Hau nire post bat da serie-on going nola erabili jQuery SharePoint batera.
Nahi duzun jQuery buruz gehiago jakin nahi baduzu, Gomendatzen dut oso: Ekintza jQuery Bear Bibeault eta Yehuda Katz arabera.
UPDATE (dagoeneko!): Modu bat hobeto kokatu nahi nuen uste <TR> tag I want to hide and wrote about it here. You may still find this article interesting anyway so I’m leavnig it up.
I want to hide a text field, “Hide Me!” as shown:
The following jQuery does the trick for me:
<script mota ="text/javascript"> $(funtzioa() { $('Sarrera[title = Ezkutatu Me!]').gurasoa().gurasoa().gurasoa().ezkutatu(); }); </script> |
The code is saying, “find me all input fields whose title = Hide Me!. Gero, get its parent and then next parent and the *next* parent (phew!) and invoke the hide() method on that thing, whatever it happens to be.
I figured out that parent structure by viewing the HTML for the form that SharePoint created as shown:
<TR> <TD nowrap="true" valign="top" zabalera="190px" klasean="ms-formlabel"> <H3 klasean="ms-standardheader"> <nobr>Hide Me!</nobr> </H3> </TD> <TD valign="top" klasean="ms-formbody" zabalera="400px"> <!-- FieldName="Hide Me!" FieldInternalName="Hide_x0020_Me_x0021_" FieldType="SPFieldText" --> <span dir="none"> <sarrera izena="ctl00$m$g_bdb23c2c_fde7_495f_8676_69714a308d8e$ctl00$ctl04$ctl02$ctl00$ctl00$ctl04$ctl00$ctl00$TextField" mota="text" maxlength="255" id="ctl00_m_g_bdb23c2c_fde7_495f_8676_69714a308d8e_ctl00_ctl04_ctl02_ctl00_ctl00_ctl04_ctl00_ctl00_TextField" izenburua="Hide Me!" klasean="ms-long" /> <br> </span> </TD> </TR> |
Argazki hau bera erakusten, baina markatutako gurasoekin batera:
Lehen gurasoak (1) is a span tag. Span’s parent (2) TD etiketa bat da, eta, ondoren, azkenean, iritsi da benetako guraso ezkutatu nahi dut dugu (3) horrek TR Etiketa berez ez da.
This is a pretty terrible approach I think because it’s extremely dependent on the very specific structure of this form. When SharePoint 2010 ateratzen, this whole structure could change and break this approach. What I really want to do is craft a jQuery selector that is along the lines of “find me all the TR’s (and only TR tags) that have somewhere in their child elements an input field whose title = Hide Me!". I starting from the bottom and moving up. Assuming I figure this out, I’ll post an updated “quick and easy’ post.
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what about this approach for finding the parent tr? First node in the collection of ancestor nodes that are tr elements, resulting in the closest parent tr.