
Column Validation in SharePoint 2010

Most of the developers faced issues with column validations in SharePoint 2003/2007.

It is really painful to write the validation using custom approach like javascript or jquery.

ஷேர்பாயிண்ட் 2010 provides the following validations in Out of the Box.

  • Column Level Validation
  • List Level Validation

Column Level Validation

While creating new column in list, click on the column validation node.

Specify your validation formula.



The formula should return TRUE for validation to PASS.

Create New column in List and Specify the validation Settings.

Create new item in List, Click save to validate.

WOW….life is easy with SharePoint.

State Tuned to hear about List level validation in my next post.

8 comments to Column Validation in SharePoint 2010

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