Мобилни / ПоцкетПЦ Апплицатион Девелопмент у Ц #

Developing & Распоређивање једноставан пројекат у Поцкет ПЦ 2003 коришћењем .НЕТ Цомпацт Фрамеворк.

Отворени Висуал Студио .Нет Кликните на Филе НОВИ ПРОЈЕКТИ.

Select Project Type in C# -> Smart Device -> Device Application

Пројекат ће се отворити са Сцреен СДА.
Можемо дизајн екран са ПДА распоред.

Сада, I have Just added two Command buttons.

Double click the command button and write the actions for the button.

Select Build & Deploy option from the build menu to deploy the solution in Emulator.
If the device is physically connected with PC. The solution can be directly deployed in to the device.

Deploying the Solution to the Device

Now the solution will be automatically started in the application.

Click the Hello Button. The message box will be popped up.

Now we can verify the installation path in the file explorer.

This is a Start up Tutorial and You can Expect More from my Upcoming Posts…..

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