazzjoni-Futur.

Kif Forza MOSS 2007 Timer Impjiegi biex jesegwixxu

Uża l-kmand stadm Wara li seħħ l-impjiegi impjiegi timer biex tesegwixxi.
ebda bżonn li tistenna l-intervall biex tesegwixxi l-timerjobs.
stsadm.exe-o execadmsvcjobs

MOSS 2007 Semmi l-Isem Web Applikazzjoni

I jridu jaqsmu kif tibdel isem l-isem web applikazzjoni fl-amministrazzjoni linja tal-kmand tal MOSS 2007 jużaw Kmand STSADM.

stsadm-o renameweb-url 'newname

Stsadm-o renameweb-url http://localhost / oldname-newname newname

Il-kmand hawn fuq se tibdel isem il-web applikazzjoni mill oldname għall-newname.

Kummerċ Server 2007 Integrazzjoni ma MOSS 2007

MOSS għandu karatteristiċi inerenti ħafna. L-iskop ta 'dan POC huwa li jintegra Server Kummerċ 2007 ma MOSS 2007 biex jipprovdu Portal Integrata e-Commerce Applikazzjoni

Konfigurazzjoni MOSS 2007 tuża l-Fornitur Kummerċ Sħubija Server Bħala bażi biex Utenti Awtentikazzjoni

Il-kompiti primarji huma li jagħmlu l-Amministrazzjoni Ċentrali u Portal siti idejn ħawwad bil Kummerċ Server. Dan jeħtieġ li jsir billi timmodifika l-fajls Web.config xierqa għal dawn is-siti. Billi żżid il-Server Kummerċ u httpModules sezzjonijiet, is-sit SharePoint Amministrazzjoni Ċentrali u s-sit Portal se jkunu kapaċi joħolqu l-oġġett CommerceContext meħtieġa. L-oġġett CommerceContext jippermetti lill-Sħubija Fornitur Kummerċ Server li jiġu initialized korrett, u jippermetti wkoll partijiet Web u paġni fil-portal biex jużaw l-oġġett CommerceContext għall-aċċess riżorsi Server Kummerċ bħall-Catalog Prodott.
Il-Fornitur UpmMembership testendi l-qafas Kompożizzjoni offruti mill ASP.Net biex jakkomodaw l-użu tal-kontrolli ASP.Net Login u tawtentika kontra Commerce Profili Server.

Update the Web.config for MOSS Central Administration and in Portal site with below sections to avail Commerce Server data and services in MOSS

  • Commerce Server Section Group
  • Commerce Server Group
  • Http Modules
  • Assemblies
  • Membership Provider
  • Profile Section

o Determine which Web.config file is used for the SharePoint Central Administration site and which is used for the Portal site. Use the Home Directory tab in IIS Manager to determine the appropriate path of the Web.config file for each site.

o Use the Web.config file that was previously created for the Commerce Server C SharpSite as the source for the text to copy in the following instructions:

Please follow the below steps to modify the web.config file of SharePoint administration site.

Step 1: Adding Commerce Server Section Group
Copy the Commerce [sectionGroup] fl [configSections] and paste it after the [System.Workflow.ComponentModel.WorkflowCompiler] section group.
[sectionGroup name=”CommerceServer”]
[section name=”application” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceApplicationSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”authentication” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceAuthenticationSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”pipelines” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommercePipelineSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”caches” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceCacheSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”messageManager” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceMessageManagerSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”catalog” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceCatalogSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”orders” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceOrdersSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”profiles” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceProfilesSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”contentSelection” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceContentSelectionSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”commerceEvent” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.EventLoggerConfigurationHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[section name=”expressions” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Configuration.CommerceExpressionSectionHandler, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
Step 2: Adding Commerce Server Group
§ Copy the [CommerceServer] section and paste it after the [SharePoint] section, just before the [system.web] section.

[application siteName=”CDevSite” debugLevel=”Production”/]
[expressions schema=”Auto”/]
[cache name=”Reklamar” type=”Reklamar” refreshInterval=”900″ retryInterval=”30″/]
[cache name=”Discounts” type=”Discounts” refreshInterval=”0″ retryInterval=”30″/]
[cache name=”ShippingManagerCache” type=”Shipping” loaderProgId=”Commerce.ShippingMethodCache” refreshInterval=”0″ retryInterval=”30″/]
[cache name=”PaymentMethodCache” type=”Payment”/]
[cache name=”OrdersConfigurationCache” type=”OrdersConfiguration”/]
[cultures default=”en-US” baseName=”CommerceMessageManager” assembly=”CommerceMessageManager”]
[culture id=”en-US”/]
[culture id=”fr-fr”/]
[culture id=”ja-JP”/]
[culture id=”de-DE”/]
[resource id=”pur_badsku”/]
[resource id=”pur_badplacedprice”/]
[resource id=”pur_discount_changed”/]
[resource id=”pur_discount_removed”/]
[resource id=”pur_noitems”/]
[resource id=”pur_badshipping”/]
[resource id=”pur_badhandling”/]
[resource id=”pur_badtax”/]
[resource id=”pur_badcc”/]
[resource id=”pur_badpayment”/]
[resource id=”pur_badverify”/]
[resource id=”pur_out_of_stock”/]
[resource id=”unknown_shipping_method”/]
[orders honorStatus=”veru” newOrderStatus=”NewOrder” sqlCommandTimeoutSeconds=”60″ sqlLongRunningCommandTimeoutSeconds=”28800″]
[profileDefinition name=”Indirizz”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.address_id” to=”OrderAddressId”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.first_name” to=”FirstName”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.last_name” to=”LastName”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.address_line1″ to=”Line1″/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.address_line2″ to=”Line2″/]
[property from=”” to=”City”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.region_code” to=”RegionCode”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.postal_code” to=”PostalCode”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.country_name” to=”CountryName”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.region_name” to=”State”/]
[property from=”GeneralInfo.tel_number” to=”DaytimePhoneNumber”/]
[Type Key=”Basket” UserTypeName=”Basket” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”PurchaseOrder” UserTypeName=”PurchaseOrder” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”OrderTemplate” UserTypeName=”OrderTemplate” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”OrderForm” UserTypeName=”OrderForm” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”LineItem” UserTypeName=”LineItem” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”Shipment” UserTypeName=”Shipment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”Payment” UserTypeName=”Payment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”CreditCardPayment” UserTypeName=”CreditCardPayment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”GiftCertificatePayment” UserTypeName=”GiftCertificatePayment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”PurchaseOrderPayment” UserTypeName=”PurchaseOrderPayment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”CashCardPayment” UserTypeName=”CashCardPayment” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”OrderAddress” UserTypeName=”OrderAddress” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”DiscountApplicationRecord” UserTypeName=”DiscountApplicationRecord” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”ShippingDiscountRecord” UserTypeName=”ShippingDiscountRecord” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Type Key=”PromoCodeRecord” UserTypeName=”PromoCodeRecord” AssemblyType=”GAC” NameSpace=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders” Assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[Limits OrderFormsPerOrderGroup=”5″ PromoCodeRecordsPerOrderForm=”10″ PromoCodesPerOrderForm=”10″ LineItemsPerOrderForm=”40″ OrderTemplatesPerUser=”10″ PaymentsPerOrderForm=”10″ ShipmentsPerOrderForm=”40″ BasketsPerUser=”15″ OrderAddressesPerOrderGroup=”10″/]
[MappingFiles PipelineMappingFilename=”OrderPipelineMappings.xml” StorageMappingFilename=”OrderObjectMappings.xml”/]
[SerializationBinding OldType=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders.LineItem , Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime ,Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″ NewType=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders.LineItem, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime,Version=,Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add className=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.AddItemToBasketEvent” id =”AddItemToBasket”/]
[add className=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.RemoveItemFromBasketEvent” id =”RemoveItemFromBasket”/]
[add className=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.SubmitOrderEvent” id =”SubmitOrder” loggingEnabled=”veru”/]
Step 3: Adding “CommerceApplication” fl “httpModules” Section
§ Copy the Commerce HTTP Modules to the end of the [httpModules] section.
[add name=”CommerceApplication” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.CommerceApplicationModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceAuthentication” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.CommerceAuthenticationModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceOrder” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders.CommerceOrderModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceCatalog” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Catalog.CommerceCatalogModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceProfile” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Profiles.CommerceProfileModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceExpressionEvaluator” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Targeting.CommerceExpressionModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceCache” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Caching.CommerceCacheModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]
[add name=”CommerceContentSelection” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Targeting.CommerceContentSelectionModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/][add name=”CommerceDataWarehouseAuthenticationModule” type=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.CommerceDataWarehouseAuthenticationModule, Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″/]Remove or comment out the Commerce Server Authentication Module. This module is not required because ASP.NET Forms Authentication will be used for all authentications.
Step 4: Adding “Kummerċ Server” AssembliesCopy the commerce server assembly information from CSharpSite web.config and paste it in the [assemblies] tag in the Central Administration site’s web.config as below:
[add assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35″ /]
[add assembly=”Microsoft.CommerceServer.Catalog, Version=, Kultura = newtrali, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35″ /][/assemblies]

Step 5: Configure Central Administration to recognize Commerce Server Membership
Copy the below code snippet to [system.web] section of the Web.config file for the Central Administration. Innota: Paste it before the closing [/system.web].
[membership defaultProvider=”UpmMembershipProvider”]
[clear /]
[add applicationName=”CSharpSite ”

Step 6: Configuring the Commerce Server Profiles section

This section contains settings which configure the functionality of profiles and catalog sets. Il [userProfile] node resides in the [CommerceServer][profiles] node in the web.config.
Uncomment the profiles section in [commerceserver] node.

userIdSource = “ASP.NET”
userIdKey = “GeneralInfo.email_address”
userIdTarget = “GeneralInfo.user_id”

Step 7: Adding Users in the Central AdministrationLocate Central Administration, Ġestjoni Applikazzjoni, Authentication Providers, Default zone entry. Make sure that you have the PortalSite Web Application selected in the drop-down list.

o Click Forms.

o Change the Membership Provider Name to UpmMembershipProvider. This should match the name that is in the membership section of the Web.config file.Locate Central Administration, Ġestjoni Applikazzjoni, and Policy for Web Application. Make sure that you have selected the Portal Web Application.

o Click Add Users.

o Select Default zone, and then click Next.

o Type the e-mail address of the user that you added previously by using the Commerce Server Customer and Orders Manager, and then click Check User.

o If the user name is successfully recognized, it will be underlined. Select Full control, and then select Finish.

o If the user name is not recognized, run a SQL Server trace on the Commerce Server Profiles database to make sure that the queries are running against the database. Addizzjonalment, make sure that the entry for the provider is in the Web.config file for Central Administration, and look for errors in the event log.

Step 8: Copy the following XML files from the CSharpSite (IIS Virtual Directory) to the root folder of the Central Administration site:

o OrderObjectMappings.xml
o OrderPipelineMappings.xml

Run Central Administration to make sure that these changes were made correctly. If errors occur, check the Web.config file for syntax issues.Even if the page displays correctly, check the event log. Some permissions errors may be hidden.

Configure the MOSS portal to use the Commerce Server Membership provider:
Step 1: Follow the above 6 steps to configure Portal site for Commerce Server.

Step 2: Comment out the existing [authentication], [identity], u [authorization] sections. This will disable the default Windows authentication and authorization.

Step 3: Copy the below configuration settings contents to the Web.config file for the Portal site. Paste this after the previous sections that you just commented out. This sets up the site for Forms Authentication and denies anonymous access.

[authentication mode=”Formoli”]
[forms loginUrl=”/_layouts/login.aspx” name=”.ASPXFORMSAUTH” /]
[deny users=”?” /][/authorization] View the Portal site in a Web browser. You should be redirected to the logon page. Log on and use the user credentials that you added by using the Customer and Orders Manager.

Step 4: Copy the following XML files from the CSharpSite (IIS Virtual Directory) to the root folder of the Portal site:

o OrderObjectMappings.xml
o OrderPipelineMappings.xml

Step 5: Restart the IIS

Step 6: Run the Portal site and look for errors.

[Innota : I am not able to Post scripts tag in here replace all “[” & “]” ma “<" & ">“

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Approvazzjoni Kontenut Workflow fis MOSS 2007

Fil MOSS 2007 Fluss tax-xogħol ta 'approvazzjoni huwa disponibbli barra mill-kaxxa nnifisha. Biss għandna bżonn biex jiġi kkonfigurat l-passi biss ftit imbagħad aħna lesti mal-proċess ta 'approvazzjoni.

Jekk il-fluss tax-xogħol ta 'approvazzjoni huwa kkonfigurat id-dokument se jkun viżibbli biss għall-kontributur u l-approver.

Passi biex Kkonfigurat fluss tax-xogħol approvazzjoni Kontenut

Iftaħ il-Librerija ta 'Dokumenti
Ikklikkja Settings - Librerija ta 'Dokumenti> Settings

F'Ambjenti Librerija ta 'Dokumenti taħt il-Permessi u Settings Ġestjoni Workflow Ikklikkja

Librerija Settings dokument -> [Permess u l-Ġestjoni] Ġestjoni workflow

Fil MOSS 2007 għandha xi mudelli fluss tax-xogħol prebuilt għall-flussi tax-xogħol wara

  • Approvazzjoni
  • Iġbor Feedback
  • Iġbor Firem
  • Approvazzjoni disposition
  • Tliet Istat

Issa Agħżel l-Workflow Approvazzjoni u agħti l-isem uniku għall-eżempju fluss tax-xogħol.
Agħżel l-isem eżistenti jew joħolqu Lista Task Force Lista ġodda għal dan il-fluss tax-xogħol approvazzjoni.
Agħżel il-Istorja eżistenti jew joħolqu storja workflow ġdida li żżomm din l-istorja workflow.
Taħt għażliet Bidu inti tista 'tispeċifika kif din workflow jistgħu jinbdew.

· Ħalli dan workflow li jinbeda manwalment minn utent awtentikat bl Punti Edit Permessi
· Tibda din workflow meta oġġett hija maħluqa
· Tibda din workflow meta oġġett ikun inbidel

Jekk inti tagħżel "tibda din workflow meta oġġett hija maħluqa" se awtomatikament jibda workflow meta Punt ġdid jiżdied mad-dokument librerija.

Jekk inti tagħżel "tibda din workflow meta oġġett ikun inbidel" se awtomatikament terġa 'tistartja l workflow meta l-punti tad-dokument librerija hija modifikata.

Taħt il-kompitu workflow
Jekk inti tagħżel Jassenja Task għal "Parteċipant All Simultanjament" Din se toħloq l-kompitu għall-parteċipanti kollha fl-istess ħin. Il workflow se jitlesta biss wara l-approvazzjoni tal approvers kollha.

Jekk inti tagħżel Jassenja Task għal "Parteċipant One fi żmien" Din se ssegwi s-sekwenza ta 'l-attività l-ewwel il-kompitu workflow se tinħoloq biex l-ewwel utent u ladarba tagħha approvati allura biss se jimxu fuq il-approver jmiss.

Jekk huwa meħtieġ inti tista 'tistabbilixxi d-data dovuta għall-fluss tax-xogħol.
L-istatus workflow wkoll jistgħu jiġu notifikati oħra għajr il-parteċipanti tal-fluss tax-xogħol billi tagħti l-isem fuq jinnotifika kolonna ħaddieħor.

Aħna qed joħolqu l-fluss tax-xogħol għall-Approvazzjoni Kontenut. Allura ma ninsewx il-verifika l-għażla "Taġġorna l-istatus ta 'approvazzjoni (jużaw dan workflow biex jikkontrollaw l-approvazzjoni kontenut)"

Issa inti b'suċċess maħluqa workflow approvazzjoni.

Inti għandek biex jippermetti l-approvazzjoni kontenut fid-dokument librerija allura biss se jirrestrinġu utenti l-oħra li jkollhom aċċess għaliha.

Meta inti jippermettu l-approvazzjoni kontenut id-dokument se jkun viżibbli biss għall kontributur / awtur u approver, mhux se jkun viżibbli għal utenti oħra librerija dokument.

Settings Miftuħa - & gt; Dokument Librerija Settings
Taħt ġenerali Settings - & gt; Settings versioning
Jeħtieġu Approvazzjoni Kontenut għall-Punti Imressaq? Agħżel Iva
U Ikklikkja OK biex Save the Settings.

Issa Iftaħ il-Librerija Dokument u upload-Dokument

Issa d-dokument tittella-Librerija Dokument

Jekk inti login tuża xi Credential utent ieħor (mhux approver / kontributur). Id-dokument se jintwerew fid-dokument librerija.

Jekk inti tħoss din il-kariga jgħinek biex toħloq workflow għall-approvazzjoni kontenut. Jekk jogħġbok jħallu l-kummenti siewja tiegħek.