Chris Johnson releakiu zana mpya kusaidia kuanzisha SharePoint 2010 developer mashine.
Ili kufanya mchakato huu kama rahisi iwezekanavyo wao umba mfululizo wa scripts PowerShell kwamba aŭtomate mchakato mzima wa kujenga SharePoint kikamilifu mbio na tayari kwenda 2010 mazingira. scripts ni yenye configurable, lakini nje ya boksi wao download wote wa programu required, kufunga yote ya ovillkorliga kraven SharePoint, kufunga programu nyingine kama vile Visual Studio na Ofisi ya. script kisha kufunga na configure SharePoint 2010. Na hatimaye script mapenzi utoaji tovuti.
Kuna kweli chaguzi tatu kuendeleza SharePoint ufumbuzi. chaguo la kwanza ni desktop ya mbali kwa mfano mwenyeji wa SharePoint. Hii inaweza kuwa chaguo kwa makampuni mengi makubwa ambayo server nzuri na miundombinu ya msaada ni mara nyingi si chaguo kwa makampuni madogo. chaguo la pili ni kushusha na kukimbia Information Worker VHD ambayo ina kila kitu tayari kuanzisha na preconfigured. Hii ni njia rahisi sana kupata kuanza lakini inahitaji mashine na 8GB ya RAM na uwezo wa kuendesha mfumuko wa V. Tena wengi wadogo makampuni na watengenezaji wa kujitegemea haiwezi kukidhi mahitaji hayo. chaguo la tatu ni ya kufunga SharePoint moja kwa moja kwenye mashine yako mbio Windows 7 64kidogo. upande wa chini katika chaguo hii ni kwamba inahitaji kujifunza Curve mwinuko kuelewa jinsi ya kuanzisha na kufunga yote ya vipande vipande na kuwa na full SharePoint developer mazingira. Hii ni pale Easy Setup Script huja katika. Lengo la Script Easy Setup ni kupunguza Curve kujifunza na wakati kwa developer kawaida ya kuanza.
Download SharePoint Easy Setup Script
Setup rahisi Script Mchakato Flow
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Ningependa kupata kujua kwamba miamba makala hii.
Kukimbia tu ni sasa – downloads ni kweli polepole tho – yake polepole uhusiano wangu – Mimi utapata nyuma
Kukimbia tu ni sasa - downloads ni kweli polepole tho - zake yangu polepole uhusiano - I utapata nyuma
kusaidia! Hivyo mimi kupakuliwa na kutumika SharePoint 2010 Easy Setup Script na sasa niko kwenye kitanzi hii ya kutokuwa na mwisho. makosa script na anasema “Windows Identity mfumo alishindwa kufunga”. Hivyo ni wazi sina mashine safi na WIF tayari imewekwa. Hivyo mimi kuanzisha upya kompyuta na anaendelea kujaribu script moja kwa moja intal na makosa sawa juu na juu agian. Mimi ni kujaribu kufikiri jinsi ya kufuta Windows Idenity framwork basi kujaribu kukimbia script rahisi tena. Woudl msaada wowote appreciated.
This is indeed a very impressive solution. Hata hivyo, it has not worked for me after many days of effort.
As usual the devil is in the details and this is a good example of consuming time without accomplishing anything. Instead of a big monster script it would be more prudent to have steps so that a person can understand rather than rely on the magic (which fails!).
At one point there is a warning that a ‘clean install’ is required; whatever does that mean?
Then after more than 30 minutes there is a failure because Windows Identity Framework failed to install!
Looking into this issue there is plenty of information which has not been helpful.
Even if there was a solution, I assume that I no longer have a ‘clean install’. Sasa, I have a lot of useless stuff on my machine.
I downloaded MS Visual Studio 2010 Kesi, and when I ran it there was a message that the evaluation period has expired; stange, it has never been used on my machine before. There was a link to ‘extend’ or ‘purchase’. When I click on the link, a web page appears to click on ‘extend’ or ‘purchase’. When I click on these; nothing happens.
It seems impossible to set up a SharePoint Deveploment environment on a stand alone machine, the devil is in the details, and yet some nerds publish blogs and helpful/useless information.
The good news for me so far is, I have not paid Microsoft thousands of dollars for the MSDN subscription. The trials don’t work, and that means to me that the full version is a waste of time as well.