通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 7月3日, 2009 在SharePoint盒审批内容审批工作流的问题而触发的工作流项目时改变, 状态仍将 “InProgress的” 或 “有待” 即使项目被批准.
微软已经发布了针对此问题的修补程序. 它可以下载 这里
通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 6月18日, 2009 如果你得到 “网站使用中的内容类型” 删去的内容类型的错误,而.
更改为列表/库的默认内容类型, 它使用的内容类型.
通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 6月12日, 2009
虽然execting的Item.Update() 将导致以下错误. 虽然更新的ListItem的InfoPath XML文件 该文件并ListItem对象断线.
Item.File.Update() 将解决您的问题.
[COMException (0x81020037): 该文件已被修改SampleFile/SampleFile_2009-06-11T18_57_00.xml由SharePoint 系统 13 六月 2009 00:25:30 +0530.]
Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.AddOrUpdateItem(弦乐bstrUrl, 弦乐bstrListName, 布尔bAdd, 布尔bSystemUpdate, 布尔bPreserveItemVersion, 布尔bUpdateNoVersion, Int32的& plID, 字符串& pbstrGuid, Guid的pbstrNewDocId, 布尔bHasNewDocId, 弦乐bstrVersion, 对象& pvarAttachmentNames, 对象& pvarAttachmentContents, 对象& pvarProperties, 布尔bCheckOut, 布尔bCheckin, 布尔bMigration, 布尔bPublish) +0
Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.AddOrUpdateItem(弦乐bstrUrl, 弦乐bstrListName, 布尔bAdd, 布尔bSystemUpdate, 布尔bPreserveItemVersion, 布尔bUpdateNoVersion, Int32的& plID, 字符串& pbstrGuid, Guid的pbstrNewDocId, 布尔bHasNewDocId, 弦乐bstrVersion, 对象& pvarAttachmentNames, 对象& pvarAttachmentContents, 对象& pvarProperties, 布尔bCheckOut, 布尔bCheckin, 布尔bMigration, 布尔bPublish) +203
[SPException: 该文件已被修改SampleFile/SampleFile_2009-06-11T18_57_00.xml由SharePoint 系统 13 六月 2009 00:25:30 +0530.]
Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.AddOrUpdateItem(弦乐bstrUrl, 弦乐bstrListName, 布尔bAdd, 布尔bSystemUpdate, 布尔bPreserveItemVersion, 布尔bUpdateNoVersion, Int32的& plID, 字符串& pbstrGuid, Guid的pbstrNewDocId, 布尔bHasNewDocId, 弦乐bstrVersion, 对象& pvarAttachmentNames, 对象& pvarAttachmentContents, 对象& pvarProperties, 布尔bCheckOut, 布尔bCheckin, 布尔bMigration, 布尔bPublish) +251
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.AddOrUpdateItem(布尔bAdd, 布尔bSystem, 布尔bPreserveItemVersion, 布尔bNoVersion, 布尔bMigration, 布尔bPublish, 布尔bCheckOut, 布尔bCheckin, Guid的newGuidOnAdd, Int32的& ulID, 对象& objAttachmentNames, 对象& objAttachmentContents, 布尔suppressAfterEvents) +1026
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.UpdateInternal(布尔bSystem, 布尔bPreserveItemVersion, Guid的newGuidOnAdd, 布尔bMigration, 布尔bPublish, 布尔bNoVersion, 布尔bCheckOut, 布尔bCheckin, 布尔suppressAfterEvents) +182
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPListItem.SystemUpdate() +97
Peoples.WebControls。<>c__DisplayClass1。<的ExportData>b__0() +993
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.CodeToRunElevatedWrapper(对象状态) +70
Microsoft.SharePoint程序。<>c__DisplayClass4。<RunWithElevatedPrivileges>b__2() +392
Microsoft.SharePoint.Utilities.SecurityContext.RunAsProcess(CodeToRunElevated安全码) +152
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(等待回调安全码, 对象参数) +345
Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges(CodeToRunElevated安全码) +86
Peoples.WebControls.CalendarExport.ExportData() +320
Peoples.WebControls.CalendarExport.ExportCalendar_Click(发送对象, EventArgs五) +40
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnClick(EventArgs五) +111
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(弦乐eventArgument) +110
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(弦乐eventArgument) +10
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, 弦乐eventArgument) +13
System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(的NameValueCollection postData) +36
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(布尔includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, 布尔includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +1565
通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 5月16日, 2009
SQL Server中 2008 提供的功能令人印象深刻的是建立在SQL Server中引入了关键的创新发展 2005. “ SQL Server中 2008 开发人员培训工具包 将帮助您了解如何构建Web应用程序而深入地利用丰富的数据类型, 编程模型和SQL Server的新的发展模式 2008. 该培训套件是由微软开发和平台推广赞助商.
- 了解如何构建Web应用程序,利用独特的功能和SQL Server的功能 2008.
- 提供了一套全面介绍, 演示和动手实验
- 专为web开发人员已经熟悉SQL Server应用程序的开发.
- 轻松下载并安装免费版本的SQL Server 2008 和Visual Studio 2008.
- 产生 southworks里亚尔, 知名的传道内容提供商, 本培训教材,使用现有的和新的内容定制开发.
- SQL Server中 2008 Express的高级服务 (或更高级别的SKU)
- 微软Visual Web Developer中 2008 特快 (或更高级别的SKU)
- 的AdventureWorks 2008 示例数据库
- 微软平台建立应用程序的Web开发.
- 微软技术专家和顾问.
艺术 (6)
- 空间
- 的T-SQL
- 日期和时间类型
- 报告服务
演示 (13)
- AdventureWorks的赛车所有的SQL Server 2008 演示
- SQL Server中 2008 所有的空间演示
- 演示空间类型
- 文件流演示简介
- 的SQL CLR的Nullable类型模拟
- 编程与文件流的演示
- Reporting Services的Web应用程序集成示范
- 在SQL Server中的日期和时间支持 2008 演示
- T-SQL表值参数演示
- 的T-SQL行构造演示
- T-SQL的分组设置演示
- T-SQL的合并演示
- trasact-SQL
动手实验 (3)
- 使用空间数据的TSQL
- 在托管代码中使用空间数据
- 使用SQL Server的SQL CLR 2008
培训教材,可在以下网址: http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9665942
通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 5月13日, 2009 对于那些参加和那些谁不能做它的人, the biggest
technology event is HERE! 兴奋的TechEd印度在空中. To add
some heat, 我们把东西活着,因为它发生的TechEd印度 2009. 你
can watch all the action from the twitterverse. 这里是如何:
TechEd India 2009 Twitter: 銈://twitter.com/techedindia2009
The twitter chatter from
community: 銈://twitter.com/#search?q=techedin [Hint: If you want your tweet
featured, include the hastag #techedin inyour tweet]
Pictures from TechEd
India 2009: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tags/techedin/
Join Steve Ballmer Live on
Stage: 銈://virtualtechdays.com/joinsession.aspx
Some community mashups
created by attendees:
MVP Blogs from TechEd India: http://teched.indiamvp.net
TechEd MashUp: http://baxiabhishek.info/teched/
And that’s not all – You can pose your
questions for Steve Ballmer over twitter as well by directing your questions to
@techedindia2009. We’ll try to get the boss to answer them for you (if the Live
audience let’s us ;))!
通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 3月23日, 2009
发生异常. (异常来自HRESULT: 0x80020009 (DISP_E_EXCEPTION)) 在Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetMetadataForUrl(弦乐bstrUrl, INT32 METADATAFLAGS, 的GUID& pgListId, Int32的& plItemId, Int32的& plType, 对象& pvarFileOrFolder) 在Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetMetadataForUrl(弦乐bstrUrl, INT32 METADATAFLAGS, 的GUID& pgListId, Int32的& plItemId, Int32的& plType, 对象& pvarFileOrFolder)
Activate the publishing infrastructure in site collection through stsadm in command line.
stsadm -o activatefeature -name publishing -url http://uday -force
stsadm -o activatefeature -name publishingresources -url http://uday -force
stsadm -o activatefeature -name publishingsite -url http://uday -force
stsadm -o activatefeature –name publishingweb -url http://uday -force
stsadm -o activatefeature –name publsihinglayouts -url http://uday –force
Now verify the site collection feature’s status. You could see the publishing feature enabled. Ĵ
通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 2月16日, 2009 在Office SharePoint Server的实权 2007 和Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 他们可以无休止地定制,以满足业务需求的多种. SharePoint的Protean的性质是一次最强大的功能和最强大的; the complexity of your SharePoint environment can increase by orders of magnitude when you begin to shape it to suit your needs. This complexity can make troubleshooting SharePoint issues a daunting task, as many different data points from different sources must be correlated and analyzed.
The SharePoint Diagnostics (SPDiag) tool greatly simplifies the process of gathering and analyzing troubleshooting data, and can significantly reduce the time needed to diagnose issues. SPDiag provides administrators with a unified interface for troubleshooting SharePoint performance issues, and saves collected data and reports to a SQL Server database.
With SPDiag, you can:
Collect IIS and ULS log files, performance counter data, event logs, and WMI instrumentation data from a SharePoint farm.
Filter data to show granular information related to specific servers, Web applications, HTTP requests, event IDs, URI queries, and almost any other data points captured through supported channels.
Create custom reports that can help reveal performance trends over time.
Create snapshots of your SharePoint farm that include detailed information about your farm’s hardware, installed software and logical topology.
Export collected data and reports that can be sent to Microsoft support personnel.
SPDiag is included in the Microsoft SharePoint Administration Toolkit v3.0, available for download at the following locations:
Microsoft SharePoint Administration Toolkit v3.0 x86: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=141504
Microsoft SharePoint Administration Toolkit v3.0 x64: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=142035
Documentation for SPDiag is available from those download pages as well.
源 : SharePoint IT Pro Documentation Team
通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 2月6日, 2009 更改数据库的默认内容.
根据数据配置点击 “默认数据库服务器” 选项
通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 2月1日, 2009 SPDisposeCheck 5.0已经发布MSDN代码库, http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/SPDisposeCheck. 该工具将帮助提高您的SharePoint组件的质量. 它会检查您的SharePoint组件,并检查您是否正确处理特定的SharePoint对象 (IDisposable对象,其中包括的SPSite和SPWeb). The tool is based upon the guidance published in this MSDN article, 最佳实践: 使用一次性的Windows SharePoint Services对象
通过 Udayakumar Ethirajulu , 1月23日, 2009 即将推出的SharePoint大会
SharePoint Technology Conference
January 27–29, 2009: 伯林盖姆, CA
For three exciting days in January, 你会吃, 饮用水, 睡眠, 说话和生活微软的Office SharePoint Server和Windows SharePoint Services. 在第一天SPTechCon充满了强烈的充分和半天的研讨会, 早上的一半, 下午的一半. The next two days are filled with more than 50 break-out classes to choose from. Build your own custom program! This conference is hosted by BZ Media LLC.
SharePoint Best Practices Conference
February 2–4, 2009: San Diego, CA
The SharePoint Best Practices Conference eliminates design, 部署, organization and administration confusion, replacing disorder with Clarity, Direction and Confidence. This conference is hosted by Mindsharp.
Microsoft FASTforward ’09
February 9–11, 2009: Las Vegas, NV
3 days of compelling discussion on the evolving business environment and how search is enabling companies to succeed. This conference is hosted by Microsoft.
Microsoft MIX09
三月 18-20, 2009: Las Vegas, NV
Now in its fourth year, MIX is a unique technology conference that connects web professionals with industry thought leaders to explore the future of the Web together. This conference is hosted by Microsoft.
Microsoft Tech Ed North America 2009
五月 11-15, 2009: Los Angeles, CA
This will be the 17th year for Microsoft’s premier technical education and networking conference. Sessions and events are presented by Microsoft product team members and industry experts. This conference is hosted by Microsoft.