I tried searching for a little snippet code that would show how I can create a new SPWeb in a site collection. I didn’t find it as quickly or easily as I expected so I thought I’d slap together a little entry on the subject.
Kode hau berria Wiki gune sortzen:
SPSite siteCollection; siteCollection = berria SPSite("http://conchang-o9l8qi"); SPWeb w = siteCollection.OpenWeb(); w.Webs.Add("xyzzy", "xyzzy Title", "xyzzy description", 1033, SPWebTemplate.WebTemplateWIKI, faltsuak, faltsuak); |
My initial searches failed because I was looking for phrases like "provision a web site using sharepoint object model" and the like.
Baduzu bilatu for "Webs.Add()", blog oso erabilgarria da sarrera kopuru bat aurkituko duzu:, MSDN articles and SDK documentation that go into depth on this subject. I definitely recommend gune honetan.
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