Ezartzea Global Pop-up Jakinarazpen Sistema

Idatzi nuen artikulu bat egiteko www.sharepoint.briefing.com eskubidea "Ezartzea Global Pop-up Jakinarazpen Sistema."  Funtzio hau zen komunitate college eskola closings elurra dela eta, eta abar komunikatzeko ezarrita. 

Zerrenda pertsonalizatu bat erabiltzen du, kutxa SharePoint web zerbitzuak eta jQuery zenbait lan egiteko.

Hona hemen aurkezpenik da:


Irakurri osoa hemen gauza: http://www.sharepointbriefing.com/features/article.php/3918471/Implement-a-Global-Pop-up-Notification-System.htm


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2 buruzko gogoeta "Ezartzea Global Pop-up Jakinarazpen Sistema

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Implement a Global Pop-up Notification System « Paul Galvin's SharePoint Space -- Topsy.com

  2. Dan

    hiya, paul great write up,,, We are hopefully going to use what you have done here but put a check on it. eg.. If a member of “Contractors Group” show pop up.. I was wondering if you could publish here your source as a txt or on the screen, as on spbreifing it is a picture and I really don’t want to re-type everythign 🙂 Call me lazy


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