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Jak zmienić stronę startową / Strony docelowej w MOSS 2007Zmiana strony głównej lub strony docelowej w programie SharePoint, Przejdź do Akcje witryny -> (Wyglądać i czuć) Witaj stronę - Określ adres URL strony.
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I have a SharePoint 2007 site that has the publishing features enabled. Users report that the homepage goes white about once a week. We have ran fiddler and it shows a Http 200 for the page when we call it. If you do a view source on the page it only shows a hollowed out page in the code with nothing in the body tag. Recycle the app pool and the homepage comes back up for the first refresh, a second refresh reveals the same white page. The only way we can fix it is by typing the path to the /_layouts/settings.aspx page and setting the ‘Welcome Page’ link to a default.aspx page outside the pages directory. Homepage instantly works again for a few days and then it will go white yet again. Setting the ‘Welcome Page’ setting to the original default.aspx page in the pages directory brings it back up again. But this back and forth certainly does not explain the cause. We have checked the SharePoint hive logs as well as IIS and nothing sticks out for a cause. We have tried disabling and re-enabling the publishing feature and it still is occurring. We have tried resetting the default.aspx page to the site definition with no luck as well.
We are at a loss for what could be causing this to occur at least once a week now. We are continuing to monitor and our next course of action is to rebuild the app pools for this web application. Anyone else have any suggestions?
We are at a loss for what could be causing this to occur at least once a week now. We are continuing to monitor and our next course of action is to rebuild the app pools for this web application. Anyone else have any suggestions?