過濾器適用於 x64下載從 Adobe 這裡, 如果您使用的是 32 位將被默認安裝安裝從您的Adobe.
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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 軟件 微軟 Office服務器 12.0 搜索設置 ContentIndexCommon 過濾器推廣 。PDF格式
{E8978DA6 - 047F - 4E3D - 9C78 - CDBE46041603} - KEY_LOCAL_MACHINE 軟件 微軟 共享工具 web服務器 extensions 12.0 搜索設置 ContentIndexCommon 過濾器推廣 。PDF格式
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Severely lacking. Need to add Office Server key updates, check the SearchSetupFilters keys, and add that you have to do a Full Crawl. Not to mention which Adobe path in the Environmental Variables – 的 “bin” for that DLL or root of that folder (it’s the root, btw, figured it out later). Spent hours combing the ‘net for all the info.