Itxiera honen Besterik on pentsatu tristea artikulu ondo hitz egiten du, arazo tekniko komunitate askotan aurre:
"Such dreary developments, ziur aurreikusi, ordaindu beharko da philosophically."
This puts me in mind of one of the presentations I gave at the SharePoint Best Practices conference last month. I was describing how to get "great" negozio-baldintzak eta ikusleen norbaitek galdetu, indarrean, what to do if circumstances are such that it’s impossible to get great requirements. Adibidez, jakin batean enpresaren kultura lekuak IT eskakizunak gatherer aurrean / enpresa analista, preventing direct communication with end users. This is a serious impediment to obtaining great business requirements. My answer was "walk away." I’m not a big humorist, so I was surprised at how funny this was to the audience. Hala eta guztiz ere, I’m serious about this. If you can’t get good requirements, you can be certain that a dreary outcome will result. Who wants that? I’m a consultant, beraz, errealista da (izugarri mingarria eta gogorra izan arren) for me to walk away. Hala eta guztiz ere, zu enpresa bat bada, eta lehia nahi ez, edo ezin, jaramonik, George (for once ) bidea erakusten.
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