Wengi wa watengenezaji wanakabiliwa masuala na validations safu katika SharePoint 2003/2007.
Ni kweli ni chungu kuandika validation kutumia mbinu ya desturi kama javascript au jQuery.
SharePoint 2010 hutoa validations yafuatayo katika Kati ya Box.
- Column Level Validation
- Ngazi ya Validation
Column Level Validation
Wakati kujenga safu mpya katika orodha, bonyeza nodi validation column.
TAJA validation yako formula.
formula wanapaswa kurudi KWELI kwa uthibitisho na PASS.
Kujenga safu mpya katika orodha na TAJA Settings validation.
Kujenga bidhaa mpya katika Orodha ya, Bofya kuokoa ili adhibitishe.
WOW .... maisha ni rahisi kwa SharePoint.
Jimbo tuned kusikia kuhusu Orodha ya validation ngazi katika post yangu ijayo.
[…] Katika makala yangu ya awali, Niliandika kuhusu safu validation ngazi katika SharePoint 2010. […]
Can we compare more than 2 conditons eg;
If the textbox values can either be “NewYork” au “Washington” then how the formula must be.
Good Stuff.
I need to check it for e-mail validation. Can you please suggest me on this ?
I’m trying to use a Single line of text field with column validation to allow users to just type text into the column. The problem is that I can’t figure out how to allow multiple entries into the column.
I have a validation formula that allows users to enter a single value such as “TC-12345” but how can I adjust the formula below to allow a user to enter something like “TC-12345; TC-23456; TC-34567” as well? Need to allow users to enter up to 20 separate values. My existing formula is below. Kindly suggesst what change i should do to achive my goal.
=IF(LEN([4M_Delete Type])<8,
IF(LEN([4M_Delete Type])=8,
IF(LEFT([4M_Delete Type],3)="TC-",
IF(ISNUMBER(VALUE(RIGHT([4M_Delete Type],5))),
IF(LEN(RIGHT([4M_Delete Type],5)=5),
ce genre de formule n’est pas pris en compte par sharepoint 2010 :
je veux mettre un text en majuscules mais j’arrive pa à le faire avec les formules de validation
Does this mean that =AND cannot be used on Column Validation? If so, how does one do data validation on more than one condition?
My case is that I have a field called WinChance that is a percentage in a custom list tracking projects and their likelihood to proceed. I am trying to ensure that if the column called ProjectStatus is set to “Won” that the WinChance field is set to 100%.
I thought that a formula in the Column Validation for the WinChance column of =AND([ProjectStatus]=”Won”,[WinChance]<100 would have achieved this. However I get an error message of
"The formula cannot refer to another column. Check the formula for spelling mistakes or change the column to this column."
In my research I see (I believe) plenty of examples where validation is done between different columns. Or am I going crazy?
Is there a way to create a Field validation that would require a length of 6 where the first 2 must be Letters the next 3 must be numbers and the last could be either