Mənim EMC həmkarı, Erik Swenson, Bu köhnəltmək ilə keçid əqidəli olunub, stand up and be counted
SharePoint marka mövzularda müxtəlif at haqqında o Blogs http://erikswenson.blogspot.com/. Some of his recent posts include interesting stuff about Photoshop, Microsoft Office kiçik biznes üçün Live, SharePoint İdarəetmə, creating custom WCM styles and so forth. He does not confine himself to branding. It’s quite an interesting mix which is a little bit different from a lot of the SharePoint blogs with which I’m familiar.
Onun RSS deyil: http://feeds.feedburner.com/SharepointBrandingDesign
Check it out and give him a little encouragement. We all need that from time to time, biz birinci həqiqətən bu blog dünyasına dalış xüsusən.
Technorati Tags: Blogging