Bilaketa Enhanced jQuery-As-You-mota Elogio del (Jan Tielens)

BPOS demo batean ari naiz lanean (laster eskuragarri izango Microsoft-en web orrian) and I wanted to add a little pizzazz. I’ve known about Jan Tielen’s efforts for quite a while and I thought it would be a great technique to add to the demo, so I did. You can read about it here: It’s so simple to use it should probably be a crime (and maybe is somewhere).

I add just two points to what he already created / wrote about:

  1. This does, Izan ere,, work in a BPOS (SharePoint online) ingurumena.
  2. To make it work without an annoying popup message prefix the reference to the jquery library with https instead of http, bezala:
<script mota ="text/javascript" src =""></script>

Jan points out that you should probably move the library itself to your site. Feeling a little lazy today, I decided to blog about it instead 🙂


Hau nire post bat da serie-on going nola erabili jQuery SharePoint batera.
Nahi duzun jQuery buruz gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, Gomendatzen dut oso: Ekintza jQuery Bear Bibeault eta Yehuda Katz arabera.

Nire blog Harpidetu.

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