Vsebina potek dela odobritve v mah 2007

V MOSS 2007 Approval workflow is available in out of the box itself. Just we need to configure only few steps then we are ready with the approval process.

If the approval workflow is configured the document will be visible only to the contributor and to the approver.

Steps to Configure Content approval workflow

Open the Document Library
Click Settings -> Document Library Settings

In Document Library Settings under Permissions and Management Click Workflow Settings

Document Library Settings -> [Permission and Management] Workflow Managements

V MOSS 2007 it has some prebuilt workflow templates for the following workflows

  • Approval
  • Collect Feedback
  • Collect Signatures
  • Disposition Approval
  • Three State

Now Select the Approval Workflow and give the unique name for the workflow instance.
Select the Existing Task List Name or create new Task List for this approval workflow.
Select the Existing History or create new workflow history to maintain this workflow history.
Under Start options you can specify how this workflow can be started.

· Allow this workflow to be manually started by an authenticated user with Edit Items Permissions
· Start this workflow when an item is created
· Start this workflow when an item is changed

If you choose “start this workflow when an item is created” it will automatically starts workflow when new item is added to the document library.

If you choose “start this workflow when an item is changed” it will automatically restarts the workflow when the items in the document library is modified.

Under workflow task
If you choose Assign Task to “All Participant Simultaneously” It will create the task for all participants at the same time. The workflow will be completed only after the approval of all approvers.

If you choose Assign Task to “One Participant at a time” It will follow the sequence of activity first the workflow task will be created to the first user and once its approved then only it will move on to the next approver.

If it’s required you can set the due date for the workflow.
The workflow status also can be notified other than the participants of the workflow by giving the name on notify others column.

We are creating the workflow for Content Approval. So don’t forget the check the option “Update the approval status (use this workflow to control content approval)"

Now you successfully created approval workflow.

You have to enable the content approval in the document library then only it will restrict other users to access it.

When you enable content approval the document will be visible only to contributor/author and approver, it will not be visible to other users in document library.

Open Settings -> Document Library Settings
Under General Settings -> Versioning Settings
Require Content Approval for Submitted Items? Choose Yes
And Click OK to Save the Settings.

Now Open the Document Library and upload the Document

Now the document is uploaded the Document Library

If you login using some other user credential (not an approver/contributor). The document will be displayed in the document library.

Če se vam zdi ta post vam pomaga ustvariti potek dela za odobritev vsebino. Prosim, pustite vaše dragocene komentarje.

17 Pripombe na vsebino Workflow odobritve v MOSS 2007

  • noreply@blogger.com (Srinivasan)

    To je lepa explanatory.I videti super delo tukaj

  • noreply@blogger.com (Kelly)

    Hvala za walkthrough, Uday. Deluje v redu za mene, ko sem jo nastavite na samodejno zažene potek dela, ko se ustvari nova točka. Vendar pa, ko sem jo nastavite na kickoff ko bodisi se nova točka ustvarili ali urejanje, Nekoč sem odobri nalogo, zaključuje potek dela in takoj se začne nov delovni tok. Essentialy to je zaljubljen v zanko na njim lasten posodobitve statusa homologacijski vsebina. Vse zamisli o tem, kako popraviti to?

  • noreply@blogger.com (Nilesh Blog)

    Se lahko prijavim na vsebinsko odobritev s slike knjižnico tudi?

  • noreply@blogger.com (Uday)

    Hi Nilesh,
    Da….ga lahko uporabite za knjižnico slik tudi.

    ~ Uday

  • noreply@blogger.com (Lexusxtreme)

    “Medtem ko teče homologacijsko potek dela je prišlo do napake. Prosimo, da pregledajo stanje poteka dela. ” Kaj to pomeni?

  • noreply@blogger.com (cathorn)

    Preveril sem:
    “Start this workflow when an item is changed”
    kot tudi “Začeti ta potek dela, ko se ustvari nova točka.”
    Problem je, da ko uporabnik prejme sprememba in točka, se ne zdi, da kick off potek dela.
    Je res, da lahko Workflow sproži le enkrat na postavki?

  • noreply@blogger.com (cathorn)

    Preveril sem:
    “Start this workflow when an item is changed”
    kot tudi “Začeti ta potek dela, ko se ustvari nova točka.”
    Problem je, da ko uporabnik prejme sprememba in točka, se ne zdi, da kick off potek dela.
    Je res, da lahko Workflow sproži le enkrat na postavki?

  • noreply@blogger.com (KP)

    Jaz sem se sooča, kaj Kelly doživela.
    “to je zaljubljen v zanko na njim lasten posodobitve statusa homologacijski vsebina”

    Zdi se, kot hrošč!!

  • noreply@blogger.com (in)

    Pri dodajanju potek dela, I dont imajo tri-state kot opcija. Grem, da vidite, če je njegova na seznam postavk za aktiviranje in ni. Im uporabo SharePoint Server 2007. Kjer je?????

  • noreply@blogger.com (CherChing)

    Želim si, da izvajanje in HR modul za osebje odide Nanos in stroškov postopka. Can I use the out-of-box features to do so? Any template from MOSS 2007 that I can install with workflow routing? Hvala.


  • noreply@blogger.com (CherChing)

    Any idea how should the workflow handle if urgent task is pending on a pprover who has left the terminal for sometimes? can we automatically route the task to another approver after certain timing?


  • noreply@blogger.com (dacoul)


    very good explanation.

    But is t possible to disable “manual” start of workflow and/or the workflow list by document libray ?



  • Nice post…Thank you for sharing some good things!!

  • Niyaz

    HI Uday

    Nice blog…
    Could you please let me know after approved the list or doc the mail to going to requestor only, instead can we send the approved/rejected mail to cc’ds as well?
    If yes? HOW

    Hvala vnaprej

  • Deon

    Hi, my issue is that I want to assign the workflow in parrelel to all participants, I cannot however stipulate the amount of days the workflow should expire in using the parallel option, this can only be set if I use the assign workflow in Series option, how would I set it up using the parralel option with the Due date being a number of days?
    Appreciate the help thanks.

  • Adalberto

    Boa tarde,
    Queria saber se para configurar o workflow eh necessário que o serviço de email do sharepointe esta configurado??E URGENTE

  • Niranjan Rout

    Just noticed a bigger bug here.
    MS purges workflow data every 60 days.
    Torej, any doc thats approved today, may look unapproved after 60 days!

    Prav tako, even un approved files are visible.. Which is not the case in simple document approval (No workflow).

    Any ppl with similar experience… and any workaround?

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