People commonly ask about using a column of data type "Person or Group" in another column of data type "Calculated".
Bottom line, dit nie werk nie in WSS 3.0 (of MOSS).
Wanneer jy 'n berekende kolom, WSS shows the list of fields it allows you to use for the calculation. If you type in the name of a column that is not in its list, dit vir jou vertel:
Een of meer kolom verwysings word nie toegelaat, omdat die kolomme word gedefinieer as 'n data tipe wat nie ondersteun word in formules.
Work Around: Use an event handler. The event handler fires when the user saves the item. It performs the update you would have wanted the calculated column to do for you.
Nuttige skakels op berekende velde in die algemeen:
- Die gebruik van [Me] in 'n berekende kolom
- Voorbeelde van formule uitdrukkings (vergunning van
Vinnige disclaimer: Ek glo die bogenoemde om waar te wees en akkurate, maar ek het genoeg gesien slim truuks hier en daar in MOSS / WSS dat ek nie sou baie verbaas (nuuskierig as jy wil) if someone has figured out a way to do this without resorting to code. If you’ve figured out clever work-around or know someone that did, laat weet my asseblief!
What about using workflow with sharepoint designer? I could put person or column of data type "Person of Group" in a column with workflow. If you want to get more information about this, please send me an email.
This is quite surprising — being able to count or manipulate person information in a calculated column would be quite useful, and it’s disappoint to see a suggested work around being the deployment of custom code. I hope this is changed in the next version of Sharepoint.
Thanks for the information, Paul!