[Opdateer 12/07/09 to use gigantic windows live icons since the links were broken. Windows live doens’t know how to embed .wmv files that are hosted on sky drive, glo. Of, I can’t figure it out, wat miskien meer waarskynlik.]
'N Paar weke gelede, I was scanning through my twitter stream and noticed a tweet from the Microsoft BPOS team. They were looking for volunteers to do live meetings that show-cased business solutions delivered via BPOS. (Hulle is nog en as jy belangstel om dit te doen, boodskap my via live spasies en ek sal 'n inleiding).
In die loop van die voorbereiding vir die lewendige vergadering, Ek het twee aangeteken sessies geskep met behulp van Camtasia (werklik 'n wonderlike instrument, BTW).
Die eerste sessie is oor 16 minutes long and focuses almost entirely on the business solution with very little discussion about technology. Click this giagantic windlows live icon thing to download and view it:
Die tweede sessie is 'n veel langer 32 minute. It is more detailed and has more technical background info. Click this other gigantic windlows live icon thingie to view the longer recording:
The actual live session took place a few days ago. I zipped through the presentation itself and as a result, daar is 'n goeie 20 aan 30 notules van meedoënlose ( ) V&A that is a great complement to the videos I link above. When I get the recorded meeting link, I’ll post that too. I think that in combination, hulle bied 'n baie goeie basis vir die begrip BPOS en sy huidige vermoëns.
As jy enige vrae het, kontakbesonderhede is in die aanbieding self, so voel vry om my in kennis te stel via e-pos.
Volg my op Twitter http://www.twitter.com/pagalvin