Quick Tip: List View Threshold in SharePoint 2010

Most of us know that SharePoint has performance implications, when the list view has more 2000 items. SharePoint 2010 allows us to take control over the resource consumptions at Web Application Level. Resource Throttling would allow us to set the maximum limit per list view.


Central Administration -> (Application Management) Manage Web Applications


List all PowerShell Command-let’s in SharePoint 2010

This is the series of PowerShell Scripts in SharePoint 2010. Learn a cmdlet (command-let) a day.


Cmdlet’s are compiled commands installed with PowerShell. When you start “SharePoint 2010 Management PowerShell”, the console starts with pre-loaded cmdlets.

Day 1:


Get-Command cmdlet will return all commandlets registered with PowerShell. […]

SharePoint 2010 Easy Setup Script

Chris Johnson released a new tool to help setup a SharePoint 2010 developer machine.

In order to make this process as easy as possible they have created a series of PowerShell scripts that automate the entire process of building a fully running and ready to go […]

An error has occurred in the claim providers

When configuring the mysite in SharePoint2010 farm, it was started throwing an error “An error has occurred in the claim providers configured from this site collection”

Couldn’t figure out the issue by looking logs and events.

Also the default accounts displays some junk chars “c:0(.s\true”


The central administration needs to be accessed […]