SharePoint Designer potek dela ne pošiljajo elektronska sporočila Skupine

To je vrsta ponavljajočih / skupnega vprašanje zastavljeno v MSDN Forum :

Potek dela, ki ga je ustvaril oblikovalec SharePoint ne pošlje e-pošto članom skupine SharePoint.

To je znana težava in Designer Team je rešitev za reševanje tega problema.

  1. To SharePoint Site, kliknite Dejanja mesta -> Nastavitve mesta -> Spreminjanje vseh nastavitev mesta.
  2. Uporabniki in dovoljenja pod naslovom, kliknite Osebe in skupine.
  3. Izberite ustrezno skupino(z), kliknite Nastavitve -> Nastavitve skupine.
  4. Pod Group območju Settings, izberite vsem za, kdo lahko vidi članstvo v skupini, kliknite OK.

14 komentarji na potek dela SharePoint Designer ne pošiljajo elektronska sporočila Skupine

  • highlandgirl

    Moja skupina je že nastavljen za ogled vsem in še vedno niso dobili sporočila, ki ga pošilja SPD.

  • Lili

    hi sem storil enako in ne pošilja v skupine, samo uporabniki, bi lahko kaj narobe?

  • highlandgirl

    Končno našli pravo rešitev. Pošiljanje e-pošte posameznikom, ali vprogramiranih ali podajajo po vrednosti tovarna lep.

    Sharepoint skupine pa, treba posebej dodani READ dovoljenje za predmet / seznama za “omogočajo” SPD pravilno pošiljanje e-pošte.

    Na primer:, po mojem dela Potrjujem več stvari, preden sem se dejansko začne potek dela. Če te stvari ne potrdijo pravilno, Želim email “WF Podpora” Sharepoint skupine. Ker ta skupina nima nič opraviti per se s potekom dela, Moram dodati Grant READ dovoljenja opravil tik pred pošiljanjem e-pošte.

    Upanje to pomoč.

  • Ahmed

    The solution is to give the SharePoint group ‘Read’ dovoljenja na seznam


  • […] Spremenil sem potek dela na e-mail moj račun, neposredno in je delal fino. So the problem was sending mail to a group. It took a while to find a solution to this – namig je bil na tem delovnem mestu. […]

  • Yalin Meric

    I agree with Ahmed. Assigning read permission to the SP group for the list on which the workflow was running solved that issue. But “NT Authority/Authenticated Users” had already been assigned Contribute rights for the list. It is weird that this does not help that issue.

  • Jason Linville

    Just to be clear, does this mean that if the Permission Group has “Contributor” rights, the Workflow won’t work, but if it has “Read” rights it will?

    hvala – this explains a problem I’m experiencing with a SPD custom workflow.

  • Also user which add/edit an item to the list should have Create Group permission in permission level setting.

  • Srini

    Even group has full permission which is not working guys.

  • Dennis

    This didn’t fix the problem for me. There was another setting that prevented the emails from going to groups. On the same screen where you select “everyone can view this group”, you also need to scroll further down, and give the group site access. It needs at least “read only” access to the entire site. After placing a checkbox in “Read Only” the emails started working from SharePoint Designer 2007.

  • Akshay Nangare

    Thank You Sir for article. its working for me .
    thanks a lot.

  • Dennus

    selecting everyone for who can view the membership of the group SOLVED my problem

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