Michael Blumenthal bir qədər qoymuşdur siqnallar və views haqqında məqalə ("Which views can be used when Creating an Alert ?"), which is interesting on its own merits. Lakin, I was even more interested to see how he methodically walks through the process of using Redgate’s .NET Reflector. Step by step, he shows how to use that tool track down how SharePoint determines whether a view on a list should be "subscribable" daha yaxşı bir söz olmaması üçün (he explains this much better than I do
SharePoint dövründə bu nöqtədə, you’d almost have to be deaf and blind to have not heard or read about using that tool. It’s advanced stuff and my own sense is that it’s in many ways a tool of last resort. Lakin, siz lazım amma həqiqətən bilmirsinizsə necə, Michael yazmaq-up bu mövzuda böyük bir tutorial kimi görünür.
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