如何接收器組件的調試功能在Visual Studio – MOSS的 2007



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在Visual Studio中附加w3wp.exe進程. 放置斷點. […]

如何強制 MOSS 2007 到執行的計時器作業

使用以下stadm命令強制執行的計時器作業作業. 沒有需要的時間間隔等待執行timerjobs,. stsadm.exe的-Øexecadmsvcjobs


用戶分配到組在MOSS 2007


私人無效的adduser(串strSite,串WEBGROUP) { SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(代表() { 使用 (=新的SPSite的SPSite網站(strSite)) { 使用 (SPWeb網站 = site.OpenWeb()) { 布爾 allowUnsafeUpdate = web.AllowUnsafeUpdates; 嘗試 { web.AllowUnsafeUpdates =真;

web.SiteUsers.Add(LoginName將, 延繩釣, […]

最佳實踐: 使用一次性的Windows SharePoint Services對象

When am started program using sharepoint objects. I found little bit difficult to understand about the sharepoint objects lifetime and best approach to dispose it. I found the following MSDN article which helps me a lot to learn and understand about sharepoint objects disposal.

Refer it here