UPDATE: MSDN hau posting ditu JXJ batetik behaketa interesgarri bere oinarritutako batzuk, batez ere ezezko, esperientziak jaisten den bide honetan: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=2623565&SiteID=1
We have a business scenario where we need to link two documents libraries via a common "document ID" Eremu.
We often use a lookup column to implements links like this. There are several drawbacks to lookup columns, diren hiru:
- Only one column from the lookup lookup library can be linked.
- Errendimendua: The source library could contain hundreds of entries. That’s too many entries in the lookup.
- Bilatu: There is no integrated search. I don’t mean in the MOSS sense of search, baina ez dago modurik bilatu behar da / dokumentuaren jatorria liburutegiko zutabe anitz iragazi eta lotura nahi duzun kokatzeko.
BDC babesten, we can use a "business data" column type and it provides a superior search and even allows multiple columns of data to appear in list views.
Izan dut planteamendu honen arrakasta aurretiko batzuk planifikatu eta horri buruz gehiago idatzi;.
Duzun lan egin bada, angelu honen aurretik eta iruzkinak edozein, mesedez share!